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The Levity Effect | Adrian Gostick & Scott Christopher. Temple Grandin: The world needs all kinds of minds. Tinkerbell effect. The Tinkerbell effect is an American English expression describing things that are thought to exist only because people believe in them. The effect is named for Tinker Bell, the fairy in the play Peter Pan who is revived from near death by the belief of the audience. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] Vsauce, How Much Money is there on Earth? Best Teacher I Ever Had. Best Teacher I Ever Had by David Owen Extracted from Reader's Digest (Asian Edition), April 1991, pp. 47-48.

Mr. Whitson taught sixth-grade science. When he returned my paper, I was shocked. Very simple, Mr. Needless to say, we were outraged. We should have figured it out, Mr. Mr. Every class was an adventure with Mr. We carried our brand-new skepticism into all our classes. If I'm ever asked to propose a solution to the problems in our schools, it will be Mr. Not everyone sees the value in this. TheRSAorg's Channel. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms.

RSA Animate - Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us.