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La Panisse - Recette Niçoise - La Cuisine de Micheline. De l’Italie jusqu’en Provence, la Panisse fait partie des spécialités Niçoises bien connue.

La Panisse - Recette Niçoise - La Cuisine de Micheline

Faite à base de farine de pois chiches, d’eau, d’huile d’olive comme la socca, c’est un plat délicieux et très simple à réaliser. Traditionnellement cuite à l’eau, on la moule dans des soucoupes, ce qui leur donnent une forme bien particulière. On la trouve dans toutes les fabriques de pâtes fraîches dans le vieux Nice ou même dans les boucheries de quartier (comme chez moi à l’angle, c’est la mère du boucher qui les prépare). Pumpkin-Red Lentil Soup with Black Mustard and Sage. I must start out with an admission.

Pumpkin-Red Lentil Soup with Black Mustard and Sage

I am not a huge fan of Halloween…never have been. I didn’t exactly dislike it as a child – the candy was exciting – but the whole thing made me a bit nervous, as I was shy and disliked the extra attention that dressing up solicited. But now I have a three year old, Halloween is looming with importance, and I can’t seem to muster an adequate mom response. I want to be that mom who lovingly makes a gorgeous Max costume from Where the Wild Things Are, but honestly, two holes in a sheet is more my speed. This year, however, Joah caught on to the fact that Halloween is about being scary and so that’s what he wants – to be a really scary thing.

Salted Chocolate-Avocado Pie in a Hazelnut Crust + A Festival of Light. I am not the genius that came up with chocolate-avocado pie.

Salted Chocolate-Avocado Pie in a Hazelnut Crust + A Festival of Light

It’s a raw food standard of sorts. Blueberry-Turmeric Breakfast Bowl + A Gentle Detox. Roasted Chickpea Snack. Multi-seed savoury crackers recipe - BBC Food. In a large bowl, mix the wholemeal flour, semolina and salt together with the sesame, flax and ground pumpkin seeds.

Multi-seed savoury crackers recipe - BBC Food

In separate bowl, whisk 210ml/7¼fl oz water with the honey and oil. Stir in to the dry ingredients and mix to a medium-firm dough. Knead the dough for five minutes. Return to the bowl, cover and set aside for 20 minutes.Preheat oven to 180C/375F/Gas 4. Line 2-3 baking trays with non-stick parchment.Oil the work surface and roll the dough out to a thickness of 3mm. The Minimalist Vegan - Eat Well, Live Mindfully. Running on Real Food - Super Simple Vegan Recipes + Healthy Living.

Gluten & dairy-free black bean chocolate brownie recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme. I made these black bean brownies a few weeks ago and have been hanging out to share the recipe ever since.

gluten & dairy-free black bean chocolate brownie recipe – My Darling Lemon Thyme

I kept going to post it, but every time, another (more seasonal) recipe seemed to sneak in front. Actually, I’m not quite sure why it’s taken me so long to make these, full stop. I mean, chocolate, gluten-free, dairy-free! What was stopping me? It’s been on my ever expanding “to make” list for well over a year and at one point I even bought a tin of organic black beans while still back home in New Zealand with full intentions to bake. Protein banana bread (gluten, grain, nut, dairy and egg free) Hello friends!

protein banana bread (gluten, grain, nut, dairy and egg free)

How are you this morning? How was your weekend? Did you do anything fun or exciting? Eat anything yummy? Today we are sharing a banana bread recipe that we made a few times 3 times to be exact. So, if you are looking to increase protein in your diet, enjoy naturally sweetened gluten-free and grain-free baked goods, or trying to eat overall ‘clean’, then you will LOVE this protein banana bread recipe. Banana bread is one of those all time classic recipes. Savory Vegetable Loaf Cake (Terrine) A savory vegetable loaf cake brimming with summer squash, zucchini and carrots.

Savory Vegetable Loaf Cake (Terrine)

If you’re anything like me, when you see a recipe with the word “cake” in the title, you probably think “sweet” and “dessert”, but this is not that kind of cake. This particular cake is filled to the brim with vegetables. Now, granted, there are plenty of vegetable cakes that fall into the sweet territory — like carrot cake and zucchini bread — but this is not one of them. This cake is entirely savory fare. Chocolate Tahini Oat Bars - UK Health Blog - Nadia's Healthy Kitchen. Hemp Protein Brownie Bites (Gluten Free) Homemade Protein Bars - Protein Bar Recipe. No-bake and only 6 Ingredients! You’ll need just 6 simple, healthy ingredients and about 5 minutes to make these vegan hemp protein bars.

no-bake and only 6 Ingredients!

Once you’ve blended the dough, pop them in the fridge and shortly thereafter, presto! Index recettes - Au four & au moulin. Rosemary Sea Salt Crackers And a Cheese Plate - Fox and Briar. The I-Can't-Give-Up-Crackers Multi Seed Crackers Recipe. Flourless dark chocolate, orange + ginger muffins – My Darling Lemon Thyme. It's the first day of spring today and I couldn't be happier!

flourless dark chocolate, orange + ginger muffins – My Darling Lemon Thyme

After our non-existent (last) summer, this winter has felt incredibly long and incredibly wet. Our new house is amazing and feels like the home we've always dreamed of, however it's not the warmest house so we'll have to save up over the next few seasons and make sure we get it more prepared for cold before winter rolls around again. One thing I've loved about moving into this house is that every month brings new discoveries. When we moved in late autumn the trees were all dropping their leaves, many were bare already, so it was a guessing game as to what most of the trees actually were. There's one big old, moss-lined tree smack-bang in the middle of the lawn for instance, that was so ugly all throughout winter I mentioned more than once that if it didn't turn out to be something beautiful come spring or summer it was gone. I often dream about food. Flourless dark chocolate, orange + ginger muffins 2 tablespoons coconut flour.

Lemon Blueberry Breakfast Loaf. Whole wheat olive oil crackers - Caroline's Cooking. Brownie Bite Bliss Balls - Going Zero Waste. Walnuts are high in heart-healthy alpha linoleic acid (ALA), a type of omega-3 fatty acid, and the dates are full of fiber both of which help you feel full.

Brownie Bite Bliss Balls - Going Zero Waste

Dates are also packed with loads of vitamins and minerals like calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. It's a dessert or snack you can feel great about eating! Are they a snack? Dessert? I eat them for breakfast, for a snack, and dessert! I wouldn't recommend eating one right before going to bed. You might also like: Cookie Dough Bliss Balls & 5 Zero Waste Snacks My mixture didn't come together? Healthy Banana Bread Recipe. My New Roots - Delicious vegetarian recipes - How to make healthy choices every day. Cookies tout choco. Minimalistbaker. The Life Changing Crackers. The funny thing about writing a blog, is that I never know how popular my recipes will be. Often, I think I have a real zinger and no one really seems to appreciate it on the same level as I do. Then I post something rather simple and everyone goes nuts about it. Curious. Homemade Wheat Thins. Melissaknorris. Healing 3-Ingredient Turmeric Tea Tonic.

Raspberry Cookie Crumb Bars – Naturally Sassy. Barres énergétiques multigraines. Cet été, pour notre randonnée, on cherchait un moyen efficace et peu encombrant pour prendre des forces tout au long de la journée.