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How to Use Google Search More Effectively [INFOGRAPHIC] - Summify. Among certain circles (my family, some of my coworkers, etc.) I'm known for my Googling skills. I can find anything, anywhere, in no time flat. My Google-fu is a helpful skill, but not one that's shrouded in too much mystery — I've just mastered some very helpful search tricks and shortcuts and learned to quickly identify the best info in a list of results.

Sadly, though web searches have become and integral part of the academic research landscape, the art of the Google search is an increasingly lost one. A recent study at Illinois Wesleyan University found that fewer than 25% of students could perform a "reasonably well-executed search. " That search process also included determining when to rely on Google and when to utilize scholarly databases, but on a fundamental level, it appears that many people just don't understand how to best find the information they seek using Google.

Thanks to the folks at HackCollege, a number of my "secrets" are out. Infographic via HackCollege. Quick Note. Trello - Group Project Management with Google Drive Integration. Trello, a group project management tool that I reviewed in February, recently added support for Google Drive integration. This means that now you attach files from your Google Drive account to tasks and assignments in your Trello group. Trello's user interface features a basic virtual corkboard-like space to which you and your collaborators can pin task cards. Task cards can be arranged into columns such as "to do," "in progress," and "completed. " You can name and arrange the columns however you see fit. Each task card on your Trello board can be assigned to individuals in your group.

Applications for Education For students working on group projects Trello could be a great tool for assigning and keeping track of the responsibilities of each group member. Trello. Your entire project in a single glance. How to Create PDFs in Google Drive in Three Steps. Mind map softwares. Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Google Drive and Docs 2012.