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Just Released: 100+ New Studies Demonstrating the Risks of Fracking. A partnership encompassing nationwide medical and public health experts and scientists released the third edition of the Compendium of Scientific, Medical and Media Findings Demonstrating Risks and Harms of Fracking.

Just Released: 100+ New Studies Demonstrating the Risks of Fracking

The compendium, the first two editions of which were important in highlighting the science in New York before the ban was announced, compiles and summarizes hundreds of peer-reviewed studies and other important findings on fracking. The emerging science, including more than 100 studies after New York’s ban was announced, further shows that Gov.

PSE Healthy Energy. Updated July 2015 download working paper (Revised June 2015) download infographic (Revised July 2015)

PSE Healthy Energy

Forget Almond Farms, THIS Is The Reason California Is In A Water Crisis. TRS_Blog_DTOP_BelowTitle_336x280 posted By L.

Forget Almond Farms, THIS Is The Reason California Is In A Water Crisis

D. California is sinking –– quickly and with insufficient government reaction. New York warning over Lancashire County Council fracking vote - BBC News. A US environmental group has written to Lancashire County Council urging it to refuse permission to allow test drilling for fracking.

New York warning over Lancashire County Council fracking vote - BBC News

The letter, signed by 850 elected officials in New York State, comes days before the council decides whether to approve test drilling at two locations. Fracking poses 'significant' risk to humans and should be temporarily banned across EU, says new report - Environment. 38 Degrees. What's Killing the Babies of Vernal, Utah? 'No shale gas revolution in Europe' - BBC News. Majority of MEPs support fracking moratorium in symbolic vote. A majority of MEPs supported a moratorium on fracking for shale gas for the first time on Wednesday, in a symbolic vote that may nonetheless signal uncertainty ahead for the European Commission and industry.

Majority of MEPs support fracking moratorium in symbolic vote

The report containing the amendment vote was not adopted and the result will have no practical effect. But anti-shale parliamentarians say that they have put the issue back on the agenda and now plan to push for a more consequential vote on the issue. “We have sent a clear political message to the Commission and shown that there is a majority in parliament for further steps and actions, which may now be expected,” the Green MEP, Benedek Javor, told the Guardian. 'No shale gas revolution in Europe' - BBC News. WATCH: Nebraska farmer silences oil and gas committee with invitation to drink water tainted by fracking. Fracking will ruin sacred, preserved sites in the ‘American cradle of civilization’ - lawsuit — RT USA. Frackogram_2015-A3.pdf.

The effect of natural gas supply on US renewable energy and CO2 emissions. Figure 1 shows the experts' estimated curves of maximum, minimum, and expected natural gas supply.

The effect of natural gas supply on US renewable energy and CO2 emissions

The supply curves span more than an order of magnitude, with between 1 × 1013 m3 and 11 × 1013 m3 (355–3900 trillion ft3) of gas available at a wellhead price of $4.74 per gigajoule (GJ) ($5 per million Btu), and between 2.7 × 1013 m3 and 30 × 1013 m3 (960–10 400 trillion ft3) expected at a wellhead price of $47.35 per GJ ($50 per million Btu). The experts' supply curves are within the range of previous estimates, but tend toward high supply at a given price [11, 25, 26]. We used the mean of the experts' expected, maximum, and minimum supply curves to define reference, high, and low gas supply scenarios, respectively (figure 1). The percentage differences between these scenarios (e.g., high supply is 32% greater than reference supply at $35 per million Btu in figure 1) were then used to adjust the default gas prices in MARKAL (see appendix B of [22]).

Figure 1. How Hillary Clinton's State Department sold fracking to the world. One icy morning in February 2012, Hillary Clinton’s plane touched down in the Bulgarian capital, Sofia, which was just digging out from a fierce blizzard.

How Hillary Clinton's State Department sold fracking to the world

Wrapped in a thick coat, the secretary of state descended the stairs to the snow-covered tarmac, where she and her aides piled into a motorcade bound for the presidential palace. That afternoon, they huddled with Bulgarian leaders, including prime minister Boyko Borissov, discussing everything from Syria’s bloody civil war to their joint search for loose nukes. But the focus of the talks was fracking. The previous year, Bulgaria had signed a five-year, $68m deal, granting US oil giant Chevron millions of acres in shale gas concessions. Bulgarians were outraged. Clinton urged Bulgarian officials to give fracking another chance. How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking to the World. Clinton urged Bulgarian officials to give fracking another chance.

How Hillary Clinton's State Department Sold Fracking to the World

According to Borissov, she agreed to help fly in the "best specialists on these new technologies to present the benefits to the Bulgarian people. " But resistance only grew. Pro-fracking newspaper ad banned by Advertising Standards Authority. Why US fracking companies are licking their lips over Ukraine.

The way to beat Vladimir Putin is to flood the European market with fracked-in-the-USA natural gas, or so the industry would have us believe.

Why US fracking companies are licking their lips over Ukraine


Duke Energy Must Immediately Stop Polluting Groundwater In North Carolina, Judge Rules. By Katie Valentine "Duke Energy Must Immediately Stop Polluting Groundwater In North Carolina, Judge Rules" Coal ash swirls on the surface of the Dan River.

Duke Energy Must Immediately Stop Polluting Groundwater In North Carolina, Judge Rules

CREDIT: AP Photo/Gerry Broome A North Carolina county judge ruled Thursday that Duke Energy must immediately act to stop groundwater contamination coming from its 14 coal-fired power plants in the state. The ruling, issued by Judge Paul Ridgeway, directs Duke to come up with a plan to clean up sites that have been contaminated by leaking coal ash ponds, reversing a 2012 North Carolina Environmental Management Commission ruling that Duke wasn’t required to immediately clean up contaminated groundwater from its operations. 4 states confirm water pollution from drilling. PITTSBURGH (AP) — In at least four states that have nurtured the nation's energy boom, hundreds of complaints have been made about well-water contamination from oil or gas drilling, and pollution was confirmed in a number of them, according to a review that casts doubt on industry suggestions that such problems rarely happen.

TWO mass bird die offs near gas wells in Arlington and now Burleson TX. I live at ground zero for urban drilling. New study: Babies near gas wells more likely to have birth defects. Shale gas drilling's dirty secret is out. Explosion at Fracking Well Sparks Fire Set to Rage for Days. An explosion at a natural gas fracking well in Pennsylvania on Tuesday has sent one person to the hospital, left one person injured and sparked a fire that could take days to contain. National Bioneers Conference.