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25 awesome apps for teachers, recommended by teachers. What are the best apps for teachers?

25 awesome apps for teachers, recommended by teachers

We asked TED-Ed Innovative Educators and the TED-Ed community. Below, 25 awesome apps recommended for teachers, by teachers. For teaching students how to present, create and code TED-Ed More than 250,000 teachers use TED education tools to spark student curiosity and explore presentation literacy skills. “TED-Ed is an outstanding resource in my classroom,” says TED-Ed Innovative Educator Jennifer Hesseltine.

Haikudeck Students can create beautiful presentations with this app. Duolingo If the benefits of a bilingual brain motivate your students, try this app. Edutopia. ¿Jugamos? ¡Descifra el código! □... - Ayuda para maestros. Cartas de presentación de profesores y maestras - cvExpres. List of Resume and Cover Letter Keywords. It’s always a good idea to use keywords in your resume and cover letters.

List of Resume and Cover Letter Keywords

Using the right keywords not only shows what you have accomplished in previous jobs, it also helps your application materials get selected by the software and hiring managers who screen your documents. What Are Keywords? From the job seeker perspective, keywords are the words job seekers use to search for available positions. Teaching Skills List For Resumes And Cover Letters. When you're writing resumes and cover letters and applying for teaching jobs, there are certain skills that schools and other organizations that hire teachers expect you to have.

Teaching Skills List For Resumes And Cover Letters

While many skills required for a teaching job depend on the school and the grade you are teaching, there are a number of skills needed for almost any teaching position. Below is a list of five teaching skills that employers often want in a teacher, as well as a longer list of other teaching skills. How to Use Skills Lists You can use these skills lists throughout your job search process. Firstly, you can use these skill words in your resume. LearnEnglish Kids. BusyTeacher: Free Printable Worksheets For Busy English Teachers. 12 tiny tips for writing lesson plans. I recently took a CELTA extension course for teaching young learners. The course went well and I quite enjoyed writing formal lesson plans again. 15 plantillas para hacer infografías en powerpoint. 5 herramientas para crear revistas escolares interactivas.

6 herramientas para crear líneas de tiempo. La videoconferencia como elemento educativo - 5 herramientas para realizar cursos por videoconferencia. Muchas veces por compromisos profesionales o personales los profesores impartimos nuestros conocimientos solamente dentro del aula, pero la flexibilidad que nos da Internet y las nuevas tecnologías nos han abierto el camino para compartir el conocimiento fuera del aula en forma de cursos especializados y llegar a más gente.

La videoconferencia como elemento educativo - 5 herramientas para realizar cursos por videoconferencia

Con la posibilidad de conectarnos desde cualquier dispositivo desde cualquier lugar, los cursos presenciales disminuyen y se está dando un desarrollo espectacular de los cursos online, en especial aquellos impartidos por videoconferencia ya que tienen lo mejor de los dos mundos: la accesibilidad y flexibilidad de los cursos online, pero la cercanía del docente, el enriquecimiento de las preguntas de todos los alumnos y la retroalimentación en tiempo real. 5 aplicaciones online para crear mapas mentales gratis. 100 herramientas TIC para aulas offline o desconectadas. Critical Thinking: A Path to College and Career. 9 trucos para mejorar tu pronunciación en inglés - El Blog de Idiomas. La pronunciación en inglés es uno de los puntos más complicados para alcanzar el nivel de inglés de un verdadero nativo, y para los hispano hablantes más aún, acostumbrados a una pronunciación literal, los cambios de pronunciación del inglés nos confunden y consiguen que más de uno se frustre con el idioma anglosajón.

9 trucos para mejorar tu pronunciación en inglés - El Blog de Idiomas

Por ello, vamos a explicar unos trucos para mejorar tu pronunciación del inglés con un poco de humor, que nunca viene mal. CÓMO FUNCIONA QA DISTILLER, EL SECRETO DE LAS AGENCIAS - Decalero. ‘Get to know you’ questions. I use this activity as a ‘get to know you’ with new classes and it can be adapted for any level.

‘Get to know you’ questions

It can also serve as revision for question forms which I’ll come back to at the end. This idea originated from a development session I attended at IH ILC Brno and it has altered over time to become the activity below. 3 Classroom Tools to Measure Student Learning. Formative assessment is vital to teachers in any classroom environment.

3 Classroom Tools to Measure Student Learning

Teachers have been formatively assessing students for years, because we must know what our students know in order to help them understand what they do not know. Do you know what I mean?! Fortunately, many classrooms are charging into the 21st century with technology initiatives. Whether your technology program has created a 1:1 environment, a BYOD system, or you have access to only a few devices in your classroom, these three tech tools will help you engage your students while simultaneously gauging their understanding of concepts.

Strategies and Resources for Supporting English-Language Learners. "The hardest part of living in a different country is the language barrier.

Strategies and Resources for Supporting English-Language Learners

Because you know you have to learn the language in order to survive. " – Betina Johnson Being an English-language learner in the United States is no honeymoon. Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup. Resources by Topic: OER, a part of the global open content movement, are shared teaching, learning, and research resources available under legally recognized open licenses -- free for people to reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute.

Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup

Why are OER important? High-quality OER can save teachers significant time and effort on resource development and advance student learning inside and outside the classroom. Further, open sharing of resources has the potential to fuel collaboration, encourage the improvement of available materials, and aid in the dissemination of best practices. Home - DreamreaderDreamreader.

Dictionary definitions you can understand - YourDictionary. Advanced English reading resources from Linguapress. Get the Free app !

Advanced English reading resources from Linguapress

Get instant access to the Linguapress English grammar for android phones and tablets from Google Play store. Free app; no intrusive ads, no login. 53 Ways to Check for Understanding. The basics of English. Writing: Organising ideas. FCE Exam Practice Tests and Study Guides. Teaching. Essay Writing. Conjunctions. Enjoyable teaching! How to help English learners read more quickly. Why is the ability to read for gist important for many learners of English and how can they develop this skill? Eleni Pappa, a British Council teacher in Greece, provides the answers. What is reading for gist? Gist is the overall meaning, the core idea, of a spoken or written discourse. English news and easy articles for students of English.

Basic reading comprehension exercises - easy texts - elementary level. TeachingEnglish. Probably you agree that these little things make a lot of difference and it is with good reason why people spend time, money and energy to get the right small objects to help them put themselves and their loved ones into the right mood. Why use speaking aids Post-it notes Walls Coloured paper Small objects To control turn-taking As metaphors Conclusion Why use speaking aids In contrast, we often expect that our students have the right mood to speak without having anything that would help them to be in the right mood to speak, or any prompt that would help the flow of ideas.

These small prompts or small speaking aids get especially important when children get into the age when they want to speak about themselves more than e.g. about the little animals or fairies in a tale. 10 Recommended Books for the CELTA Course. It has been a number years since I took the CELTA Course, at least seven years since I actually completed the course at the British Council Seoul. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet other Native English Speaker Teachers (NESTS) and Non-Native English Speaker Teachers (NNESTS) resident in Korea wishing to develop professionally as teachers.

We all shared our commitment to the profession and wanted to improve our skills as teachers. I enjoyed the course so much that I created a CELTA Group on Facebook to keep in touch with the other trainees. Anyhow, I have been thinking about books that were recommended before starting the course, as well as books that I have come across after the CELTA course, and I thought a blog post suggesting potential books to aid the CELTA trainee would suffice. 1. The first book, Learning Teaching, that was recommended for trainees as part of pre-reading and preparation before as well as during the CELTA course. 2.

Vocabulary and autonomy. The general aim is to involve the students in a more autonomous fashion in their learning, rather than simply having them presented with word lists selected by the teacher or syllabus. The role of vocabulary teachingHow can teachers help their learners? Self-initiated independent learningFormal practiceFunctional practiceMemorizingBest approachPractical activitiesReferences The role of vocabulary teachingIn the context of learning English as a foreign language, a learner is forced to be autonomous and independent and make conscious effort to learn vocabulary outside the classroom simply because the exposure to the target language is limited in class. Study break.

Oxford Living Grammar. Listening exams. Skills. Ejercicios y actividades imprimibles para aprender espa?ol e ingl?s. Serie how to. 25 maps that explain the English language. English is the language of Shakespeare and the language of Chaucer. It’s spoken in dozens of countries around the world, from the United States to a tiny island named Tristan da Cunha.

It reflects the influences of centuries of international exchange, including conquest and colonization, from the Vikings through the 21st century. Here are 25 maps and charts that explain how English got started and evolved into the differently accented languages spoken today. The origins of English 1) Where English comes from English, like more than 400 other languages, is part of the Indo-European language family, sharing common roots not just with German and French but with Russian, Hindi, Punjabi, and Persian. Helping IELTS Students Practice Phonetics at Home for Free. IELTS Pronunciation If you look at the IELTS speaking marking criteria, you will notice that pronunciation makes up 25% of the total marks.

In other words, it is difficult get a high band score in your speaking test without good pronunciation. Many students believe that good pronunciation is the same as having a ‘native English accent’. This is one of the most common misconceptions and students should not worry about having a British or American accent. According to the marking criteria, it is more important to be: easy to understand anduse a wide range of pronunciation features. Vocabulary Exercise Index. Writing for a Purpose. Mobile. CAE Writing Part 1: A Formal Essay. Follow me on twitter @RobbioDobbio Photo Credit: This is a lesson plan to help students approach and complete the new formal essay task in the CAE writing paper. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 50 Great EdTech Tools for Teachers and Educators.