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SmartBlog on Education - Looking around: Creating a learning environment (even without a teacher) - SmartBrief, Inc. SmartBlogs SmartBlogs. We sat, afraid to move lest we interfere with the learning and interaction we were witnessing. Children — young children — moved throughout the classroom, carrying various materials while maneuvering around tables with teapots and an occasional flower vase before landing and unpacking their selected treasures. The materials were designed to foster discovery, engage imagination, serve practical purposes, or open new worlds for students. Some did all this at once. The teacher moved intentionally throughout the room, interacting with a student about the materials currently being explored, and then moving on to another mind absorbed in discovery and learning.

After hearing about Montessori education for years, this was my first direct exposure to it. In short, I was wowed. The classrooms were abuzz with motivation. But the most thought-provoking aspect of these classrooms was the environment. Here are a few questions I’m now asking myself: Technology is great. Look around. Kevin D. New Teachers: Designing Learning Environments. The Importance of Classroom Design Why does the physical design of classrooms matter? Mark Phillips discusses this question in "A Place for Learning: The Physical Environment of Classrooms" and offers examples of and resources for turning impersonal spaces into student-friendly havens of learning. For further inspiration, VideoAmy has compiled some videos to help you begin to conceptualize your classroom vision in "Five-Minute Film Festival: Classroom Makeovers.

" Be sure to take a look at the resource list at the end of her post. Learning Zones, Seating, and More For advice about seating arrangements, bulletin boards, and other considerations, Todd Finley has written a helpful overview of some factors to consider related to your classroom design, including information about the research, and links to video tours of exemplary elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Other Factors to Consider Does your classroom design take into account opportunities for student creativity? Home - Stephen Perse Foundation. Instituto Península. INSTITUTO EDUCADIGITAL | IED.

Seja um apoiador Nossa missão é contribuir para a criação e o desenvolvimento de novas oportunidades de aprendizagem que estimulem a formação de cidadãos críticos e criativos, capazes de compartilhar informação conhecimento e cultura em uma sociedade digital em constante transformação. Seja um apoiador, clique aqui! Instituto Educadigital O IED é uma organização de direito privado sem fins lucrativos que tem como foco promover a integração da cultura digital aos diferentes espaços e ambientes educativos de caráter público, de forma a gerar novas oportunidades de aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento pleno do ser humano. North Star : Self-Directed Learning for Teens - Home. Avenues - Private School in New York City. Curatorial / knowledge phd research program * - SEVERAL PURSUITS . ORG.

DATs Creatives in Residence. Monica Rizzolli (born 10 November 1981 in São Carlos, Brazil) holds a degree in Fine Art from Instituto de Artes da UNESP, São Paulo and studied at the Kunsthochschule, Universität Kassel, in Kassel, Germany. She has participated in residency programs in Asia, South America, and Europe and has exhibited internationally. She currently lives in São Paulo, Brazil. Monica Rizzolli took part to FACHWERKEN/MITWIRKEN in Nuremberg in July 2014. Selected Residences2015 (selected) MAK Center Artists and Architects-in-Residence Program at the Pearl M. Mackey Apartments, Los Angeles, EUA, April-September 15, funding: MAK-Schindler Scholarship, MAK Viena2014 A.I.R., DRAWinternational, Caylus, França2014 Residência NÔMADE, Ateliê Coletivo 2e1, São Paulo, Brazil2013 Sweet Home, Hablarenarte, Madrid, Spain2012 Creatives in Residence, Sunhoo Industrial Design Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

Funding: SUNHOO Selected Group Exhibitions2014 MAP ART – CULTURAL SYMBIOSIS. Transforme sua casa em uma estação de coworking, conheça gente, seja mais produtivo e até ganhe dinheiro. O mundo profissional mudou bastante e, de repente, viver a vida como frila ou ser empregado de uma empresa sem precisar ir diariamente pro escritório são modelos possíveis de trabalho. Trabalhar de casa tem uma porção de vantagens – ficar de pijama o dia todo (hehehe), não precisar pegar trânsito pra se locomover na cidade, estar mais conectado com o dia-a-dia da sua casa, ter mais tempo pra você, etc -, mas as vezes a gente sente uma baita falta de poder trocar com outras pessoas ao longo do dia. Sabe aquela solidão intelectual? Então… quem trabalha muito sozinho acaba tendo isso uma hora ou outra. Daí que surgiram duas iniciativas muuuuito legais pra quem quer trabalhar de casa mas se sente sozinho, o Hoffice e o Os dois tem uma proposta parecida, que é transformar sua casa em uma espécie de coworking temporário ou oferecer pra você a oportunidade de ir trabalhar na casa de alguém por um dia, conhecer gente bacana e ainda se tornar mais produtivo.

EU QUERO! Como faz? FacilitatorResources. Should You Join a Brain Gym? A University for the Web. Built by an open community. Moleque de Idéias: A Moleque de Idéias. Somos uma empresa que acredita na inteligência das pessoas, na sua curiosidade natural e no poder das conexões. Por isso, desde 1996, mantemos um ambiente de convivência onde todos, crianças, jovens e adultos, podem criar e gerenciar seus próprios projetos. A organização emerge dos interesses de cada um, criando redes de aprendizagem para a concretização das ideias. Como cada pessoa na Moleque de Idéias é estimulada a desenvolver sua própria criatividade, nosso portfolio de projetos abrange um grande leque de possibilidades. Crianças frequentam o ambiente semanalmente, trazendo novas ideias para realizar, o que inspira os adultos a desenvolver projetos que as ajudem em suas criações.

Estes projetos, junto a outras ideias e demandas levantadas pelos adultos, então se desdobram, amadurecem, e podem ganhar cunho comercial ou mesmo comunitário. “Fazer e aprender” são processos inseparáveis. Neste caminho, um dos pontos fortes é a experimentação. What is Miksang. Miksang, at its most basic level, is concerned with uncovering the truth of pure perception. We see something vivid and penetrating, and in that moment we can express our perception without making anything up—nothing added, nothing missing. Totally honest about what we see—straight shooting. As we allow ourselves to become more available to the things around us without the biases, filters and formulas often associated with photography, our experience and expression of day-to-day moments becomes more rich and endlessly varied—beyond what we think. One moment. One image. Graceful Appearance.

Miksang is a Tibetan word that translates as ‘Good Eye’, and is based on the Shambhala and Dharma Art teachings of the late meditation master, artist, and scholar Chögyam Trungpa, Rinpoche. ‘Good’ here doesn’t mean good as we usually use the word, as in good or bad. Escolas Lumiar. The DO School. The DO School Wants to Make M.B.A.'s Obsolete. How do you turn an idea into action? That’s what Florian Hoffman began asking himself around 2005, when he felt all the research he'd been doing on foreign policy at Oxford University hadn't brought him any closer to solving real problems. "What I saw while studying and guest teaching is that there's still this old idea of getting people ready for certain jobs," he tells Inc. "These young people see [advanced education] as an investment and then get out of school and lack the skills necessary to orient themselves.

" Of course, Hoffman isn't the first academic to question the value of higher learning. As Cliff Oxford, a three-time Inc. 500 CEO and former IT manager at UPS, put it, the usefulness of an M.B.A. peaked in the '90s, when entrepreneurs had three years to stay ahead of the competition. A New Business School Hoffman felt budding business owners needed a viable alternative to academia. The program is split in two segments, Incubation and Implementation. Can The DO School Succeed? Cabin Time: A Roaming Creative Residency. C.t. SQFT. EDUCATION | PARISOMA. To get the best from your team, and the most from your contacts, you’ll need to polish your people skills. Our Business & Management section will introduce you to new skills from negotiating to mastering the art of pitching.

Whether you’re bootstrapping, crowdfunding, or raising your first round, our classes will help you out. The Marketing section covers subjects like user acquisition, growth hacking, sales strategies and PR. As you build your company, make sure that you lay solid legal groundwork – before the stakes are truly high. Whether your product is a service, app, hardware, or something else, there’s a lot that goes into building it. Not everyone is a full-stack developer. The Wigg Party. Uncompromise | increase your revenue, reach and impact. Uncompromise | increase your revenue, reach and impact. PARISOMA | Open Incubator and Coworking Space in San Francisco. Welcome on the MakeSense Factory. Liberate Education: How to Start a Free School. This how-to guide was written for Shareable by organizers (especially Aaron Rosenblum) from EXCOtc, a collective of Experimental Colleges in the Twin Cities of Minnesota that share a visions of a better world, offering free and open classes, and building a community around education for social change.

EXCO-TC began eight years ago and is now made up of three collaborating local organizing chapters: Macalester/St. Paul, the U of M, and the Academia Communitaria. The Free Schooling Movement The origin of free schools (or free skools) in the United States can be traced back to 1911 when the first Modern School opened in New York City’s Lower East Side. Inspired by the work of Francesco Ferrer and La Escuela Moderna in Catalonia, Spain, a group of NYC-based anarchists opened their school embracing an alternative learning model for youth and adults based on academic freedom, democratic organization, and socially conscious education. Don’t see your town on the map? People Community Resources. Advance Your Career Through Project-Based Online Classes - Udacity.

Coursera. Available Courses | Stanford Online. University of the People – The world’s first tuition-free online university. Free practice questions for teachers and students - Learningpod.

Imagination: Creating the Future of Education & Work. About the OCW Consortium. The OpenCourseWare Consortium is a worldwide community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organizations committed to advancing open education and its impact on global education. We seek to engender a culture of openness in education to allow everyone, everywhere to access the education they desire, while providing a shared body of knowledge and best practices that can be drawn upon for innovative and effective approaches. The OCW Consortium helps to solve social problems through expansion of access to education. It does this by leveraging its sources of expert opinion, its global network and its position as the principal voice of open education. What is OpenCourseWare?

OpenCourseWare is the name given to open educational resources that are presented in course format, often including course planning materials, such as syllabi and course calendars, along with thematic content, such as textbooks, lectures, presentations, notes and simulations. What is Open Education? Free Online College Courses from Top Universities | Academic Earth. Open Learning Initiative | Open Learning Initiative. Deskcamping - A new way for freelancers and startups to rent desk space. Inicial | Instituto SEDES. About Naropa | Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado. Naropa University is a Buddhist-inspired, student-centered liberal arts university in Boulder, Colorado.

A recognized leader in contemplative education, Naropa's undergraduate and graduate programs emphasize professional and personal growth, intellectual development, and contemplative practice. Through rigorous academics, faculty mentoring, contemplative practice, and community engagement, Naropa students develop the abilities to think critically, to communicate effectively, and to know their hearts and minds. The result: Graduates who live deeply fulfilling lives working to improve people's lives and the condition of our planet. Step into a lineage of change agents. Naropa may offer a contemplative liberal arts education, but that doesn't mean we're quiet. Compelling classes. Great teachers.

Contemplative education. Service matters. Enstitute | Learn By Doing | About. Academics | Minerva Schools. Education. Education is the means by which we thrive, individually and collectively. In recent times, the growing complexity and interconnectedness of our now global society has challenged the effectiveness of traditional education systems, which were designed for the needs of the industrial era. The old model was built upon the idea that a worker’s job was to apply the basic skills they’d learned in school to specific tasks. To thrive in the 21st century, however, we need to go beyond that—and teach people how to learn, engage, and create. As Einstein said, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” The new model is about the constant creation of knowledge and empowering individuals to participate, communicate, and innovate.

This is the spirit that drives IDEO’s designs for learning. Institute of Design at Stanford. About Public Lab. The Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (Public Lab) is a community -- supported by a 501(c)3 non-profit -- which develops and applies open-source tools to environmental exploration and investigation. By democratizing inexpensive and accessible Do-It-Yourself techniques, Public Lab creates a collaborative network of practitioners who actively re-imagine the human relationship with the environment. The core Public Lab program is focused on "civic science" in which we research open source hardware and software tools and methods to generate knowledge and share data about community environmental health. Our goal is to increase the ability of underserved communities to identify, redress, remediate, and create awareness and accountability around environmental concerns.

Public Lab achieves this by providing online and offline training, education and support, and by focusing on locally-relevant outcomes that emphasize human capacity and understanding. Useful pages Who We Are Logos. Imagining Learning | About. No Right Brain Left Behind | Challenging the Creativity Crisis. Inicial | Instituto SEDES. UnMonastery: Where Co-Living, Co-Working, and Hacking Collide. Co-living, co-working, and hackerspaces are all the rage these days. So what would you get if you melded all three into one? An unMonastery which brings together a group of specifically selected thinkers, hackers, and makers to serve the greater good of the surrounding community. The dearth of affordable housing has prompted all sorts of innovative solutions all across the world.

It's fitting, then, that austerity-riddled Europe -- a land where monasteries have a rich history -- is where the unMonastery has taken shape. A physical place - building or set of buildings;Set within or nearby a community;Members committed to a particular way of being within their home;And to helping and serving the community that they were located in. The unMonastery is an an effort to serve both housemates and the local residents "by enabling a process of co-creation and co-learning between the community and unMonasterians. " Please support Shareable! Courses | OERu. The Agile Learning Center @ Manhattan Free School | Manhattan Free School.

The Interdependence Project | Secular Buddhist Meditation and Living with Mindfulness. OpenTechSchool – OpenTechSchool. EAJ - Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí | Unidade Acadêmica Especializada em Ciências Agrárias | UFRN. Top 10 Contemporary Cross-Disciplinary Conferences. The School of Life - Good Ideas for Everyday Life. Descola. All Day Buffet.