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Brandy Kendrick

Who is Brandy? Brandy is a seasoned professional with over 8 years of diverse business experience as an executive, marketier and consultant. She has successfully started, owned and built three incredible businesses and has a proven track record in delivering exceptional results. Brandy founded VIDEOEXPLAINERS in 2007 to benefit individuals and businesses by working with them to reach their ultimate success. She will assist you in accomplishing your business goals with a proven system that includes analyzing, consulting and coaching. With her vast experience of starting and building three successful businesses, she can help your business development plan with the goal of increasing customer base and profitability. Owned and built three successful businesses 7 Years of business experience 7 Years of sales and marketing experience I perform the following activities for companies: - open up new markets or countries; - launch new products or services; - assist start-ups; - assist foreign companies in The Netherlands/Europe. Examples of the companies I did assist: - Healthcare Cloud Computing SAAS; - Heathcare EHR / EMR Softwares; - Managed ICT services; - Data communication; - Other Technology Softwares; - GRC Solutions; - Information Security; - Mobile2Machine communication/Location based services. Feel free to contact me here. Specialties: Business Development, New Business Sales, Product Marketing, Cloud Computing and SaaS.

How To Make an Animated Explainer Video? : Articles. 7 Useful Tips To Write Your Animated Explainer Video Script. Explainer video has the quality to brief about your brand to the people in short period of time of 2 minutes.

7 Useful Tips To Write Your Animated Explainer Video Script

They have the convincing power. They can take viewer’s attention and provoke them to take direct action. They have the ability to create brand awareness, enhance brand image, build associations and enable people to relate. Tips To Follow When Hiring Animation Company : Articles. How Social Media Can Magnify Your Video Marketing. It's time to fuel your social feeds with video.

How Social Media Can Magnify Your Video Marketing

Based on the numbers, your competitors are already using social channels to boost the reach of their video marketing, so it's about time you did the same. THE DATA WITH OVER (1 BILLION) UNIQUE VISITORS PER MONTH YouTube is the second largest search engine . . . i n t h e w o r l d ! What's the cost of an animated explainer video? Animated Explainer Videos! Animated Explainer Videos! Animated explainer videos are on the boom these days.

Animated Explainer Videos!

What is an Explainer Video? Motion Graphics Explainer Video For Verilogue Physician Patient Conversations. Design is a secret language. Posted on April 1st, 2015 I love this slide Greg Ramsey quickly did for one of my presentations.

Design is a secret language.

I love being able to feel the person behind design. This week I presented at a conference in Vermont and I got asked the most wonderful and unexpected question during Q+A time. “You have the most beautiful slides. Do you believe design plays a role in sparking Word of Mouth?” Yes. First of all, my beautiful slides are thanks to Ramsey. I believe that design is like a secret language of the soul. It stirs us. Content Will Never Be King. Don't Shortcut Your Knowledge Investment: Think Solutions Before Tools. Fill in the blank: “If I were just able to use a ______________ tool, my problems would be solved in an instant.”

Don't Shortcut Your Knowledge Investment: Think Solutions Before Tools

If you filled in your blank with something like “better knowledge,” or “smarter decision-making,” then let me know and I’ll beam you over a shiny gold star. If you answered with anything else – maybe WordPress, Hootsuite, Buffer, or HubSpot – you might be making the classic mistake of confusing tools with solutions. Uk.businessinsider. Writing an Effective Design Brief: Awesome Examples And a Free Template To Get You Started. 6 Ways to Be More Productive by Working Less. There’s no denying it: We live in a “more-is-more” culture.

6 Ways to Be More Productive by Working Less

And above all else, that can-do attitude applies to work. With so much to accomplish and so many ways to stay plugged-in at all hours of the day, it can be tempting to stay in work mode from morning to night. Related: 5 Secrets to Achieving and Maintaining Work-Life Balance In reality, extra time spent working doesn’t equate with an increase in productivity. In fact, a nonstop approach can have the exact opposite effect. Although the obvious solution is to offset those disruptions with more hours of work, studies have shown that this strategy comes at a price -- increased stress, frustration, pressure and effort. But what do you do with this information in the face of a high-pressure deadline? Motivational Quotes for Marketing Professionals ‹ Cleveland Marketing Agency.

Since most of you out there don’t know me, I’ll let you in on a little tidbit of my personality: I am an inspirational and motivational quote addict.

Motivational Quotes for Marketing Professionals ‹ Cleveland Marketing Agency

How to Build a Profitable Email List with Social Media Advertising. 71 Brilliant, Clever and Inspirational Ads That Will Change The Way You Think. Eye-catching advertising is a must when you’re trying to capture even the slightest sliver of attention during today’s digital 140 characters or less attention span world.

71 Brilliant, Clever and Inspirational Ads That Will Change The Way You Think

Finding the right elements to make your product or brand stand out in a sea of sell, sell, sell can be difficult to say the least. We’ve curated some of the best attention-grabbing campaigns to inspire you when you’re tasked with creating your own advertisements and marketing materials. The 71 brilliant advertisements featured in this article represent some agencies and designers that have flexed their creative muscles to get it right. As you can see, the tactics that these creative teams used to deliver their messages varied greatly, but they have at least one thing in common – stellar storytelling skills. 01. ASICS worked with VITRO on their sponsorship of the 2015 Los Angeles Marathon, which included a beautifully produced image of key L.A. landmarks by Stuart Rowbottom and Mike Campau. Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming - Designorate.

Many tools and techniques involve the design thinking process such as mind maps, brain dumps, group discussion, SWOT analysis, reversed brainstorming and others.

Design Thinking Tools: Reverse Brainstorming - Designorate

Each of these tools has its own strong points that qualify it to reach innovative solutions or initiative new project ideas. Previously, we covered the six hats of critical thinking for De Bono and the Lego Serious Play as a tool for creative thinking inside organizations. One of the powerful tools and most commonly known and used is brainstorming. In simple ways, it refers to holding a group meeting with the stakeholders to combine ideas and discuss the problem and the challenges that they may face solving it. The 25 Darkest Scenes in Movie History (As Disney Cartoons)