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About - Features Seamlessly integrating VoiceThread into your Learning Management System (LMS) is the key to user happiness. VoiceThread works well within a broad range of systems, but the most powerful option is the standard developed by the IMS Global Learning Consortium called Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). LTI allows VoiceThread to integrate into most major Learning Management Systems, including but not limited to Blackboard, Sakai, Angel, Canvas, Desire2Learn, BrainHoney and Moodle. Single Sign-onAll users access VoiceThread with a single click.

Mac OS X Lion, /etc/hosts Bugs, and DNS Resolution Final Update: I’m working on a follow-up post, but thanks to all the comments, it seems that somehow during the Snow Leopard to Lion upgrade, the /etc/hosts file was encoded incorrectly (likely the type of newlines used), and that Lion would fail to read it properly. Please try to copy the contents of the /etc/hosts file, recreate the file, and paste to fix your problem. Update: I was still having problems with using .local for my development sites. After some extensive debugging and research I’ve found out some interesting things. It appears that Multicast DNS (mDNS), which is used in Apple’s Bonjuor for network discovery without a tradition DNS Server, has the Top Level Domain .local reserved for special mDNS functionality. Mac OS X will treat domains ending with .local differently!

mustache, hogan, handlebars I have been working quite a bit with node and have had a chance to use Handlebars quite frequently. While it is an implementation of Mustache, it goes a bit further in providing some helpers like if/each/list/with etc along with the ability to register custom helpers you need. Since then, I have heard about Hogan which is almost equivalent but not. Download This download is ideal for situations where a custom build will not be required. This archive contains the full Dojo, Dijit, and DojoX projects, compressed and optimized for immediate deployment. All non-essential files have been removed from this distribution including tests and demonstrations. Dojo Base: dojo.js: compressed (41KB, gzipped) uncompressed (comments inline) A single-file download providing only the base Dojo APIs. Stable, reliable, professional tools for Ajax, events, packaging, CSS-based querying, animations, JSON, language utilities ... and that’s just the beginning!

CSS animations CSS animations make it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another. Animations consist of two components, a style describing the CSS animation and a set of keyframes that indicate the start and end states of the animation's style, as well as possible intermediate waypoints along the way. There are three key advantages to CSS animations over traditional script-driven animation techniques: They're easy to use for simple animations; you can create them without even having to know JavaScript. The animations run well, even under moderate system load. 7 Secrets to Getting the Graphics You Need for Rapid E-Learning I had a great time in Atlanta last week. It’s always so much fun getting to meet the blog readers and learning more about what people do in the real world. Two things always stand out during these trips: There is no one way to do elearning. We use the same words, but we don’t always mean the same thing.

Introducing Bootswatch Although I spilled the beans in an interview yesterday, I wanted to formally announce a personal project called Bootswatch. It’s a collection of themed swatches that you can download for free and drop into your Bootstrap site. You can check it out at What’s Bootstrap Again? Bootstrap is a popular web framework made by some talented people at Twitter.

zAccordion - A Horizontal Accordion Plugin for jQuery As of the new version 2.1.0, zAccordion will not be tested in Internet Explorer 6 or Internet Explorer 7. zAccordion is supported in Internet Explorer 8 and the latest builds of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Version 2.1.0 — September 26, 2012 Added a destroyComplete option that is available after the accordion is destroyed. Renamed afterBuild to buildComplete to align with naming conventions. Fixed a small display issue with list-items inheriting a text-indent property. Suppressed zAccordion specific errors.
