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Le projet européen ELLIOT. La Fing est l’un des partenaires du projet de R&D européen ELLIOT, qui vise à créer une plate-forme d’applications de l’"internet des objets" fondée sur la co-conception et la co-création avec les utilisateurs. La Fing intervient en particulier dans deux domaines : les méthodologies de conception par l’usage, et l’expérimentation sur le terrain, autour de la mesure environnementale distribuée et des applications qui pourraient émerger sur cette base. The ELLIOT project aims to develop an Internet Of Things (IOT) experiential platform where users/citizens are directly involved in co-creating, exploring and experimenting new ideas, concepts and technological artifacts related to IOT applications and services. This will allow studying the potential impact of IOT and the Future Internet in the context of the Open User Centered Innovation paradigm and of the Living Lab approach.

Main Objectives : Partenaires : TXT Polymedia s.p.a. The University of Nottingham, UK VU Log s.a.s. Limor. Robots to Guard Your Home. Actroid-F un robot aux expressions faciales surprenantes! Quand les robots apprennent à mentir. Le Georgia Institute travaille sur des androïdes capables de tromper un interlocuteur. Le but : lui permettre d'être plus réactif et de réagir à des situations d'urgence.

L'autonomie des machines robotisées passe aussi par leur capacité à savoir mentir, juge une équipe du Georgia Institute of Technology. Qui a mis au point un robot capable de tromper son interlocuteur, homme ou robot. Pourquoi ? Human unconscious is transferred to virtual characters. Virtual characters can behave according to actions carried out unconsciously by humans. Researchers at the University of Barcelona have created a system which measures human physiological parameters, such as respiration or heart rate, and introduces them into computer designed characters in real time. "The ultimate aim is to develop a method which allows humans to unconsciously relate with some parts of the virtual environment more intensely than with others, and that they are encouraged only by their own physiological responses to the virtual reality shown," Christoph Groenegress, co-author of the work and researcher at the University of Barcelona explained.

The system, the details of which were recently published in the journal The Visual Computer, uses sensors and wireless devices to measure three physiological parameters in real time: heart rate, respiration, and the galvanic (electric) skin response. To tell stories and in rehabilitation. Ecrans. Ravalement de façades. » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Alors que les écrans envahissent la ville, quelle place l'architecte occupe-t-il maintenant ? Comment son métier peut-il évoluer à l'aune de cet environnement digitalisé ? Les architectes serviront-ils encore à quelque chose dans la ville numérique ?

C’est ce que l’on pourrait conclure en lisant – évidemment à contre-sens – cette brillante analyse, professée par le critique d’architecture Christopher Hawthorne dans le LA Times. Synthèse commentée. Pour la faire courte (et ne pas citer la moitié du texte), Christopher Hawthorne se penche sur la profusion des écrans dans la ville – les écrans digitaux traditionnels, évidemment, mais aussi et surtout les mobiles et smartphones en explosion – qui « transforment chaque coin de rue en Timesquare ». Pour lui, les architectes peuvent se positionner dans la continuité de cet environnement digitalisé, à l’image de la Gateway Art Tower de l’architecte Eric Owen Moss, sur les façades de laquelle peuvent être projetées des animations artistiques. Ville capteur/émetteur.

Augmented City 3D. News - Avatars as communicators of emotions. Contact: Komunikazio Bulegoa Avatars as communicators of emotions Current interactive systems enable users to communicate with computers in many ways, but not taking into account emotional communication. A PhD thesis presented at the University of the Basque Country puts forward the use of avatars or virtual Internet personages as an efficient form of non-verbal communication, principally focusing on emotional aspects. Scientists have been working for decades so that the interaction between people and computers be more natural and intuitive.

Nevertheless, taking into account the everyday interaction between people, this technology should also take into consideration non-verbal communication, i.e. facial expressions and body gestures. Our successful acceptation of a transmitted, face-to-face message depends 7% on the words used, 38% on the way in which the voice is used (tone and volume) and 55% on gesture or facial expressions. Tools for creating emotions Testing emotional interaction Dr. Une des premières plantes robots par Akira Nakayasu. Culture Mobile. Robotarium. Body as battery. Display screens integrated into contact lenses (image above)? Micromechanical medical devices? Pervasive biosensors? A big challenge in the development of wearable and implantable gadgets is how to power them. Years ago, I wrote about efforts to develop a "glucose fuel cell" and other possible technologies to scavenge power from the human body itself.

In the new issue of Smithsonian, Michael Belifore looks at the latest developments in that field, much of which is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)'s Starved Electronics program. Belifore is the author of The Department of Mad Scientists: How DARPA Is Remaking Our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs. From Smithsonian: Obviously, our bodies generate heat–thermal energy.

"Embedded Technologies: Power From the People" (Smithsonian) The Department of Mad Scientists: How DARPA Is Remaking Our World, from the Internet to Artificial Limbs (Amazon) Holographic Interface - round interface - Ringo. PIXELS: Retro Gamers. Augmented (hyper)Reality: Domestic Robocop. PIXELS by PATRICK JEAN. - une vidéo Art et Création. PagesJaunes va lancer UrbanDive. Can avatars change the way we think and act? If you saw a digital image of yourself running on a virtual treadmill, would you feel like going to the gym?

Probably so, according to a Stanford study showing that personalized avatars can motivate people to exercise and eat right. Moreover, you are more likely to imitate the behavior of an avatar in real life if it looks like you, said Jesse Fox, a doctoral candidate in the Communication Department and a researcher at the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab. In her study, she used digital photographs of participants to create personalized avatar bodies, a service some game companies offer today. To escape to the virtual realm, you simply slip on a helmet with screens attached in front of the eyes.

You are instantly immersed in a digital room and fully surrounded by a new world, as if you are inside a video game. Cameras in the lab track an infrared light on your helmet so that images on the screen move with your head. Participants respond to avatars that look like them Media Contact. Augmented Reality Goggle - Loading/Startup. Living Canvas. The Living Canvas initiative aims to explore the novel artistic possibilities of using the performer’s body and clothes as a projection surface in the context of a stage performance. A new projection system will enable a dynamic or even improvised performance by detecting the posture and silhouette of the performer and projecting imagery precisely to the selected parts of body.

This will enable the performer to “wear virtual costumes” that adapt to the body, or even receive a different face. The dynamic nature of the system will give full control to the performer who can freely move around on the stage, with the projection always “following” the performer. The Living Canvas initiative wasled by Dr. Martin Naef at the Digital Design Studio of the Glasgow School of Art.. The Living Canvas technology was first shown on stage as a key part of Cryptic's critically acclaimed performance of Orlando in September 2010. Digital Design Studio The Glasgow School of Art Cryptic Upgrade! Video (MPEG-4) Yotaro : un bébé robot pour repeupler le Japon | Courrier intern. The Straits Times 18 mars 2010 | Partager : Il glousse et agite les pieds si on secoue son hochet, mais devient grognon et pleure si on le chatouille trop. Voici Yotaro, un robot japonais programmé pour être aussi capricieux qu’un vrai nourrisson.

Ce bébé robot a l’air d’un extraterrestre avec ses yeux bleus lumineux et ses joues énormes, mais les étudiants ingénieurs qui l’ont mis au point espèrent qu’il donnera aux jeunes l’envie de pouponner dans un Japon confronté à une inquiétante crise démographique. “Yotaro est un robot avec lequel on peut avoir un contact physique, comme avec un vrai bébé, et éprouver les mêmes émotions”, explique Hiroki Kunimura, du laboratoire de robotique et de sciences du comportement de l’université de Tsukuba, près de Tokyo. Le visage de Yotaro, en silicone transparent teinté de rose, est rétro­éclairé par un projecteur connecté à un ordinateur qui commande au robot de simuler des pleurs, des éternuements, des sourires ou le sommeil.

Advanced Musculoskeletal Humanoid Robot Kojiro. MIT researchers develop the most fabulous gesture control techni. Epoch Times - Future Gear: Robotic Suits Expected to Become Main. No longer the stuff of science fiction and Hollywood movies, wearable robotic suits are, with the help of research, being introduced into various areas of everyday life to enhance human performance—from helping the elderly and the disabled to walk and function to assisting in heavy-duty rescue operations at disaster sites. Japan, long a world leader in robotics technology, is at the forefront of developing self-powered, lightweight exoskeleton robotic suits capable of greatly magnifying human strength and endurance. In one such project, a research team led by University of Tsukuba professor Dr. Sankai Yoshiyuki has developed what is called Robot Suit HAL® (Hybrid Assistive Limb®).

Sankai is the CEO of Cyberdyne®, the company that he and his research team formed in 2004 to begin marketing and manufacturing their robot suits. Currently, Robot Suit HAL is available in Japan for rental, with plans set later for expansion on the international market. How it works Future uses. LuminAR | Fluid Interfaces. LuminAR reinvents the traditional incandescent bulb and desk lamp, evolving them into a new category of robotic, digital information devices. The LuminAR Bulb combines a Pico-projector, camera, and wireless computer in a compact form factor. This self-contained system enables users with just-in-time projected information and a gestural user interface, and it can be screwed into standard light fixtures everywhere.

The LuminAR Lamp is an articulated robotic arm, designed to interface with the LuminAR Bulb. Both LuminAR form factors dynamically augment their environments with media and information, while seamlessly connecting with laptops, mobile phones, and other electronic devices. This project is generously supported in-kind by Intel and Microvision .

Yell Releases Online 3D maps of Birmingham, Leeds. Yell has just introduced new 3D maps of Birmingham, Leeds, London and Manchester, here in the UK. Currently in Beta the service is actually rather impressive, allowing the 3D view to be dragged, titled and merged with more standard street level panoramas. Screenshot of ‘CASA Towers’ at University College London, out of which digital urban operates. The ability to view and navigate a photomapped 3D model of London within a web page would have been unthinkable only a few years ago. The viewer is flash based and while the resolution of the models is unstandable low, we are impressed that Yell are first to market with such an offering. The movie below provides more of an insight: Yell’s Awesome 3D Maps from Launch Group on Vimeo.

Accordingly to Yell’s press release – more regions will get the 3D treatment as the concept rolls out around the country. You can take a look yourself at. Showroom. Comment reconnaître et mesurer vos émotions avec Emorate ? Female Android Geminoid F. Geminoid F!會變臉點頭微笑可做出喜怒哀樂驚! Geminoid F: Remote-control female android ::: Pink Tentacle. 05 Apr 2010 + Video Researchers from the Intelligent Robotics Laboratory at Osaka University have teamed up with robot maker Kokoro Co., Ltd. to create a realistic-looking remote-control female android that mimics the facial expressions and speech of a human operator. Modeled after a woman in her twenties, the android -- called Geminoid F (the "F" stands for female) -- has long black hair, soft silicone skin, and a set of lifelike teeth that allow her to produce a natural smile.

According to the developers, the robot's friendly and approachable appearance makes her suitable for receptionist work at sites such as museums. The researchers also plan to test her ability to put hospital patients at ease. The research is being led by Osaka University professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, who is known for creating teleoperated robot twins such as the celebrated Geminoid HI-1, which was modeled after himself. Geminoid F and her human counterpart, wearing outfits by fashion designer Junko Koshino. Le robot informe en 3D de la stabilité d'une construction. Pour déterminer le risque d'effondrement après une catastrophe, l'université du Missouri propose un scanner en trois dimensions de l'environnement. Embarqué sur un robot téléguidé, il génère une carte consultable à distance. Lors de situation d'urgence comme celle d'un tremblement de terre ou d'une explosion, la sécurité des lieux est incertaine pour les équipes de secours.

Pour localiser à distance les personnes à secourir et juger du risque d'effondrement des constructions, des chercheurs de l'université du Missouri ont mis au point un système de rendu en 3D. Celui-ci sera intégré à des robots envoyés sur le terrain et chargés de réaliser un plan en trois dimensions de leur environnement. RepRap, la machine réplicante qui fait peur aux capitalistes. L’un des multiples objets 3D réalisés par la RepRap Machine d’Adrian Bowyer, qui dit travailler sur l’auto-réplication des objets. En open-source, naturellement… © RepRap RepRap, la machine réplicante qui fait peur aux capitalistes « Nous sommes en 2020, les hackerspaces, fablabs et autres usinettes se comptent par milliers en France et pas seulement dans les grandes villes. Des gens de bonne volonté se sont regroupés dans certains villages désertiques, dans d’anciennes MJC-Algeco de banlieues "chaudes", dans des usines désaffectées.

Le passionné de mécanique automobile prête ses outils et donne des cours à des types qui font en échange un peu d’ingénierie inversée sur la puce qui contrôle l’allumage de sa fourgonnette TDCI. Nous sommes en 2010 et ceci n’est pas une fiction, c’est écrit sur le site d’Usinette. Adrian Bowyer présente son RepRap Project et sa machine infernale : La Makerbot, la copine de la RepRa, version Dark Vador : Cindy hésite, mais elle ne doute pas. David Hanson: Robots that "show emotion"

La Nasa dévoile son nouveau robot humanoïde - Vu sur le web - No. Boston Dynamics BigDog. I'M HERE (Je suis là) - UN COURT METRAGE DE SPIKE JONZE. Bare Conductive. SIDeR09: Conductive Skin. La crédibilité de l'avatar tient à son regard. 555 KUBIK - How it would be, if a house was dreaming | facade pr. Skin Touchscreen Keyboard "Skinput": Appropriating the Body as a. iPhone Fog of War Google Map sur Flickr : partage de photos ! UrbanDive, bienvenue dans la ville 2.0 | PagesJaunes Groupe. Urban Defender. Crowd Sourced Data: The Copenhagen Wheel for Poll. Les origamis robotisés débarquent | Graphisme & interactivité bl. Wiki.