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Everyglobe. The Best Round-the-World Ticket? Last Updated: 22 Jan 2009 The recession has sparked a mass movement of recently-made-redundant, out-of-work or just plain bored-of-work people who have seized the opportunity to go and travel, live or work abroad.

The Best Round-the-World Ticket?

Applications and enquiries for all manner of foreign travels have risen, from VSO to ski instructor’s courses, from working visas for Australia, to teaching English jobs in Japan. Buying a round-the-world ticket (RTW), can be quite a bewildering experience. Fortunately, at Skyscanner, we know some friendly agents from leading travel companies who have sat down and explained the various options available to the world traveller as well as providing their recommendation for the best ticket. What is a round-the-world ticket? RoadTrip America - Road Trip Planning for North America - StumbleUpon. Time Out Worldwide - Your Guide to the Best Things to do in the World's Greatest Cities including London and New York.

Backpacking and travel info for budget travelers. - StumbleUpon. Travel Guides - World Travel Guide - StumbleUpon. Ubokia - What do YOU want? - StumbleUpon. Explore - see where you can go for how much.