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Noty - Un plugin jQuery pour créer des notifications avancées. Noty est un plugin jQuery permettant de créer et gérer de manière avancée des notifications sur vos sites web. Envoyer des alertes, messages de confirmation ou d'erreur est essentiel dans un site web pour ne pas perdre l'utilisateur. Et plutôt que d'utiliser des alert ou confirm javascript ... (qui le fait encore ?) , autant utiliser un plugin jQuery qui le fait bien non ? Noty permet de créer facilement des notifications positionnées à différents endroits: HeaderFooterCentreCoin haut gaucheCoin haut droitCentré en haut... Il suffit de jouer sur l'option layout pour modifier le positionnement de la notification. Il est possible de créer plusieurs types de notification que l'on peut ensuite personnaliser en CSS: AlerteErreurSuccèsConfirmation Il existe une multitude d'option, comme rendre les alertes modales, gérer les délais de disparition auto, gestion du thème... je vous laisse consulter la doc du plugin qui est claire et précise.

Et pour finir, un aperçu du code à mettre en place: 01.noty({ 18 jQuery Mobile Development Tips and Tutorials. jQuery mobile gives you an integrated user interface for many platforms like windows mobile, iPhone, Android and Blackberry. You can search for the latest jQuery mobile growth from the different sites that provide it. A little help from the word press community will let you get your desired result.

This jQuery mobile article will give focus on the different features of mobile framework and make a mobile webpage with jQuery. This framework is useful to set up links, pages, buttons and navigations with jQuery. The tutorials discuss the basic steps of how to develop different types of templates with jQuery mobile. The basic steps can be learnt like internal linking, saving index.php, using themes in jQuery mobile. Building RSS reader and simple tuts is something to learn using jQuery mobile and PHP.

There are different steps given for fast learning and also for uploading an efficient word press theme. Hardboiled CSS3 Media Queries Using Google Analytics with jQuery Mobile. jQuery Notification Menu | Codebase Hero. Faire un effet loupe sur des images avec un plugin Jquery : ImageLens. Welcome to my portfolio. My name is William AGAY, I'm studying systems administration and network. I am passionate about development, self-taught for over 4 years. I do web & iOS (iPhone, iPad) developement. I use a lot of languages and i discover a little more every days! In my spare time, i'm active in podcast like PodMyDev, my program speaking of developement (in french), i'm the co-founder of We Love Podcast and co-host of Geekast.

Big Spaceship | Labs Blog - jQuery Plugin: CodeExplorer v0.1. PpTexterea : gestion des textarea | jQuery Plugins. jQuery plugin: Tablesorter 2.0. Author: Christian Bach Version: 2.0.5 (changelog) Licence: Dual licensed (just pick!) Under MIT or GPL licenses. Please with sugar on top! Don't hotlink the tablesorter.js files.

Download it and host it on your servers. Update! New version! Helping out! Comments and love letters can be sent to: christian@tablesorter.comchristian at tablesorter dot com. tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. Multi-column sorting Parsers for sorting text, URIs, integers, currency, floats, IP addresses, dates (ISO, long and short formats), time. TIP! To use the tablesorter plugin, include the jQuery library and the tablesorter plugin inside the <head> tag of your HTML document: tablesorter works on standard HTML tables.

Start by telling tablesorter to sort your table when the document is loaded: NOTE! Zoomy – Plugin jQuery – Petit effet de zoom sur image simple et sympa. JUSH - JavaScript Syntax Highlighter. Codeforest. As they promised, jQuery Team released a new version of jQuery today. It has come a long way from its initial version and has become one of the most used JavaScript frameworks in the world. I will try to tell you the exciting news in the new version. As the new version is released, the jQuery Team updated their jQuery 1.5 API Documentation which is very useful and handy. The biggest news is jQuery.sub() which allows a developer to override native jQuery methods without actually affecting the methods that other users would interact with – or even create encapsulated APIs for your plugins that avoid namespace collision. There are more news like the complete rewrite of the Ajax module, Deferred Objects and many more.

New jQuery AJAX The jQuery Team rewrote the whole jQuery AJAX module. jQuery AJAX now returns a jXHR Object for backwards compatibility with old XMLHttpRequest There are three new functionalities for sending, receiving and managing AJAX requests: Prefilters Converters Transports. Reveal: jQuery Modal Plugin from ZURB - ZURB Playground - Setting up Reveal modals is only three easy steps. Attach the needed files, drop in your modal markup then add an attribute to your button.

Reveal is awesome because it's easy to implement, is cross-browser compatible with modern browsers (with some graceful degradation of course) and lightweight coming in at only 1.75KB. What that means for you is that it's fast, sexy and just works. Now let's see how easy is can be to get Reveal working! Reveal is now part of Foundation! This version of Reveal has been depreciated. Visit Foundation Step 1: Attach Needed Files Step 2: The Modal Markup Step 3: Attaching Your Handler By putting the "data-reveal-id" attribute on the anchor, when clicked the plugin matches the value of the "data-reveal-id" attribute (in this case "myModal") with an HTML element with that ID.

Basically, put the "data-reveal-id" attribute on an object and make it's value the ID of your modal. Options Every good plugin has options, and this one has just a few, but important ones: Plugins jQuery pour manipuler vos tableaux. Jquery Advanced Ajax validation with CAPTCHA - TutorialCadet – Web Developer and Programming Tutorials. zAccordion – jQuery Horizontal Accordion Plugin. Screw – A jQuery Plugin | Screw, a word I re-coined from scroll + view, is a jQuery plugin which loads HTML as a user scrolls the webpage. Screw will help you save bandwidth by only loading content as it is scrolled into view.

Screw can also be used to create continuously scrolling, bottomless pages where content is appended to the bottom as the user scrolls. As of version 1.0.5, Screw supports both vertical AND horizontal scroll detection. Screw can also be called on the BODY selector or any other scrollable object. Git The Source Examples – Loading ImagesExamples – Loading External And Internal ContentLive Demo – Continuous Vertical Scrolling Options Name: loadingHTMLDescription: A string consisting of optional HTML which is displayed before the object is loaded. Classes Name: screwDescription: Applies Screw to this object. Name: screw-before Description: Inserts the HTML before the object with this class. Name: screw-afterDescription: Inserts the HTML after the object with this class. Usage Endless scrolling: Or. 40 Exceptional jQuery Photo Gallery and Slider. qTip – Plugin jQuery – L’art du Tooltip. Il y avait fort longtemps que je ne vous avais pas fait d’article sur jQuery, à vrai dire, il y avait fort longtemps que je ne vous avais pas fait d’article tout court.

Cette fois je vais vous parler d’un plugin jQuery assez sympa (du moins je l’apprécie) et qui va vous permettre de réaliser vos tooltips de manière esthétique, mais surtout avec beaucoup de possibilités, comme y insérer des images, du texte, des vidéos etc… Ce plugin jQuery, c’est qTip. Alors, comment utilise-t-on ce plugin ? Bien entendu on appelle les librairies, soit jQuery et qTip : Admettons vous souhaitez rajouter le tooltip sur les éléments li avec la classe “active” : Voici la manière de base d’utiliser ce plugin. <div class="qtip qtip-stylename"><div class="qtip-tip" rel="cornerValue"></div><div class="qtip-wrapper"><div class="qtip-borderTop"></div> // Only present when using rounded corners<div class="qtip-contentWrapper"><div class="qtip-title"> // All CSS styles...

Articles qui peuvent vous intéresser : jQuery Ketchup Plugin - Documentation. Ketchup is a small (3.4KB minified & gzipped) jQuery Plugin that helps you to validate your forms. Out of the box it has 18 basic validations and a bubble like style. But truly this Plugin wants to be hacked to fit your needs. Easily write your own validations and overwrite/extend the default behaviour. Bubbles are not for everyone... Default Behavior If you like the style of the bubbles and all validations you need are already included you can get this Plugin up and running like so: Your HTML Header Include the default stylesheet (located in . <! Your HTML By default Ketchup checks the data-validate attribute of form fields if it can find matching validations. Your Javascript Just call ketchup() on your form, voilà. $('#default-behavior').ketchup(); Declare fields to validate in the call In last version Ketchup checked the class attribute for validations... which was not everyones taste because class should be used for defining CSS classes.

Validate on different events Included Validations. Jquery Slider Filter | jQuery Slider. jMenu : horizontal navigations with unlimited sub-menus in jQuery ! - jQuery Menu. jQuery Plugin: rotate3Di - Flip HTML content in 3D. Updated: published: topics: css javascript tools Rotate3Di is a jQuery Effect Plugin that makes it possible to do an isometric 3D flip or 3D rotation of any HTML content. It also enables custom 3D rotation animations. Send Me Some Beer Money (Support Rotate3Di) Use the PayPal donate button to buy me a beer! Test and support more browser versions add features and fix bugs answer all of your emails Thanks for making Rotate3Di a popular free jQuery plugin.

Table of Contents Demos Navigation List Hover the items below to make them flip over and reveal the content on their reverse sides. Getting Started In order to use the rotate3Di jQuery plugin, your web page will need to include jQuery v1.2.6 or newer, the jQuery CSS Transform patch, and the rotate3Di plugin itself — in that order: Rotate3Di can then be used like other jQuery Effects: $('#rot-ex').rotate3Di(180, 3000); Documentation The Method: rotate3Di(degrees, [duration], [options]) Usage Statically Setting a Rotation Angle Code: $('#ex1').rotate3Di(30);

Formation jQuery Plugin. JQuery Pagination Plugin | Blogasty09. XColor - Un plugin JQuery pour manipuler les couleurs d'éléments HTML. XColor est un plugin Jquery vous permettant de manipuler aisément les couleurs de vos éléments HTML. Grâce à la fonction $(this).animate, vous modifiez le CSS d'un élément pour changer la couleur de ce dernier. Jusque là, on pouvait très bien le faire manuellement avec notre fonction faîte maison, mais ce n'est pas tout: La fonction $(this).animate vous permet également de changer les couleurs de vos éléments en fonction du temps, pour faire un background animé qui change de couleur par exemple, mais surtout, une autre fonction XColor, vous permet de calculer différentes opérations sur des couleurs (le principal intérêt du plugin).

Vous pouvez ainsi faire de multiples actions qui vous seront sûrement utiles, comme: Site Officiel. A jQuery Plugin For Face Detection On Images. As images are clearly a part of almost any web application (user photos, avatars, etc.), analyzing them better will always be functional for users. Face Detection is a jQuery plugin that returns the coordinates of faces in any given image. It uses an algorithm named CCV (a JS file that needs to be included in to the documents as well) and has callbacks on every level.

The usage is straightforward, just mention the element to be analyzed and get back the results, nothing complicated. jQuery UI CoverFlow II | Addy Osmani. Matt Lunn. Mb.extruder. You can have a direct link, a link with a panel, just a panel or a disabled voice. It can be set on top or on left of your page; and if you have mor than one extruder (only on left) they are automatically positioned one behind the other. The TOP extruder positionFixed param is set to false, so it scrolls with the page; the LEFT extruders positionFixed param is set to true (the default value), so they kip their position even when page scrolls.

You can disable or anable dinamically each voice of your extruder using the $.fn.disableExtruderVoice() or $.fn.enableExtruderVoice() methods. You can open or close any extrude panel invoking: $.fn.closeMbExtruder() or $.fn.openMbExtruder() methods. Try now: disable second voice of mbExtruder Topenable second voice of mbExtruder Topopen "Our network"close "Our network" change left label take a look at the documentation to see how simple is the configuration! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 3D Wall Gallery. JQuery Form Wizard. Quovolver | a simple jQuery plugin for revolving quotes. 30 jQuery Accordion Menus, Tutorials And Best Examples. 40 Useful jQuery Techniques and Tutorials for Great User Interface. jQuery has really captivated our development through web. It is a powerful tool that improves the user’s interactivity in Web applications.

With jQuery, development in your website is much easier and more flexible for the element in your website. In this post, I’ll be giving you 40 jQuery techniques and tutorials that will help you improve your skills. 1. Custom Animation Banner with jQuery In this tutorial you will learn how to create a custom animation banner with jQuery by using the jQuery Easing Plugin and the jQuery 2D Transform Plugin. View Demo 2. In this you will learn how to create a slider, that have buttons to change panels and the panels zoom in and out. View Demo 3. A simple solution to this problem. View Demo 4. Wijmo is a complete kit of over 30 jQuery UI Widgets. View Demo 5. This is a practical navigation plugin by Trevor Davis that lets you scroll smoothly when the navigation is clicked – this plugin is built upon the jQuery ScrollTo plugin by Ariel Flesler. View Demo 6. 7. 8. Awesome jQuery Plugins And Techniques To Create Visually Excellent Websites.

jQuery Plugins - Plugins, Extensions & Tutorials for jQuery JavaScript Library. jQuery Ajax tutorials, jQuery UI examples and more! - The Ultimate jQuery List. Smashing Labs - gMap, Google Maps jQuery plugin. What is gMap? gMap is a jQuery plugin embedding Google Maps into your website. It allows you to: set center, zoom level and type of map add multiple markers with custom icons, popups and titles position marker by latitude/longitude as well as by its address set your customized map controls retrieve map object and use it for even most complex tasks Purpose of gMap is to help you keep your code clean and to create Google Map in very easy way, without learning its API. In future versions gMap will be improved with functions that are hard to achieve with Google Maps. Hopefully it will turn into great data visualisation tool, while still maintaining its simplicity. Latest stable release: 3.3.0 Donate gMap is free and will stay that way as long as I'm in charge.

Social Like Smashinglabs on Facebook to get gMap updates and other JS news. Example This tiny line of code is being used to embed the map below. What has happened to V2 version? It's still available here. La carte de l'Europe cliquable en Css et jQuery. JQuery Plugins | jquery plugins. jQuery Mobile Examples - JQM Gallery. Video+html5+Popcorn.js=hyper-video. 25 Useful jQuery Plugins to Integrate Twitter into Websites with ease. jQuery Image Scroller Plugin | Viget Inspire. jQuery Mobile. 10 Awesome Techniques and Examples of Animation with jQuery.