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Free Online Classes | Online Learning | Academic Earth. Khan Academy. Coursera. Projekt Zukunft - Videos - Handelsblatt Online. Cognitive Media | Supercharge yourself. Think, talk and work more creatively. Home. WissensWerte – Animationsclips zur politischen Bildung. Im Rahmen des Projektes WissensWerte produziert, publiziert und verbreitet / e.V. eine Reihe von Animationsclips zu politischen Themen. Dabei wird der technisch innovative Rahmen und der didaktisch aufbereitete Inhalt zu einem spannenden Gesamteindruck und spricht so nicht nur Politikinteressierte an. Die Idee hinter dem Projekt Politische Bildung ist einer der Grundpfeiler eines demokratischen Regierungssystems.

Denn nur wer in der Lage ist, politisch zu denken und zu verstehen, kann sich eine differenzierte Meinung bilden, auf deren Basis er seine demokratischen Rechte verantwortungsvoll nutzen kann. In unserer zunehmend individualisierten und entpolitisierten Gesellschaft sinkt jedoch die Bereitschaft, gerade von jungen Bürgern, sich politisch zu informieren oder gar zu engagieren. Dies liegt nicht zuletzt daran, dass politische Zusammenhänge in einer globalisierten Welt zunehmend komplex und unübersichtlich geworden sind.

Was ist das Neue an WissensWerte? Auszeichnungen. All Videos. Mit offenen Karten. TED: Ideas worth spreading. 3 Best Websites To Get A University Level Education For Free. The idea that you are never done learning has never been more true than today. The Internet has revolutionized the way we access information and knowledge – formerly a luxury accessible only to the rich and highly gifted – which is now freely available to anyone with Internet access. Education and learning should be a lifelong process and the Internet is your chance to get a university level education for free, regardless of where you are in life. This article introduces you to the three best websites to get started.

Khan Academy The Khan Academy is probably the most famous educational website out there. Coursera Online education is spreading and the traditional institutions are taking note. Like the Khan Academy, they offer interactive exercises. If you enjoy Coursera and the Khan Academy, you may also enjoy one of these 6 Really Good Sites with FREE Video Lectures from Top US Colleges or 5 Great Sites with Free Video Lectures from Top Colleges. Academic Earth. Coursera, edX, Khan Academy, UoPeople - Are the Floodgates for Free Education Finally Open? | Disrupt Education.

It’s all but a secret these days that online education has developed itself into a hot market as founders, developers and investors get attracted to the vertical and now take it more serious than some 2 years ago. What many people have criticized so far was a reluctance from most of the top universities to have serious ambitions and invest in innovative online programs both paid and free.

Personally, I have always been careful of judging them too quickly. My point of view was that they were simply waiting for the right moment. Understandably, top universities have a reputation to maintain and their bread and butter are their graduate programs. Costly, for sure, but still almost a guarantee to find a good job later on. The reasoning is complex, but it is obvious that those institutions won’t play around with online courses just for the sake of having a program online, unless they are very sure how to set it up and what they want to achieve.

It seems that this moment has finally come.