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Network Analysis

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Home - CARMA - Research Methods and Analysis for the Global Classroom. Orgnet, LLC - Social Network Analysis software & services for organizations, communities, and their consultants. A visual exploration on mapping complex networks. Gephi, an open source graph visualization and manipulation software.

NodeXL: Network Overview, Discovery and Exploration for Excel - Home. Projects - *ORA. Overview | People | Sponsors | Publications | Hardware Requirements | Software | Training & Sample Data *ORA is a dynamic meta-network assessment and analysis tool developed by CASOS at Carnegie Mellon.

Projects - *ORA

It contains hundreds of social network, dynamic network metrics, trail metrics, procedures for grouping nodes, identifying local patterns, comparing and contrasting networks, groups, and individuals from a dynamic meta-network perspective. *ORA has been used to examine how networks change through space and time, contains procedures for moving back and forth between trail data (e.g. who was where when) and network data (who is connected to whom, who is connected to where …), and has a variety of geo-spatial network metrics, and change detection techniques. *ORA can handle multi-mode, multi-plex, multi-level networks. It can identify key players, groups and vulnerabilities, model network changes over time, and perform COA analysis. (주)사이람에 오신것을 환영합니다. Networks / Pajek. 염유식 홈페이지. Analytic Technologies. International Network for Social Network Analysis - INSNA. Robert Hanneman's Homepage.

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[pajek] 2. 엑셀 및 텍스트 파일을 이용해 간단한 네트워크 그리기

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