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Top 10 Mormon Problems Explained. 4.0 - Why I left Mormonism - Do We Filter Reality? Mormon Sexual Repression – One family’s experience with pornography. Face the Facts. Joseph Smith lied about this.

Face the Facts

This is from the official church newspaper Elders' Journal in 1838. You can read it in the official History of the Church, volume 3, page 28. My Rejected Ensign Article. I was pondering once about how everything on earth seems to have a purpose and how it seems to be perfectly designed for our benefit, a good example being the banana, a natural food that is healthy and fits perfectly in my perfectly designed hand on my perfectly designed body.

My Rejected Ensign Article

Bananas being a perfect food should be eaten frequently, so I eat a lot of them! But one day, I noticed something seemed to be off. I wasn't feeling the spiritually upbeat feelings that I have always felt. And I soon found myself on the toilet trying to poop but I couldn't. I pushed as hard as I could. It caused me to doubt for a moment if God had really made everything perfect. I was having a crisis of faith. But then, something amazing happened, which gave me pause and later shame for feeling any doubts. What I was witnessing first hand, was a natural cleansing process. Mormon: Resigning your Mormon Church membership and cancel temple sealings. I'm reposting this here on the main board from another thread for those of you who might be interested.

Mormon: Resigning your Mormon Church membership and cancel temple sealings

This question comes up often here and there's a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to the parameters of membership resignation and/or excommunication and the cancellation of temple sealings. My ex-wife and I were married in the temple in 1980 and separated and divorced in 1990. We had a daughter together and have remained committed over the years to being civil with each other for her sake. Leaving the Mormon Church. The Salamander Society. Mormon Apostle Dallin Oaks Has No Moral Authority to Lecture Anyone on Civil Rights. Before hypocritical Mormon Church leaders such as Dallin H(olier-Than-Thou) Oaks attempt a likening of rising resistance in the face of the Mormon Church's ugly anti-gay political activism and doctrine to Southern bigotry against African-Americans during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, they would do well to review the bigoted historical record of the Mormon Church itself for evidence of virulent anti-Black denunciations of that very civil rights movement--denunciations that were allowed by the Mormon Church to be vociferously voiced by one of its leading and most outspoken apostles in contemporary times of racial animosity, my grandfather Ezra Taft Benson.

Mormon Apostle Dallin Oaks Has No Moral Authority to Lecture Anyone on Civil Rights

Oh, pleeeeeeze. Why I Left the Mormon Church. I left the Mormon church in 1958, when I was 25 years old.

Why I Left the Mormon Church

That was a long time ago: David O. McKay was the prophet, seer and revelator. There were only eight temples, and none of them owned a movie projector. Every ward had its own meeting house, Sunday school was at 10:30 a.m, and sacrament meeting was at 7:00 p.m. There were no black people in the church (at least none were visible). Why, after all these years, would I still be concerned, then, about Mormonism? There are several reasons: First, I am descended from a long line of faithful Mormons. Second, my family are still faithful Mormons, almost all, including my parents, my brothers and sisters, my older children, my grandchildren, my nieces and nephews. The Benson's reasons for leaving the LDS church. It was November 1993.

The Benson's reasons for leaving the LDS church

Over a month had passed since we told the Mormon Church to remove our names from its membership rolls. Church leaders had been imploring us to reconsider, warning of their 'great concern' should we leave 'the Lord's Church.' We insisted that our decision was final. Church authorities eventually relented and decided not to banish us through excommunication, but instead they 'allowed' us to leave. Book review and links related to Mormon Polygamy: A History by Richard Van Wagoner. "Van Wagoner has made an important contribution to the study of Mormon polygamy. . . .

book review and links related to Mormon Polygamy: A History by Richard Van Wagoner

This topic continues to be of historical as well as current interest, and this volume helps to put the doctrine and the practice into focus. " -- Utah Historical Quarterly. January 5, 1982 letter from the LDS first presidency mentioning the unnatural, impure, and unholy practice of oral sex. Let's Be Nice - The Mormon Facade. Brent Metcalfe - New Approaches to the Book of Mormon Explorations in Critical Methodology. This book (which is already available in normal print through the above link) is now out on a CD-ROM.

Brent Metcalfe - New Approaches to the Book of Mormon Explorations in Critical Methodology

You can also read it online for free here. A review of this book and the rebuttal by FARMS is provided by Todd Compton in the September 1996 issue of Sunstone. Compton's take was basically that FARMS needs to give up on the ad hominem attacks and stick to the facts. from the publisher: When Joseph Smith presented the Book of Mormon for sale in early 1830, questions surfaced regarding its claim to be an authentic ancient history of the Americas. In this much-anticipated ten-essay compilation, Brent Metcalfe outlines the broad contours of contemporary scholarship as it continues to examine issues of antiquity.