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Twisten.FM :: Listen to Twitter. Twtpoll :: a simple survey/poll twitter app. TweetGrid - by jazzychad. Twollars. TwtQpon :: create twitter coupons for your business. Comment les marques peuvent utiliser Twitter ? - Marketing Digit. A Secret to Writing Posts that Go Viral on Twitter. Twtbase - Twitter Application Database. Twitter en chiffres : Analyse d'audience. Le micro-bloging suscite depuis son apparition beaucoup d’intérêt. Moi-même, je suis assez fan, ce qui me suivent sur Twitter m’y vois très souvent. Autrefois réservé plutôt au technophile, les marques essaient désormais d’y trouver leur place. Y a-t-il vraiment un intérêt marketing ? C’est souvent la question qui remonte au cours des discussions.

Twitter aux Etats Unis : 11% des internautes américains ont un compte de micro-blogging (Décembre 2008) Quelques constats : Les utilisateurs de Twitter sont des mobinautes : En effet, 14% des utilisateurs qui ont accès à l’internet sans fil via un ordinateur ou un mobile ont utilisés un service comme Twitter. Sources : Etude Pew Internet. Graphin' Your Stats. Twittonary | A Twitter Dictionary. Map of Popular Super Bowl Words Used on Twitter - Interactive Gr. Twitter for Dummies: Home. 15 façons de dire non aux twitters snobs. Le twitter snob multiplie les followers mais n'écoute que lui-même et une petite cour de happy few. Comment profiter de Twitter, en échappant à ces twitter snobs et en évitant d'en devenir un soi-même ? Si après avoir lu ce billet, vous avez encore envie d'engager la conversation avec nous, ne craignez rien ... on vous répondra ;-) on n'est pas des twitter snobs. Qu'est-ce qu'un Twitter snob ?

On a dit et répété que Twitter serait le phénomène social de 2009, avec sans doute un succès comparable à celui de Facebook en 2008 ou de myspace en 2007. Rappelons que sur Twitter, vous suivez les propos de vos followings et que vos followers eux suivent vos babillages, que l'on appelle aussi tweets ou updates. Oui, mais Twitter n'est qu'un outil de plus, alors ce qui compte avant tout c'est de savoir comment bien l'utiliser.

L'usage très commun de l'e-mail nous a fait connaître une nouvelle catégorie de sinistres individus : les spammers. Comment définir le twitter snob ? Exemples à suivre ? 1. 2. 3. BravoYoplait. 9 Ways Twitter Can Help in the Real World. We already know the networking and business benefits of using Twitter. Sure, you can meet new business contacts, drive traffic to your website and share intimate moments with all of your followers. But how can a social network that depends on millions of 140 character statements help someone in the real world? Well, the possibilities are endless. From having someone local bring you a tank of gas when you’ve run out, to shacking up with a friend on a conference excursion, here's a list of ways Twitter can save you money, time, and increase your real world social skills.

How has Twitter helped you in the real world? Share your experiences in the comments. 1. This might not work all the time, and perhaps you keep up a little better with your gas gauge than I do. 2. So you’re at the movie theatre (or on your way) and you still haven’t decided between The Curious Case of Benjamin Button or Slumdog Millionaire. 3.

About to leave the house? 4. This is my favorite “real life” use for Twitter. 5. CAP24. Tech Central - Times Online - WBLG: London is the top tweet city. 140 Characters » How Twitter Was Born. Twitter was born about three years ago, when @Jack, @Biz, @Noah, @Crystal, @Jeremy, @Adam, @TonyStubblebine, @Ev, me (@Dom), @Rabble, @RayReadyRay, @Florian, @TimRoberts, and @Blaine worked at a podcasting company called Odeo, Inc. in South Park, San Francisco. The company had just contributed a major chunk of code to Rails 1.0 and had just shipped Odeo Studio, but we were facing tremendous competition from Apple and other heavyweights. Our board was not feeling optimistic, and we were forced to reinvent ourselves. “Rebooting” or reinventing the company started with a daylong brainstorming session where we broke up into teams to talk about our best ideas.

I was lucky enough to be in @Jack’s group, where he first described a service that uses SMS to tell small groups what you are doing. We happened to be on top of the slide on the north end of South Park. It was sunny and brisk. I remember that @Jack’s first use case was city-related: telling people that the club he’s at is happening. The Most Popular Twitter Acronyms. BubbleTweet - Add A Video Message To Your Twitter Page. - Who's not following you back? Who aren.

How to Track Twitter Clicks and Get Conversion Data. How do you track what links are being clicked on on Twitter? Today Hendry Lee (follow him at @hendrylee) shares some tips on how to do it. Much of Twitter is about communication with your peers and meeting new people. I’ve seen many social media marketers claim that in fact conversation is the only thing that matters in Twitter. I won’t go into detail about it in this post, but no matter what people say, marketers can only track numbers. And without tracking, there is no way to measure how effective social media is to your business. Based on the latest data from Hitwise, Twitter still continues to grow despite outages and other issues. Twitter’s growth and the ability to drive traffic via Twitter is two different things, but Jason Calacanis, for instance, blogged that Twitter was sending over 20,000 people a month to his web site The Problem with Tracking Traffic from Twitter Before I start, let me elaborate a bit about the challenge for tracking Twitter.

Source (utm_source). Twitter Grader | Get Your Twitter Ranking. 40 of the Best Twitter Brands and the People Behind Them. We all know brands are using Twitter — whether or not you want them around. Some of them don't quite get the medium and just tweet self-serving links or marketing speak, but you won't find any of those brands here. We've handpicked 40 of the best brands experimenting with the micro-blogging platform, and asked them a few short questions about how they're using Twitter.

If some of their responses seem short, well that's because they are. I asked each brand correspondent to answer our queries in 140 characters or less. Smart brands use Twitter in meaningful ways, and most of them use their brand name as a way to make sure customers can find and recognize them. And if you're a brand that didn't make our list, let us know why your tweets deserve consideration in the comments.

Cars Who cares what a car company has to say in 140 characters or less, right? Chevrolet Twitter Name: AdamDenison Stats: 156 following/573 followers Ford Twitter Name: ScottMonty Stats: 8,425 following/8,494 followers Honda. Gestionnaire multi-comptes Twitter et veille marketing | Splitwe. Blog » Twingly inaugurating world’s first federated microblog se. This is it! Today we’re launching Twingly Microblog Search. We’ve been microblogging for a couple of years now at Twingly. Mostly at Jaiku because it’s been the service of choice for new-media-people here in Sweden but we have our own Twitter and since Twitter is becoming bigger and bigger here in Sweden, we’ve been more active there lately.

When we last summer started to see the microblogging-hype we felt that a search dedicated to microblogs would be a quite natural development for us. We like Twitter Search and been using it a lot, especially at conferences and when news like Mumbai were having the best news source at Twitter. But because we used Jaiku ourselves it wasn’t what we needed in many cases. Today we’re proud to launch our own microblog search with both Twitter, Jaiku,, Pownce (which is sadly closed but we still have a lot of data indexed so we keeped it) and even some local microblogging platforms like the Swedish Bloggy and the German Bleeper. DoesFollow - - Find out who follows whom on Twitt.

ScreenToaster - Free online screen recorder: create screencasts, Web Development Project Estimator. Emilie Ogez » Vous avez dit Twitter ? En 2009 ? Twick Size - How big is your Twick? Massive Scrape of Twitter’s Friend Graph « - We’ve posted several Twitter datasets on Infochimps. Take a look and build something cool! We’ve taken the data down for the moment, at Twitter’s request.

STAY CALM. They want to support research on the twitter graph, but feel that since this is users’ data there should be terms of use in place. We’ve taken the data down while those terms are formulated. The infochimps have gathered a massive scrape of the Twitter friend graph. (These and other details will be updated as further drafts are released. The data is offline at the moment pending some TOS from Big huge thanks to they have given us permission to share this freely. THE FILES ARE HUGE. If you have access to a cluster with Hadoop and Pig it’s highly, highly recommended. Description of objects and fields: All the files are Tab Separated (TSV) files. Users: Partial Users: 8.1 million sightings of 2.7M unique users. Random Notes: Twopular - popular trends on twitter.

Twilert - Twitter search alerts via email. We Are Social organise le premier Twestival à Paris | we are soc. Encore réservé il y a peu de temps à la communauté ‘geek’, Twitter fait de plus en plus d’adeptes, y compris le futur président des Etats Unis Barack Obama pour qui le @BarackObama faisait tout simplement partie intégrante de sa campagne de communication. Créé il y a presque 3 ans à San Francisco, Twitter est un outil de micro-blogging qui, bien qu’encore niche, connait une croissance exponentielle. Selon Twitterfact, le nombre d’utilisateurs de Twitter dans le monde est passé de 2 millions à la fin juin 2008 à 3 millions à la fin septembre 2008. A ce jour, toujours selon les prédictions de Twitterfact, il y aurait environ 6 millions d’utilisateurs Twitter (faute de statistiques récentes sur le sujet c’est malheureusement la seule source que nous avons pu trouver). Encore selon Twitterfact, il y avait environ 6,200 utilisateurs Twitter en France fin juin 2008.

Bloguer ou Twitter ? Si vous avez aimé ce post, pourquoi ne pas vous abonner aux infos de We Are Social par email ou flux ? Tweetburner - track links you share on Twitter, and Friendfeed t. Quel usage professionnel pour Twitter ? Tout le monde entendu parlé de, ce service de MicroBlogging qui permet d’envoyer des messages de 140 caractères à ses correspondants. Mais cet outil ne s’est pas encore démocratisé, et il est encore l’apanage d’une minorité férue de technologie.

Pourtant cet outil recèle un énorme potentiel pour trouver des clients, améliorer le référencement d’un site internet, garder le contact avec ses prospects… C’est pourquoi nous allons vous présenter comment utiliser Twitter pour un usage professionnel. Pourquoi utiliser Twitter ? Au départ Twitter est un outil dont on ne voit pas trop l’intérêt, car si on veut envoyer un message il y a les emails, si on veut gérer ses contacts il y a Facebook, si on veut chatter il y a MSN, si on veut écrire des articles il y a les blogs et pour partager des liens intéressants il y a les Digg Likes… Alors pourquoi Twitter ? Tout simplement un peu tout cela en même temps !

Voici quelques chiffres sur Twitter de : 10 Ways Twitter Will Change Blog Design in 2009. Rachel Cunliffe runs blog design company cre8d design and is co-founder of TV community network Throng. In 2008, Twitter really started to hit the mainstream and bloggers began adding widgets to their sidebars to display their latest tweets. In 2009, Twitter will become much more tightly integrated with the rest of the blog in a variety of ways - watch out for tweetbacks and tweetstats to make their debut, and tweet comments to TwitterRolls to start appearing on blogs.

Here are 10 ways Twitter will impact blogs this year. Have your own predictions? Add them to the comments. 1. Bloggers will start to add "Tweetbacks" to their blog posts. Options will include: Showing what tweeters are saying about the postReplies to those tweets from othersShowing who is tweeting the postShowing the tweeters' avatarsOrdering tweeters by Twitter influenceMixing tweets in with comments, rather than displaying them separately 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Twitdom » The Twitter Applications Database. Historical Tweets. - The zooming presentation editor. 5 règles d’or à ne pas suivre sur Twitter - Darklg Blog. Note du propriétaire : Cet article est à 200% ironique. Si vous êtes dans le marketing et que vous débutez sur Twitter, faites exactement le contraire des titres de cet article.

Les éventuels liens sont des illustrations de mes propos, et non pas des cibles #1 Ne remerciez jamais. Ne répondez jamais. C’est bien connu, on pose une question sur Twitter, et la réponse tombe comme par magie dans les 5 minutes qui suivent. Vous remerciez Google, vous ? Alors pourquoi remercier quelqu’un qui vous a aidé ? #2 Publiez une tonne de Twitts sans lever le petit doigt La procédure est simple, alors dans l’ordre de Cool-Attitude : #2.1 Ajoutez un TwitterFeed sur un flux RSS Discutable selon les cas.#2.2 Ajoutez un TwitterFeed sur un flux RSS de commentaires.Ca marche pas mal.#2.3 Ajoutez un TwitterFeed sur un flux RSS de votes sur un Digg-Like. .

#3 Suivez le plus de personnes possibles. #4 Essayez le Direct Message de masse. Souligné par Christophe Lefevre de chez Techdrends, il offre un ROI énorme ! Online Mind Mapping - MindMeister. PeopleBrowsr. ZuiPrezi zooming presentation editor.