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Primstav. Primstav - sommer- og vinterside.


Primstav -detalj - start sommerside. Primstav fra Hallingdal, slutten av 1700-årene, med den norske løve utskåret i øvre ende. Detalj av primstaven over. Den norske løve var et svært vanlig motiv i norsk folkekunst. Primstav eller rimstav er en flat, stavformet kalender laget i trevirke. Opprinnelse og bruk[rediger | rediger kilde] Benevnelsen primstav har sammenheng med de latinske uttrykkene prima og primatia lunee, og det norrøne ordet prim. Primstaven stammer trolig fra den ennå eldre runekalenderen, som er kjent siden 1200-tallet, men godt kan være ennå eldre. Primstaven er typisk for Norge og Danmark. Utforming og merking[rediger | rediger kilde] Primstaven var gjerne et flatt og langstrakt stykke trevirke på 50-80 cm i lengde og 4-6 cm i bredde.

På primstaven er dagene merket med en strek eller et hakk, og helligdager og merkedager er merket med spesielle tegn eller figurer. Merkedager på den norske primstaven[rediger | rediger kilde]


Nordisk Paganistforbund. Chakra Test. All mythologies. Lady of the Earth. Troll i Ord. Herbs & Herbal Uses. Herbs in medicine, cooking, and magic.

Herbs & Herbal Uses

Find charts, planting tips, and other uses for these valuable plants below. Imagine....awakening in the morning and stepping outside to a lush and fragrant paradise....which exists to satisfy your own culinary, medicinal, and even spiritual needs..... Welcome to Herb Gardening! What is an herb? The loose definition of herb is any plant that is used for its culinary, medicinal, or fragrant properties. Please do explore the links to the left for a comprehensive index of herbs and their uses, and the links below for some creative ways to use them in your own life.

Culinary Chart Common Foods and Complementary Herbs Making Gourmet Herbal Vinegars Making Gourmet Herbal Oils & Butters In gardening, herbs are an important part of what is known as "Companion Planting. " Companion Planting As always with gardening, esthetics are extremely important. List of Annual Herbs List of Biennial Herbs List of Perennial Herbs Landscaping with Herbs Print Your Own Seed Packets.

The Sabbats of Wicca. Learn Wicca / Wicca 101 / Faerie Tradition Because witches honor nature, they have eight festivals, or Sabbats, that mark the year as it turns through its seasons.

The Sabbats of Wicca

The following is basic information about these Sabbats, and includes both standard Wiccan information as well as my personal Sabbat lore and experiences, in other words, what I perceive the Sabbats to be. Samhain happens near Halloween and is when the Wiccan year begins. My altar cloth is black, because we are in the time of year that is dark. On my altar is the harvest, our "dead Lord" whose life is in the crops and "sacrificed" when the crops are killed to become our food. Yule or winter solstice happens near December 21, which is the longest darkest night of the year. Brigid or Candlemas, on February 2, is the festival of the Goddess Brigid, patron of poetry, healing, and metalsmithing. Spring Equinox happens about March 21, and I pass from one time into the other, yet am between one time and another. Lammas is August 1. Moon Phase.

The Inner Sanctum. Witch School International. ChronosXP - Free Planetary Hours Software for Windows - Astrology Freeware.