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Addicted to Your iPhone? You’re Not Alone. Nos 50 tactiques pour passer moins de temps sur les écrans. The Useless Agony of Going Offline. Last month, shortly before five in the afternoon on Christmas Day, a man from Indiana fell to his death from atop an ocean lookout at Sunset Cliffs, in San Diego.

The Useless Agony of Going Offline

He was, at the time, according to news accounts, focussed solely on an electronic device—a phone, or perhaps a camera—and seems to have simply walked off the precipice, plummeting more than forty feet to the jagged rocks below. Headlines referred to the thirty-three-year-old as “Distracted Man,” “Man Engrossed in Cellphone,” and, perhaps most odiously, “Guy Looking at Device,” but his name was Joshua M. Sherry Turkle: Connected, but alone? "Les nouvelles technologies réclament une certaine hygiène de vie" Nous assistons à une pathologisation de notre rapport à la technologie.

"Les nouvelles technologies réclament une certaine hygiène de vie"

LA MAÎTRISE DE LA VIE PRIVÉE À L’HEURE DU DIGITAL. The Disconnectionists. “Unplugging” from the Internet isn’t about restoring the self so much as it about stifling the desire for autonomy that technology can inspire Once upon a pre-digital era, there existed a golden age of personal authenticity, a time before social-media profiles when we were more true to ourselves, when the sense of who we are was held firmly together by geographic space, physical reality, the visceral actuality of flesh.

The Disconnectionists

Without Klout-like metrics quantifying our worth, identity did not have to be oriented toward seeming successful or scheming for attention. TNI Vol. 22: Self-Help is out now. Subscribe now for $2 and get yours today. #InTheMoment. Le contemplative computing veut transformer la réaction mesquine en opportunité sereine. Entrons dans 2014 en douceur avec cette idée piochée dans les 100 choses à surveiller de JWT.

Le contemplative computing veut transformer la réaction mesquine en opportunité sereine

La slide 25 évoque le contemplative computing, où comment vivre sereinement grâce à l’informatique sans se sentir submergé par les tweets ou les alertes mails. Mythologie. The IRL Fetish. The deep infiltration of digital information into our lives has created a fervor around the supposed corresponding loss of logged-off real life.

The IRL Fetish

Each moment is oversaturated with digital potential: Texts, status updates, photos, check-ins, tweets, and emails are just a few taps away or pushed directly to your buzzing and chirping pocket computer — anachronistically still called a “phone.” Count the folks using their devices on the train or bus or walking down the sidewalk or, worse, crossing the street oblivious to drivers who themselves are bouncing back and forth between the road and their digital distractor. Cutting the Digital Lifeline and Finding Serenity. Skeuomorphism. Luxurious stitched leather.


A fine wood grain you can almost feel. An old-fashioned microphone. If you use Apple devices, expect to encounter less of this kind of thing decorating your apps and operating system. The Myth of the Disconnected Life - Jason Farman. The new year is now well underway and many people have probably already broken the resolutions they made to disconnect from their digital devices more often and reconnect with the people and places immediately around them.

The Myth of the Disconnected Life - Jason Farman

In reflecting on the year that has passed, there were moments that became highly symbolic of the need to disconnect. For example, we began 2011 with a YouTube video that went viral on January 14: security footage of a woman falling into a fountain at a Philadelphia mall because she was walking while texting. The year ended with another plea to disconnect from our devices: the National Transportation Safety Board called for a ban on all cellphone usage while driving. Cabin Porn. Nos téléphones ont kidnappé nos vies.

Ce que nous craignons le plus?

Nos téléphones ont kidnappé nos vies

Your Smartphone Has Hijacked Your Life. Smartphones put the world at your fingertips.

Your Smartphone Has Hijacked Your Life

With a seemingly endless supply of apps, you can get a date, scout out the best restaurant in town, and pull up the fastest route to the dinner table, all in a matter of seconds. The services behind apps like these seek to give you the best experience, tailored to your specific tastes. But are they reducing our experiences to ones dictated by algorithms? Paul Virilio : Penser la vitesse (02-12-2012) [Arte] Paul Virilio : Le critique de la vitesse. Urbaniste et philosophe, il est devenu un penseur clé pour comprendre notre monde épris de technologie et d'immédiateté Curieux bonhomme, en vérité, mais auteur aussi rare que précieux.

Paul Virilio : Le critique de la vitesse

Interview: Susan Maushart (author, The Winter of Our Disconnect) Hartmut ROSA, <I>Accélération. Une critique sociale du temps</I> H. STIHL Brand Campaign. Kit Kat offre un break sans Wifi. Le Wifi est désormais disponible partout : dans les bars, restaurants, trains, aéroports, supermarchés…elle est même disponible sur le Mont Everest. Le collectif du temps par orange. Volkswagen turns off Blackberry email after work hours. Quand les patrons forcent les salariés à déconnecter hors du bureau. Pause app: Locking down your smartphone won't make you interact with the real world.

Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images Do you find it impossible to resist the siren’s call of your smartphone? Do you find that the gaze of the glowing screen saps all your attention away from the world? Do you wish there were an app for this intractable problem? Well, you’re in luck! The recently released iPhone app (with Android version coming soon) “Pause” promises, according to its slogan, to help users: "Pause the digital. Using Pause is pretty simple. The real story here, though, are the underlying assumptions that make something like Pause and other apps like it a possibility in the first place. Disconnect app. In Sweden, telecom provider builds summertime ‘internet-free zones’ Gain instant and exclusive access to over 5,000 of the most creative ideas, innovations and startups on our database and use our smart filters to take you direct to those that are most relevant to your industry and your needs.

Not interested? You can still browse articles published in the last 30 days from our homepage and receive your daily and weekly fix of entrepreneurial ideas through our free newsletters. No Texting in the Movies: Woman Curses Out Austin, Texas Theater and Becomes Their Anti-Texting PSA. <br/><a href=" US News</a> | <a href=" Business News</a> Copy Tim and Carrie League started the Alamo Drafthouse movie theater chain, they said, because they liked good films and good beer, in a nice, quiet setting. Since they first opened in Austin, Texas, in 1997, the Leagues say they've had a strict policy against talking in the theater, using a cellphone and, more recently, bothering people by texting during a film. Les ingénieurs de la Silicon Valley envoient leurs enfants dans des écoles sans ordinateur. Les employés de sociétés high-tech de la Silicon Valley dépensent une fortune pour envoyer leurs enfants dans une école Waldorf dépourvue d'ordinateurs.

Crédit photo : Jim Wilson/The New York Times. Déconnexion impossible : à cause de l'ego ? Nous ne serons plus jamais déconnectés… The End of the Offline World as We Know It? On Sunday, I wrote a column about re-learning to live in the moment — something that has become a challenge given that I am constantly tuning into the lives of my friends and the people I know though my smartphone and various social networks.

The column elicited a strong reaction, but the reaction was mixed in a fascinating way. On Twitter, many people agreed with feeling the need to disconnect from their device to better focus on the people they were with, instead of being distracted by their phone and the updates flowing through it. They described the difficulty of resisting the lure of looking at their phone followed by a sweet wave of relief after successfully ignoring it. Other readers, who mostly sent in their responses via e-mail, were less than impressed, calling the theme of the piece “depressing” and suggesting that if my dilemma were a common one, then the future of humankind is grim.

It’s an interesting idea, right? A New Privacy: Full Essay (Parts I, II, and III) Privacy is not dead, but it does need to change. Part I: Distributed Agency and the Myth of Autonomy Last spring at TtW2012, a panel titled “Logging off and Disconnection” considered how and why some people choose to restrict (or even terminate) their participation in digital social life—and in doing so raised the question, is it truly possible to log off?

Taken together, the four talks by Jenny Davis (@Jup83), Jessica Roberts (@jessyrob), Laura Portwood-Stacer (@lportwoodstacer), and Jessica Vitak (@jvitak) suggested that, while most people express some degree of ambivalence about social media and other digital social technologies, the majority of digital social technology users find the burdens and anxieties of participating in digital social life to be vastly preferable to the burdens and anxieties that accompany not participating. We’re always connected, whether we’re connecting or not. De quoi notre connexion permanente nous déconnecte-t-elle. SoonSoonSoon. Demain, dans le monde de l'ultra-connexion où votre t-shirt sera branché sur le web, où vos lunettes augmenteront la réalité et où votre sac à main parlera avec votre portable, les places dans les zones "No-Wifi-Zone" seront chères et prises d'assaut.

On y discutera à l'ancienne autour d'un café au lieu de tweeter, on s'y racontera des potins non-connectés. Et les restos les plus "hype" afficheront fièrement le label "Wifi Cold Spot". De quoi se faire de nouveaux (vrais) potes. En attendant, pratiquez la déconnexion de manière progressive et douce. D'abord pendant quelques minutes, en vous isolant dans un caisson anti-wifi. I AM OFFLINE! On Email Sabbatical from December 9 – January 12. I am offline, taking a deeply needed break while traveling. During the duration of my break, no email will be received by my computer. All email sent to me during this period will be redirected to /dev/null (aka “the trash”).

If you send me a message during this period, I will never receive it and never respond to it. If you need to contact me, please send your email after January 12. If it is urgent and you know how to reach my mother, I will be in touch with her every few days. I’m still here: back online after a year without the internet. I was wrong. One year ago I left the internet. I thought it was making me unproductive. I thought it lacked meaning. I thought it was "corrupting my soul. " It's a been a year now since I "surfed the web" or "checked my email" or "liked" anything with a figurative rather than literal thumbs up. And now I'm supposed to tell you how it solved all my problems. But instead it's 8PM and I just woke up.

Mon cerveau d’avant Internet me manque de plus en plus. Avec Internet et les écrans, mon cerveau a-t-il muté ? - L'actu Médias / Net. #OLD : la course à la fraîcheur de l'information. Eloge de la vitesse ou de la lenteur ? Qui sont les déconnectés? Dans le futur, on passera des vacances 1.0. La déconnexion a-t-elle un avenir ? La revanche du réel SXSW13. Are We Addicted to Gadgets or Indentured to Work? - Alexis C. Madrigal. FOMO Addiction: The Fear of Missing Out. The 'Internet-Addiction Gene' - Robert Wright.