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Using the TPACK Image

Read below to learn how to use the image in your own works. Right click to download the high-resolution version of this image. Using the image in your own works Others are free to use the image in non-profit and for-profit works under the following conditions. The source of the image is attributed as author of the work does not make any claim to copyright over the imageThe publisher of the work does not make any claim to copyright over the imageThe image is captioned or credited as “Reproduced by permission of the publisher, © 2012 by” (or something equivalent) If those conditions are met, there is no need to contact, Matthew Koehler, or Punya Mishra.

Voki Home. Services - AgilixAgilix. While the xLi platform provides 80% of your educational technology solution, the remaining 20% – the user experience – is crucial to your success.

Services - AgilixAgilix

This is the 20% that your customer touches. These touchpoints are often the only key differentiator between products, so you need to get it right to beat your competition. To complete your project in a timely, affordable and highly professional way, you can use your own team of designers and developers and let Agilix train them, or you can hire our Agilix development team to build your product for you. Our development team uses a time-tested 5D process that ensures you get the most compelling product on schedule and within budget.

Our development team gives you a unique combination of world-class graphic designers, user experience designers, academic experts, and software development teams. In addition to design and development, we can also provide you with support, hosting and maintenance to suit your needs and those of your customers. Flipping. Bouncy Balls - Bounce balls with your microphone! The Best iOS Apps for Students and Teachers. Top 100 Tools for Learning 2014. Home « Keeping Pace. Training Magazine Network » Events » Calendar » Vignettes Learning. eLearning Industry - Post your eLearning article. At eLearning Industry you will find the best collection of eLearning articles, eLearning concepts, eLearning software, and eLearning resources.

Top eLearning Blogs. Why Teachers Should Use Twitter. I was talking with a colleague earlier this week...ok, more like gushing to my colleague about the amazing resource that is Twitter.

Why Teachers Should Use Twitter

Seriously. As a 21st century educator, you really need to embrace Twitter. Why do I (and so many others in the education world) love Twitter so much as a teacher, you ask? Connections. Networking. The list of characteristics that make Twitter great are seriously endless. I follow outstanding educators on Twitter and soak up their knowledge and experience. I follow EdTech companies that like the fantastic EDpuzzle, and if I have a question about their tool, I simply tweet them. Free Technology for Teachers. Blended Learning Universe. Chatter : LANGUAGE ARTS STUDENTS RECOGNIZED FOR OUTSTANDING WORK. Ms.


Kimberly Bondeson would like to recognize two of her students, Charles Dalon and Josh Tanner, for their outstanding work with poetry. The assignment was twofold: Write an anaphora (the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses) poem that shows your reaction to the novel Night by Weisel, and, write an original anaphora poem. Here are the details of the assignment: Now that you have learned about anaphora and have seen an example of how it can be used, it is time to try your hand at using this device in an original poem.

You can approach this assignment in one of two ways. 1. Blended Learning Universe. PD & Networks - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Funding - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Equity and Access - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Legal Issues - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Tips - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Presentation Pointers - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Photos & Clip Art - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Optional Material - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Synchronous Meetings - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Multiple Content Areas - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Mobile Apps - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. LMS, CMS, EMS - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. #CoolTools - Foundations of Virtual Instruction. Blogs and Wikis - Foundations of Virtual Instruction.

The Disruption of Blended Learning. Ed Tech Trends | Q&A The Disruption of Blended Learning Blended learning isn't like other technology-driven movements in education.

The Disruption of Blended Learning

It isn't about supporting current instructional models. In fact, just the opposite, according to researcher and education analyst Heather Staker: It's about eliminating the "monolithic, factory-based architecture of today's school system" altogether. Staker is the senior research fellow and project manager for the education practice at the Innosight Institute. "Disruptive innovations bring accessibility, affordability, and customization to sectors that before were complicated, expensive, and standardized," Staker told THE Journal.

In this interview, Staker also expanded on what such transformation could mean for both students and teachers and on what policymakers need to do to maintain the momentum blended learning has experienced in K-12 education to date--or risk it being co-opted back into the current "flawed" education model. Competency-Based Education: No More Semesters? : NPR Ed.

"I went to a four-year university.

Competency-Based Education: No More Semesters? : NPR Ed

" "That job requires a one-year certificate. "