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1900 - 1939 (WWI, Prohibition, Depression, etc)

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Search Results: "" - Prints & Photographs Online Catalog. Forward Together: SC in WWI. Photogrammar. :::Civil Works Administration Photographs. Home » Civil Works Administration Photographs The New Deal under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt attempted to provide recovery and relief from the Great Depression by the establishment of a number of emergency relief programs. The Civil Works Administration was a subdivision of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration which provided work relief for a large number of men during the winter of 1933 and 1934. Photographs depicting CWA projects in the state of Washington include road construction and improvements, bridge construction and maintenance, waterway improvements, playfield and park improvements, water and sewage pipeline repairs, school maintenance projects, hospital and nursing activities, and airport improvements.

Despite the efforts of the CWA and similar programs, unemployment persisted in the early years of Roosevelt's presidency. By the end of 1934, about one-sixth of the entire country was still on relief. About the Database. Table of Contents | Temperance & Prohibition. The Roaring Twenties.