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The 10 Reasons I Ignored Your Resume. This article is part of DBA, a new series on Mashable about running a business that features insights from leaders in entrepreneurship, venture capital and management. A lot of people want jobs in marketing, which is great news for those of us currently hiring. However, after a decade of screening, interviewing and onboarding marketers, there are still some mistakes that I constantly see.

Here are examples of some mistakes you should avoid. 1. You use a Hotmail or AOL email address Marketers should see into the future, not live in the past, so unless you're applying for a job as a historian for 1999, I would suggest updating your email address, perhaps to a Gmail address. 2. You don't have to be popular like Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson, but you should be present enough on the web that I can easily find your LinkedIn profile, content you have created, your Twitter account, or your personal web page just by typing your name into Google. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Mike Volpe. Prabhu Deva - Kalluri Vaanil. Psychologie. Pourquoi l’empathie fait plus de mal que de bien. Un professeur de l’université de Yale réfute les bienfaits de l’empathie sur la marche du monde. The Atlantic a publié une interview animée pour expliquer ce raisonnement. “L’empathie empire l’état du monde”, c’est le constat de Paul Bloom, psychologue et professeur à Yale, aux Etats-Unis, indique The Atlantic. Le magazine américain diffuse sur son site une interview animée d’un peu plus de deux minutes dans laquelle l’homme, qui prépare un livre sur l’empathie, détaille son raisonnement. “L’un des problèmes de l’empathie est qu’elle vous aveugle sur les conséquences à long terme de vos actions.

Le psychologue étend également son raisonnement aux guerres : La souffrance des victimes est souvent le premier argument avancé pour entrer en guerre. […] Si nous entrons un jour en guerre contre l’Etat islamique, ce sera sans doute motivé par la souffrance des victimes. Digital Transformation Forum. Handler Endzone Play. Existe-t-il des sociétés sans pères ni maris ? Une société peut-elle fonctionner sans pères ni époux ? Il existerait au moins un groupe humain composé d'hommes et de femmes rigoureusement célibataires, d’hommes et de femmes qui délaisseraient donc la famille telle qu’on la pense et telle qu’on l’organise en général : les NA de Chine. Une société peut-elle fonctionner sans pères ni époux ? Bien sûr que non, ont longtemps répondu les anthropologues, car si les choses pouvaient être autrement qu’elles sont, cela se saurait ou se verrait.

Mais en réalité, cela n’est pas si clair. Il existerait au moins un groupe humain composé d'hommes et de femmes rigoureusement célibataires, d’hommes et de femmes qui délaisseraient donc la famille telle qu’on la pense et telle qu’on l’organise en général.¬ Ce groupe humain, ce sont les NA de Chine, ce peuple de quelques dizaines de milliers de personnes qui vivent dans les montagnes froides du Sichuan, pas très loin du Lac Lugu. Page et publications de Pascale-Marie Milan Intervenants : Bibliographie. Stop Telling Women To Smile. Stop Telling Women to Smile is an art series by Tatyana Fazlalizadeh. The work attempts to address gender based street harassment by placing drawn portraits of women, composed with captions that speak directly to offenders, outside in public spaces.

Tatyana Falalizadeh is an illustrator/painter based in Brooklyn, mostly known for her oil paintings. Having recently branched out into public art as a muralist, STWTS was born out of the idea that street art can be an impactful tool for tackling street harassment. STWTS started in Brooklyn in the fall of 2012. It is an on-going, travelling series and will gradually include many cities and many women participants. Street harassment is a serious issue that affects women world wide. This project takes women’s voices, and faces, and puts them in the street - creating a bold presence for women in an environment where they are so often made to feel uncomfortable and unsafe.

Stop Telling Women to Smile video filmed and edited by Dean Peterson.


Indian Instagram accounts to follow. Instagram is becoming a popular platform in India, with almost 6 million monthly users in the country. We asked the people behind some of India's most creative Instagram accounts how they use the platform and what makes it unique. 1. Chandan Khanna (@khannachandan)A Delhi-based photojournalist with AFP, Khanna documents street scenes in the capital and other north Indian cities with verve. Some Instagrams were taken while Khanna was on assignment, such as a fascinating series on hand-rolled beedi (cigarette) makers in Kannauj, Uttar Pradesh.

Khanna also runs @peopleofdelhi, a series of close-up and monochromatic portraits of the people who call Delhi home. "Instagram gives you an international audience at the very moment you post a picture online," Khanna says. "It kept me alive as a photographer even before I started working for AFP. " 2. Rao also used Instagram to document the after-effects of the oil spill in the mangroves of Sundarbans in December 2014. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

EVERY Frisbee Throw - How to's - Ultimate Frisbee HQ. There are many different ways to throw a frisbee, all wielding their own unique characteristics. It is up to the thrower to choose from an arsenal of different throwing techniques to get the frisbee into the opposing end zone as efficiently as possible. Below is a glossary of various Ultimate Frisbee throws ranging from the most basic to advanced throwing.

This is the best way to learn how to throw, so let’s get started.. (All throws will be explained as if you are right handed) The three most used throws in Ultimate are the backhand, forehand, and hammer throw. Backhand The easiest and probably most commonly used throw. Forehand (Flick) A flick is easy, but takes some practice and commitment. Click to see our full page with step-by-step instructional animations on learning how to forehand – Learn the fundamentals – wrist snap technique – easy to understand – GIF images for clarification Hammer Throw Very useful when the time is right.

Need a disc? Alright, so we have been over the basics. All Ultimate Frisbee Terms and lingo - The Ultimate HQ. The sport of Ultimate Frisbee comes with its own culture, and with any culture there is a language. Here is the official dictionary of all vocabulary, terms, lingo and definitions Ultimate players use. We want to have the best Ultimate dictionary on the internet, and we think we’ve done it. Here is the COMPLETE list of the meanings of every single Ultimate Frisbee term known to man, and several known to monkeys. The terms marked with a red diamond ♦ indicate vocabulary that beginners should definitely know.

The vocabulary without diamonds are a little more advanced and usually take a few years to pick up on. Across The word “Across” is sometimes used before a Pull as a speedier way to match up with an opponent. Airbender An Airbender is an exceptionally good Handler capable of manipulating the frisbee in ways never thought possible. Bid ♦ When a player dives or jumps for the disc either on offense or defense. Bidginity ♦ Blade ♦ Bookends Break ♦ Brick Bullet Pass Callahan Calling Lines ♦ Cup Fire. People Tree. FireShot. 4 manières de purifier l'eau - wikiHow. Étapes Méthode 1 sur 4: Faites bouillir l’eau <img alt="Image intitulée Purify Water Step 1" src=" width="670" height="503" class="whcdn">1Versez l’eau que vous voulez purifier dans une casserole. Allumez la gazinière et posez la casserole sur feu vif.

Lorsque l’eau se met à bouillir, toute bactérie qui aurait élu domicile dans votre eau sera tuée, ce qui vous assure que vous ne tomberez pas malade en buvant de cette eau.[1]Si vous vous trouvez dans la nature et que vous voulez purifier votre eau, faites du feu afin d’y placer votre casserole au-dessus. Si vous n’avez pas de casserole à disposition, vous pouvez vous servir de n’importe quel récipient que vous pouvez mettre en contact avec les flammes. Méthode 2 sur 4: Utilisez des pastilles de purification Méthode 3 sur 4: Utilisez un purificateur d’eau Méthode 4 sur 4: Fabriquez un purificateur d’eau dans la nature Conseils.

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Auroville: une Inde utopique mais vivante. Ici, pas d’immeubles, ni de mers infinies de béton. A l’exception des quelques coups de klaxon - rituel routier en Inde - la sérénité est de mise. De Pondichéry à Auroville, 8 km séparent la fureur du monde moderne de l’utopie des années 70. Lentement retombée dans l’oubli médiatique, Auroville a été fondée dans le Tamil Nadu dans le courant des années 70, imaginée par les hippies pour offrir à ceux qui le voulaient la possibilité de quitter la consommation à outrance pour un lieu basé sur l’échange, plus que sur le commerce.

La rencontre entre les hommes plus que la foule anonyme. L’utopie pragmatique Au départ, la cité idéale n’était qu’un plateau désertique, lessivé par les moussons et écrasé par le soleil d’été. Un concept bien préparé La cité a été conçue d'après les plans de l'architecte français Roger Anger, plans qui prévoient une forme de spirale galactique pour la ville une fois sa construction achevée.

En vert et contre tout Le prix du rêve. Auroville Ultimate | Ultimate Frisbee in Auroville, India. Noir, pas black. 19 apps to reinvent yourself in 2016. It’s a New Year and a new you. At least that’s the idea, tackling 2016 with sound mind, body, diet and finances. You want to be smarter, look better and feel centered. That’s a lot of you to fix. Don’t try and go it alone. These 19 apps (all available on iOS and Android) can help you get off to a winning start in 2016.

Couch to 5K The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step — or one 30-minute run. ClassPass Sometimes you just need motivation, whether that comes from the milkshake you get to drink at the end of a workout or a really good trainer who runs an intense-yet-exhilarating spin class. Better yet, you have access to all the classes listed — as long as you pay $125 a month.

Nike+ Training Club Don’t want to go to the gym? MyFitnessPal Calorie Counter from Under Armour Remember that shake we mentioned? You can also keep track of exercise and weight. Headspace The free version of Headspace offers up 10 mediation sessions. Elevate Brain Training Daily Yoga Organize your life. Strong Girl. Adrian Weckler: The 50 must-have apps for business. Now that the work year is fully underway, it's time to clear out your phone and update it with some new business-friendly apps. Whether you're a late adopter to smartphones or a power user, here are 50 of the best business apps... For late adopters Viber iOS, Android, WP; free This app, which allows you to make calls or send messages to anyone else using the Viber app, is useful when you're abroad and have access to wifi but not a decent roaming package. It works by allowing you set up an account using your own mobile phone number. LinkedIn LinkedIn's app may not be as well designed as rival social or networking apps, but it's a must-have for many of us.

Google Drive iOS, Android; free If you ever use Google Docs - and if you don't, you should - then this is a must-have app. Dropbox Dropbox allows you to upload, download or access documents, photos or other files across lots of devices. Documents To Go iOS, Android; basic version free, premium version from €10 Evernote Voice Record Pro iOS; free Box.

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