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La 1ère application pour Google Glass conçue pour les speakers et les intervenants. Young French inventor is finalist at Google Science Fair prize – The Connexion. THE INVENTOR of a scented alarm-clock will find out tonight if he has won one of the prestigious Google Science Fair awards.

Young French inventor is finalist at Google Science Fair prize – The Connexion

Guillaume Rolland from Nantes is one of 15 inventors to be nominated for the global awards, and is the first French person to be nominated. The Google Science Fair awards is a global online science and technology competition for teams and individuals aged 13-18. Mr Rolland is nominated as global finalist and is also nominated in the Age 17-18 category. The Grand Prize includes a 10-day trip to the Galapagos Islands, an experience at the Virgin Galactic Spaceport and $50,000 scholarship funding and age category winners win $25,000 scholarships. Mr Rolland, who is just 18, has invented an alarm clock that releases a scent, for people for cannot be woken by a traditional alarm clock.

The clock diffuses a fragrance for between 30 seconds and a minute and it is designed to scent the room for up to 10 minutes. FKA twigs met à l'honneur les Google Glass dans une nouvelle performance scénique. MUSIQUE- La nouvelle égérie du R&B, FKA twigs, publiait le 20 octobre une nouvelle vidéo d'elle assez fascinante.

FKA twigs met à l'honneur les Google Glass dans une nouvelle performance scénique

Dans cette courte vidéo, elle y met à l'honneur le nouveau produit hautement high-tech: les Google Glass. Intitulée "#ThroughGlass", la vidéo est signée FKA twigs elle-même. Réalisée spécifiquement pour le célèbre moteur de recherche, on y découvre la jeune anglaise de 26 ans danser seule devant un miroir sur ses morceaux phares Video Girl et Glass & Patron (issus de son premier album LP1). Google Glass dans les TGV : La SNCF et d'autres entreprises françaises s'intéressent aux lunettes connectées. Don't expect Google Glass to launch anytime soon. A consumer launch for Google Glass doesn't appear to be happening anytime soon, with Google saying it's in no rush to release a finished product.

Don't expect Google Glass to launch anytime soon

“We are as committed as ever to a consumer launch. That is going to take time and we are not going to launch this product until it’s absolutely ready,” Chris O'Neill, Google's head of business operations for Glass, told Reuters. An unnamed source said that 2015 is the “most likely” time frame, but didn't get any more specific. The Eight Pillars of Innovation. How does a company like Google continue to grow exponentially while still staying innovative?

The Eight Pillars of Innovation

Susan Wojcicki, Google's Senior Vice President of Advertising, discusses some of the processes and principles in place to make sure that the company doesn't get bogged down in the past as it keeps moving forward. Google Glass Not Expected To Reach Europe For Years. International Marketing Google. Browser Redirect. A Lesson from Google on Marketing Innovation. Google Still Committed To Google Glass, But Many Developers Have Abandoned Their Apps. Is Google The Most Innovative Company of 2014? - The Fox Is Black. A few weeks ago Fast Company published an article naming the 50 most innovative companies of 2014, claiming that their “staff has spent more than six months gathering and analyzing data.”

Is Google The Most Innovative Company of 2014? - The Fox Is Black

Landing at the top of the heap was Google, the worlds leading search engine operator who uses our information to sell display ads to corporations. Is Google the Most Innovative Company in the World? Innovation is often thought to be the life of the startup.

Is Google the Most Innovative Company in the World?

The madcap entrepreneurs and fearless youngsters throwing themselves into changing the world, with faith and hope and a little craziness. The talk is of disrupting the industry and shaking things up. These are the people with nothing to lose, with their whole lives ahead of them, looking forward, never backward. Big corporations are mostly seen at the other end of the spectrum. They are sometimes accused of focusing on profit and shareholders over their customers, and innovation isn’t often high on the list of priorities.

The world’s 50 most innovative companies: only one UK firm listed. Almost half of the companies on the list have generated more than 30pc of sales from innovations that occurred in the prior three years, the respondents said.

The world’s 50 most innovative companies: only one UK firm listed

Two thirds added they are spending more on innovation this year than in 2013, while some revealed that their best ideas had come from analysing social media trends. The ones which are most successful put all their focus on one or two projects at a time, the report noted. “Too many companies want to shoot for the moon while their innovation programs are barely airborne,” said Kim Wagner, a BCG senior partner and co-author of the report. “Breakthrough innovators are especially effective at bringing together the pieces required for radical innovation and organising them for high impact.” Top 20 innovative companies in the world: Since BCG's 2013 report, the biggest change has been in the automotive sector.

Tesla at number seven is bucking the trend. List of Google products. Web-based products[edit] Search tools[edit] Advertising services[edit] Communication and publishing tools[edit]

List of Google products

How Google Grows...and Grows...and Grows. On Tuesday morning, January 21, the world awoke to nine new words on the home page of Google Inc., purveyor of the most popular search engine on the Web: "New!

How Google Grows...and Grows...and Grows

Take your search further. Take a Google Tour. " The pitch, linked to a demo of the site's often overlooked tools and services, stayed up for 14 days and then disappeared. To most reasonable people, the fleeting house ad seemed inconsequential. Google versus Apple. Same Exterior, Different Innovation Engines by Nicolas Bry As I was completing my thesis on “rapid innovation“, one of the frequent comment was: “and you’re lucky to work in the digital industry because you can include in your case studies Google and Apple”.

Google versus Apple

As if they were two innovation champions of the same kind… Google and Apple may seem to share similar innovation patterns from afar, but under the hood, they play totally different ball games. This way, they demonstrate their ability to build their own identity based on a genuinely personal innovation model. Leadership and Culture. Project Glass: Google’s Transparent Product Strategy Is Great Marketing, Too. Google’s Project Glass deserves plaudits for innovation, not just for the device itself but also for the process by which Google is developing and marketing the product.

Studying product strategy and marketing as a Forrester analyst for almost nine years, I have never seen a company do what Google is doing: launch an entirely new form factor in such a transparent, inclusive way. Google dévoile en catimini un nouveau logo. INTERNET - La firme américaine s'est contentée d'une courte phrase glissée sur son blog. Il faut dire que le changement n'est pas flagrant.

Google's Greatest Innovation May Be Its Management Practice. Les pratiques innovantes du Management RH de Google… Chez Google, les décisions RH sont basés sur des données récoltés lors d’enquêtes effectuées auprès du personnel (People Analytics). En effet, ils ont mis en place des tableaux de bords afin de faire des préconisations et émettre des solutions face à des problématiques données. Le but étant de pouvoir justifier leurs décisions avec des données précises. Ce que nous allons voir par la suite montre bien que le succès de Google est dû à la gestion de son capital humain!

Management RH de Google : Top 10 des pratiques innovantes. Contrairement aux leaders de leurs marchés qui doivent leur réussite à une longue existence, la réputation de leurs produits/services, ou à des acquisitions stratégiques, le succès de Google est dû à la gestion de son capital humain. Google's Secrets Of Innovation: Empowering Its Employees. How Google Manages Continuous Innovation in a Rapidly Changing World - Strategos - Strategy and Innovation Consulting Firm. The innovation challenge Most companies face significant challenges in terms of innovation.

The products and services that generate current income must be continually replaced by new and improved offerings to customers. The advantage that many companies have in terms of skilled labor and a strong market position is about to disappear as other nations, after radically increased investments in education and research, are emerging not only as efficient goods producers but also as new centers of knowledge and innovation.

We know with a high degree of certainty that the primary reason why large and previously enviable companies lose steam and finally cease to exist is that they are not able to keep pace with the rapid development that is now largely exponential rather than linear. Google to launch Google Glass in 2014, taking the digital age to a new level. Google has announced to launch is new product: The Google Glass well into 2014. This was earlier going to be launched in 2013 but that did not happen. So what is the Glass? We have seen that we are on our smart phones or some digital device all throughout the day. Google Launches Inexpensive Android One Smartphones in India - India Real Time.

Google takes aim at Apple with new gadgets launch. Google has set the stage for the biggest battle yet in the technology world, unveiling a series of tools and services designed to allow the search giant to compete directly with Apple for control of the nascent but hugely lucrative connected devices market. Google kicked off its annual developers’ conference on Wednesday with a slew of announcements and product launches. Perhaps the most high-profile was a comprehensive upgrade of the Android operating system – the software that powers the mobile devices used by roughly one billion people around the world.

But beyond the headline announcement, Google also showcased several new platforms and services designed to expand its reach into everything from cars to smartwatches to fitness-tracking devices. The tools echo in many ways similar ones released earlier this year by Apple in a push to become the dominant middleman in those very same industries. “More importantly, we are beginning to think and evolve our platforms beyond mobile.” Gadgets To Look Forward To. Google gears up to launch new smart gadgets at its I/O event. Google's I/O 2014 developer conference starts today in CaliforniaThe two-day event will see new technologies announced by the companyThese include previously teased devices such as Project Tango and AraTango is a 3D-mapping tablet, while Ara is an upgradeable smartphoneGoogle typically uses the event to unveil its next-generation Nexus devicesIt may also unveil an Android TV box and an in-car system called Auto LinkEvent could also see the first signs of Android 5.0, dubbed 'Lollipop' By Jonathan O'Callaghan Published: 12:07 GMT, 25 June 2014 | Updated: 14:38 GMT, 25 June 2014 Google’s next I/O developer conference in San Francisco is set to kick off later tonight, with numerous new products and services set to be revealed.

This will likely include the latest iteration of the Android operating system, rumoured to be called ‘Lollipop’.