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Manga. Verabee! Trino. A GALLERY OF 35 ANTI-U.S. CHINESE POLITICAL CARTOONS. The Axe in the Attic. Les Madeleines de Mady. ARGH comic. The Perry Bible Fellowship. February 2009. Shorts, past and present - is there a difference? The best most financially fruitful shorts programs all happened in the 30s and 40s.

Disney's shorts program allowed them to experiment with technique and develop their skills to the point where they could eventually create and make animated feature films and in the process push the whole medium forward. Warner Bros.' shorts program developed the greatest Directors and created the most and best cartoon characters in history. When I was a consultant for Fred Seibert at Hanna Barbera, I told him all this stuff and he decided it would be a good idea to start a shorts program of his own - to discover new talent and new characters for HB and the Cartoon Network. searching for a simple formula to shorts success It wasn't done as efficiently or logically as the old shorts programs of the 30s, and none of the modern shorts programs have been as successful as the classic ones that inspired them.

Today every TV studio has its own shorts program. Mark joseph mulroney. Stylized Depiction: Non-Photorealistic, Painterly and 'Toon Rendering. Stylized Depiction in Computer Graphics Non-Photorealistic, Painterly and 'Toon Rendering an annotated survey of online resources by Craig Reynolds While I have not done research in this area myself, I am fascinated by the computer graphic technique known as non-photorealistic rendering.

(Admittedly it is a little odd to name a field of study by what it is not. Stanislaw Ulam apparently once remarked: "The study of non-linear physics is like the study of non-elephant biology. ") My list of links on this topic began to outgrow its place on my bookmarks list, so I created this page to give them a home, and perhaps to help other people interested in the field. To better describe the kinds of techniques listed here, and to define the informal taxonomy used on this page, it is helpful to note that techniques for stylized depiction can be classified along the axis from interactive to fully automatic, and that there are three distinct types of input for these stylized depiction processes: Guilermo Divito.

April 2009. I think Harvey Eisenberg is a top-notch cartoonist and I collect his stuff wherever I can find it. He's one of my favorites. He's a conservative cartoonist: He doesn't draw wild extreme poses like Rod Scribner. His comic panel layouts aren't as imaginative as Milt Gross'. He does have style, but it's not overly self-conscious or dominating like say - later Chuck Jones cartoons.

What does he have instead? He has tons of skill. His layouts are perfectly clear. Eisenberg has all his principles down. He is able to combine his own natural style with other styles - in this case with Ed Benedict's. This is the kind of cartoonist you would love to have doing layouts on your cartoons. But he can provide a solid backdrop for the stars. It's like a great singer being supported by a skilled band and a great arrangement. This is why I love cartoon animation so much. Here's earlier Eisenberg - drawing in Hanna Barbera's Tom and Jerry style.

When is the best time to use the power of conservatism? Patrick Owsley Cartoon Art Blog. Welcome to Planet Banimon! LADY, PLAY YOUR MANDOLIN! (1931) 1936-Happy Harmonies - To Spring. Bunsen. Airside. Ralph Bakshi. All Kinds of Stuff. Michael's Splog (Category = UPA) Michael Sporn Animation. Cartoon Brew Films. Cartoon Brew. Evolution of (White) Man by Milo Manara. Jason Sho Green.