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Print Hula Hoop Rug Page. Study this! by ellecools.


Serendipity. Women's Clothing. Married to a bmw Free Sewing Patterns: Women’s Clothing 06.

Women's Clothing

February 2009 · 18 comments · Categories: Sewing. Sarah at Welcome to the Good Life. WOO HOO!

Sarah at Welcome to the Good Life

Call me a big nerd but my heart's pounding because i'm so excited and honored to be here!!! My name is Sarah and i keep a blog over at Welcome to the gOOd life. it's a diary written by me (and sometimes by my hilarious husband) of the good and the ugly as a wife, a stay at home mom, raising two kids under three-just a year apart, and also my weekly DIY sewing projects. so should we get on to my DIY project?

Crochet and Knitting

Stuff to Make in my Old Age. Soap Making Recipes and Tutorials.  Readymech Series 002.