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Programowanie. Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers | WebAppers. Design Inspiration. Formoid - Beautiful Web Form Generator. Load Info - gif generator. : Quick Online Color Picker Tool | HTML Color Codes. CSS Reset | 2012's most common CSS Resets to copy/paste, with documentation / tutorials. HTML5 Please - Use the new and shiny responsibly. What are you working on? Supersized - Full Screen Background Slideshow jQuery Plugin. A collection of samples to demonstrate all the neat things Supersized can do. Supersized 3.2.4 A collection of sample transitions for the traditional slideshow. Carousel Fade Slide Right Supersized Core 3.2.0 This version is stripped down to just the core functionality, intended for the people just interested in a fullscreen background.

Simple Background Random Background Supersized Flickr 1.1.2 This version integrates with Flickr and is still based on the older version 3.1.3 (update soon). Flickr only allows 3,600 calls per hour - if the demo is down, that's why. Flickr Pool Gallery This will be a gallery of sites using the plugin - in the meantime, submit your Supersized sites to Donate This project is a labor of love and caffeine -- if you feel so inclined, donate to the project and help pay my coffee and Red Bull bills. Stay Updated Join the discussion, stay on top of the latest releases, or follow us for more.

Blog Post & Discussion Development on Github. zAccordion - A Horizontal Accordion Plugin for jQuery. As of the new version 2.1.0, zAccordion will not be tested in Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7. zAccordion is supported in Internet Explorer 8 and the latest builds of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Version 2.1.0 — September 26, 2012 Added a destroyComplete option that is available after the accordion is destroyed. Renamed afterBuild to buildComplete to align with naming conventions. Fixed a small display issue with list-items inheriting a text-indent property. Suppressed zAccordion specific errors. Version 2.0.0 — September 18, 2011 As of the new version 2.0.0, zAccordion's options have changed. zAccordion was also rebuilt to follow jQuery's best practices in Plugin Authoring.

New plugin structure. Version 1.1.2 — June 12, 2011 Added a function named afterBuild that will fire once the accordion is ready. Version 1.1.1 — May 17, 2011 Fixed an issue with events building up. Version 1.1.0 — March 20, 2011 Added an option to invert the slides (right slide on bottom, left slide on top). Web Fonts. Mustache, hogan, handlebars. I have been working quite a bit with node and have had a chance to use Handlebars quite frequently. While it is an implementation of Mustache, it goes a bit further in providing some helpers like if/each/list/with etc along with the ability to register custom helpers you need. Since then, I have heard about Hogan which is almost equivalent but not. I wanted to just write down what I have discovered while investigating these. Mustache Mustache is a logic-less templating language that has found implementation in various languages, including Ruby, Python, PHP, C++ and JavaScript.

The Official JavaScript implementation is called mustache.js. Mustache.js does not compile the templates ahead of time. Handlebars Handlebars.js provides an implementation of Mustache with some extra features. The biggest feature is that the templates are compiled before use. Handlebars.registerHelper('hyphenate', function(tag) { return tag.split(' ').join('-'); }); Hogan What about others? What do I use? Pozycjonowanie i optymalizacja stron www - Lexy's SEO blog. Co prawda narzędzia do monitorowania wzmianek nie są przygotowane stricte pod kątem SEO, ale nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie, aby wyłapywać za ich pomocą niepodlinkowane adresy stron czy nazwy serwisów, którymi się opiekujemy.

W końcu podlinkowywanie wzmianek to również forma link buidlingu. Do porównania wybrałam 3 narzędzia: Brand24, Monitori i SentiOne. W ramach testów, do każdego narzędzia uzyskałam bezpłatny dostęp, w niektórych włączono mi dodatkowe opcje, chociaż nie zawsze takie, z których miałam potrzebę korzystać 😉 Piszę o tym, aby było jasne, że na starcie żadne ze wspomnianych narzędzi nie dostało dodatkowych punktów, dzięki którym można byłoby liczyć na lepszą ocenę któregoś z nich. Czytaj całość » Microformat. A microformat (sometimes abbreviated μF) is a web-based approach to semantic markup which seeks to re-use existing HTML/XHTML tags to convey metadata[1] and other attributes in web pages and other contexts that support (X)HTML such as RSS. This approach allows software to process information intended for end-users (such as contact information, geographic coordinates, calendar events, and similar information) automatically. Although the content of web pages is technically already capable of "automated processing", and has been since the inception of the web, such processing is difficult because the traditional markup tags used to display information on the web do not describe what the information means.[2] Microformats can bridge this gap by attaching semantics, and thereby obviate other, more complicated, methods of automated processing, such as natural language processing or screen scraping.

Background[edit] Neither CommerceNet nor operates as a standards body. Class rel. Google Also Ignores Geo-Meta Tags, But Bing Lives By Them. A Google Webmaster Help thread once again confirms that Google ignores the geo-meta tags. Those tags somewhat look like this and use to serve the purpose of telling search engines where the site is based: Google ignores them, and has for a really long time. JohnMu from Google confirmed this most recently in the thread: We generally ignore geo-meta tags like that because we've found that they're generally incorrect (copy & pasted from a template, etc).

But we had confirmation of this when wrote that Bing relies on these geo-meta tags to determine a site's location. Historically, meta tags for language and country have been less reliable than inferring the language or country directly. So three webmaster points here: (1) Google ignore the geo-meta tag (2) Bing currently uses the geo-meta tag (3) Be careful when you copy templates or use pre-existing templates Forum discussion at Google Webmaster Help. Create your Google Sitemap Online - XML Sitemaps Generator. Screenfly by QuirkTools — Test Your Website at Different Screen Resolutions. Narzędzia | - Part 3.

Genfavicon. Free Online Favicon Generator. Icon Generator. Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator | Smarter than an animated GIF. Create, use and share The Heartcode CanvasLoader Creator is a free online tool which you can use to generate scripted preloaders (spinners or throbblers) for your HTML projects. The Creator is using the CanvasLoader UI Library. To create your free preloader follow these 2 easy steps: Customize the preloader (on the left) by changing the settings (below) Click the 'Download custom CanvasLoader' button to download your example HTML file, or use the code snippet Have fun! CanvasLoader settings Heartcode CanvasLoader UI Library The Heartcode CanvasLoader is a lightweight JavaScript UI library, which can be used to create spinners using the HTML5 Canvas object in modern browsers, or VML in older ones. The main advantages of CanvasLoader Browser Support Canvas rendering is hardware accelerated in more and more browsers these days, which means smooth animation with minimal CPU usage.

Downloads, documentation and issue tracking Changelog. Analiza Stron & Internet Marketing | WooRank.