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Top 9 des sociétés matriarcales dans le monde, là où les femmes sont (enfin) les boss. À l’heure où l’on parle en France de parité homme-femme, on a cherché s’il existait quelque part dans le monde, des communautés où les filles étaient naturellement perçues comme les patronnes.

Top 9 des sociétés matriarcales dans le monde, là où les femmes sont (enfin) les boss

Voici donc les quelques sociétés matriarcales où les femmes sont les vrais bonhommes. 1. Les Moso en Chine Chez cette ethnie du sud-ouest de la Chine, les hommes ne font certes pas le ménage ni la vaisselle, mais ce sont eux qui s’occupent des gamins. Enfin, pas les leurs, ceux de leurs sœurs. 2. Traditionnellement ce sont les femmes de Juchitan qui tenaient les bourses du ménage, vendant sur les marchés les fruits des récoltes rapportés par leurs époux. 3. Installés au Nord-Est de l’Inde, dans l’État du Meghalaya, les Khasi sont une des rares communautés indiennes où la naissance d’une fille est davantage fêtée que celle d’un garçon. 4. On ne va pas se mentir, cette société matriarcale ressemble plus aujourd’hui à du folklore qu’à un mode de vie pérenne. 5. 6. 7.


The Book of Worlds. Oh My Gods! – Part 1 – Dynasia. Faith – in all of its many forms – has been one of the biggest factors in forming community and law throughout our history.

Oh My Gods! – Part 1 – Dynasia

People grouping together with a common belief to worship a something greater than themselves and spreading their way of life to praise that entity. Thus, arguably one of the most important elements of a fantasy world too! Though the difference between fantasy and the real world is that God(s) can be as involved with the world as you like. In the real world, regardless of your religious stance, it can be difficult to prove if a God does or does not exists.

However in a fantasy world, a God can literally appear and proclaim their laws in front of the city; they empower their clerics and paladins to do their will and grant them holy magic; in game there are whole planes dedicated to them to exist on. Building a pantheon is perhaps my favourite part of worldbuilding, but where it fits into the process is always tricky to gauge. Monotheism Dualism The Pantheon Like this: Hang Soon Dong. The Furthest Lands: Monster Villages. Monster Villages Monster villages are the small, usually isolated habitations that occur frequently on the open terrain of the Gragot plain and other areas.

The Furthest Lands: Monster Villages

Here in the wilds a symbiotic relationship is often the best way to achieve some kind of safety. Conscious monsters will have an INT of at least 6, and are likely to be able to communicate with villagers or at least the village elder(s) in one way or another. I'm using these tables to generate the random villages players are likely to stumble across in the wilderness beyond the great cities. Hackerspace.kinja. Jami Gold, Paranormal Author. Masse volumique densite materiaux. My giant list of medieval/fantasy occupations, so far (help required). : worldbuilding. [Corvona] A human criminal mage and his Glassling partner asserting their dominance in a seedy tavern using a public display of affection. : worldbuilding.

Y’all I actually appreciate my dad a lot. What have been some of your experiences that made you love family? : CasualConversation. Khanacademy: pixar storytelling. Lifehack. Moon topography using Earth colors [OC] À la (re)découverte de... Agnieszka Lorek, artiste. The "Pomsky." The result of breeding a husky and a pomeranian. 20 World Building Questions for Authors to ask Themselves. Author at work: now is the time to ask yourself these world building questions World building is the art of convincing a reader that a fictitious place exists. What do you do if you don’t know where to start creating that illusion? Well, to get you going, here’s a list of 20 world building questions you can ask yourself to get started.

What is the geography like? Don’t fall into the Star Wars Trap of having mono-climate worlds (Tatooine = desert, Hoth = ice, Endor = forest). Why is that city there? Cities happen for reasons. What do people eat? If your world contains fantastical creatures, consider which of them are edible. Signs of a Narcissistic Mother (It's Not Easy to Spot!) A narcissistic mother is a parent with narcissistic personalty disorder who is “psychologically constructed to garner attention, be it from charisma, beauty, smarts, or finance.” 1In this definition, there exists a catch.

Signs of a Narcissistic Mother (It's Not Easy to Spot!)

When the world views a charismatic, attention-seeking woman- and chances are she will be in a powerful position for all to admire, such as a lawyer, judge, head of the PTO, etc. – the family witnesses the other, unpolished side of the coin.A narcissistic mother is a parent with narcissistic personalty disorder who is “psychologically constructed to garner attention, be it from charisma, beauty, smarts, or finance.” 1In this definition, there exists a catch.

Pathfork. 35 endroits terrestres fantastiques qu’il vous faudra visiter au moins une fois dans votre vie. Votre pays cache certainement des merveilles fabuleuses.

35 endroits terrestres fantastiques qu’il vous faudra visiter au moins une fois dans votre vie

Mais ailleurs, il y en a aussi. Le voyage forge les Hommes et les ouvre à d’autres cultures, d’autres habitudes et d’autres paysages. C’est pourquoi il est bon de voyager, tant pour aiguiser son savoir que son âme. Voici 35 endroits fabuleux sur Terre qu’il vous faudra absolument voir de vos propres yeux. Combien en avez-vous déjà vu ? 1. . © christian richter / flickr 2. 3. 4. Futuristic Clothing.