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Ross Geller est-il le pire personnage masculin de la pop culture ? “The X-Files” Has Gone Too Far In Exploiting Violence Against Women. In Rewatching "The X-Files," One Thing is Clear: Mulder is A Real Jerk. Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny on the set of the new X-Files miniseries.

In Rewatching "The X-Files," One Thing is Clear: Mulder is A Real Jerk

Photo via Fox. When I was in junior high, I had one major extracurricular activity: watching The X-Files. I loved the spookiness and the drama surrounding FBI agents Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson) and Fox Mulder (David Duchovny). During the long summer months, I got X-Files consumption down to an efficient science. Why Chris Messina’s Mindy Project Striptease Was About More Than Just the Eye Candy. This season of The Mindy Project kicked off with a bang.

Why Chris Messina’s Mindy Project Striptease Was About More Than Just the Eye Candy

Viewers worried that Mindy Kaling’s rom-com–inspired sitcom would fizzle in its third season were in for a pleasant surprise. Kaling more than delivered on her promise that the show would be just as interesting now that the central couple moved from “will they/won’t they?” A Feminist Guide to The Killing (US) The Killing is one of those shows that I had tons of people recommend to me but I never could seem to get around watching it until the whole American version was finally up on Netflix this year.

A Feminist Guide to The Killing (US)

A few people have written in-depth feminist analysis of the lead, Detective Sarah Linden, played with incredible passion by Mireille Enos, and I could definitely spend an entire article on her. Seed & Spark: In-Betweeners: The Absence of Gender Fluidity in Media. This is a guest post by E.A.

Seed & Spark: In-Betweeners: The Absence of Gender Fluidity in Media

Francis. Why Lena Dunham's Girls can't represent every woman - and why it shouldn't have to. Hey girls, we're all the same, aren't we?

Why Lena Dunham's Girls can't represent every woman - and why it shouldn't have to

'Too Much Estrogen': The Golden Globes, Chris Christie and Men Who Don't Want to Share Culture. Unité 9 et ses auditrices lesbophobes... l'ironie toué. Divine Bianca, Hier, en revenant de la Taverne Normandie, mon bar Karaoké fétiche à Montréal, bar qui se situe à l’angle Amherst/Sainte-Catherine, dans le village gai, la rue Sainte-Catherine était illuminée par des lumières maintenant trop familières au décor du Village.

Unité 9 et ses auditrices lesbophobes... l'ironie toué

L’arc-en-ciel n’est désormais représenté que par des flashs de rouge et de bleu, rien de très festif. Il devait y en avoir une dizaine au moins, des voitures de police. Ça, c’est sans compter les ambulances et véhicules de pompiers. Féminité VS virilité dans TBBT. Féminité VS virilité dans TBBT. Thoughts on Here Comes Honey Boo Boo. Modern Love - A Life to Live, This Side of the Bars. Privileged Tour Guides and the Purpose of Media: OITNB and Facing Reality.

Disabilities Week: 'Glee's Not So Gleeful Representation of Disabled Women. This is a guest review by Erin Tatum.

Disabilities Week: 'Glee's Not So Gleeful Representation of Disabled Women

It’s no secret that Glee is offensive to pretty much anyone who isn’t an able white male. While Glee has justifiably received a lot of flak for its treatment of certain communities – notable examples include Brittany breaking up with Santana only to be shoved into a nonsensical heterosexual relationship with Sam and relegating Tina and Mike to the background as self-aware Asian stereotypes – viewers have been relatively mum with respect to Glee’s treatment of disability. Artie is Glee‘s resident disabled character, whose rampant sexism is often played for laughs as he rehearses the trope of masculine entitlement no matter how ridiculous the conditions (in this case, the assumption that his disability should normally negate his sexuality, making his womanizing ways all the more ludicrous). Sailor Moon Was The Gayest Cartoon On Television. Nerdy men and hot women: sexism in The Big Bang Theory. By Guest Blogger // 20 April 2013, 15:42 Tags: comics, fantasy, geek, science fiction, sexism, sitcom, stereotypes, television, The Big Bang Theory, TV Lucy Pegg argues that the sci-fi/fantasy genre this sit-com is based on has already moved away from the stereotypes of women it perpetuates, leaving it woefully behind.

Nerdy men and hot women: sexism in The Big Bang Theory

The Big Bang Theory is America's highest rated comedy. Une chorale de Girls. C’est dans l’air...

Une chorale de Girls

Sans nécessairement être une (petite ou grande) révolution en soi, j’ai l’impression qu’un certain discours féminin s’élève de la cohue (du moins, assez pour que ça ait jusqu’à atteindre mes oreilles de rustre pas très au fait de tous les tenants et aboutissements du féminisme). Alors que le cri de ralliement des Riot Grrrls - qui reviennent dans l’actualité via le dévoilement d’un documentaire sur Kathleen Hanna à SXSW - était particulièrement strident, les harmonies des Spice Girls ou encore des dames de Sex & The City, elles, étaient particulièrement rose bonbon et, surtout, au service des produits dérivés... Je sais, je sais, y’avait zéro revendication là-dedans, mais ça demeure des phénomènes culturels rassembleurs, bon. Localement, j’ajouterais - bien malgré elles, j’imagine - Lisa LeBlanc ainsi que les Soeurs Boulay. My Favorite Female Fictional Characters Who Love Reading. There’s no way to get me to feel an affinity with a character faster than making them a bookworm.

My Favorite Female Fictional Characters Who Love Reading

A fictional character who loves reading lets me know if that character is interested in adventure or culture or politics or wizards. It lets me know that character is probably an introvert and would probably rather be reading than doing most other useless things, like going to youth discotheques or watching football. Just kidding. The Women of The Walking Dead: A Comparative Analysis of the Comic vs. TV. *Spoiler Alert* If you’re at all like me, you’re constantly frustrated by the characterizations of the women of The Walking Dead AMC series, their choices, and their actions. The show has received significant criticism for its paternalistic attitude, its throwback gender roles, and its lack of strong, capable female characters.

Let's All Take a Deep Breath and Calm the Fuck Down About Lena Dunham. Dear Lena Dunham Haters, I’m sick of the Lena Dunham hate. I’m not referring to the criticisms of Dunham, which are—in most cases—valid and necessary critiques of her privilege, especially how that privilege translates into her work. The first season of Girls in particular either ignored people of color entirely, which is problematic enough since the show takes place in Brooklyn (a predominantly Black neighborhood), but when it did include people of color, they tended to appear as stereotypes (nannies, homeless, etc), and Dunham absolutely deserves to be called out for that. But I’m sick of the Lena Dunham hate. Just take a moment and Google the phrase “I hate Lena Dunham.” Classic Literature Film Adaptations Week: The Tragedy of Masculinity in 'Romeo + Juliet' The opening scene of Baz Luhrmann’s William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet is an intense display of masculinity. While in the original text the Capulet and Montague men draw swords and taunt one another, Luhrmann’s rivals pull guns, rev car engines, smoke, shoot and light fire to gasoline.

Woman's Work: When Women Run the Show. On the long-running TV-industry sendup 30 Rock, Liz Lemon's (Tina Fey) colleague Pete Hornberger (Scott Adsit) reveals how her show got the green light: "The only reason NBC picked up The Girlie Show was because of the flak they got from women's groups after airing the action-drama Bitch Hunter. " The ludicrously misogynistic Bitch Hunter illustrates the worst of what can happen when women are denied a seat at the network's table: hate-filled programming that glorifies violence against women. Futurama's Fanservice. Woman's Work: The Ugly Truth Behind the Beauty Premium.

On Ugly Betty, we see the title character (America Ferrara) at her most radiant when emerging from a Queens beauty parlor.

Freaks and Geeks

Buffy the vampire slayer. 2013 Golden Globes Week: The Evolution of 'The Big Bang Theory' Gender and Food Week: 'Cake Boss': A Sweet Confection with Dark Filling. Fan favorite and global hit, Cake Boss, first aired on the TLC Channel on April 19, 2009, and has returned for five consecutive seasons, building to some of the highest ratings the network had ever seen. Top 10 Queer Female Television Characters of 2012. Boys will be boys, girls will clean up « Reel Girl. Counterreading 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' Bitch Flicks: Reproduction & Abortion Week: 16 and Pregnant: Degrassi and Abortion. In Honor of the 500th Episode: Top 10 Pro-feminist Episodes of The Simpsons - Chicago Feminism and Relationships. Tropes vs. Women: #3 The Smurfette Principle.

Revenge as Postfeminist Dystopia  A Feminist Look at The Women of 'Arrested Development' Gen Y’s Classic Feminist: Lisa Simpson. 2013 Golden Globes Week: Big Bang Bust. Welcome to the Herd: A Feminist Watches My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.