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Werner-Twitter. Nous twittons, nous apprenons ! J’ai commencé à utiliser Twitter en classe FLE en août 2010, il y a un an. Aujourd’hui, je vais faire le bilan de mes usages de cet outil de microblogage. Mes comptes professionnels pracheefle et pracheepalsule Pourquoi ? On n’avait pas encore créé le réseau ning Mumbaikar in French Il n’y avait donc pas de plateforme commune pour les apprenants après leurs cours. Je cherchais un moyen simple et efficace pour mes étudiants du niveau B2, avec de grosses difficultés en CO mais, n’ayant cours que deux fois par semaine. Comment pouvaient-ils rester en contact avec leurs camarades de classe et avec le français?

Comment ? 1. Blogs Lille1: Twitter en classe de FLE à Lille1 - expérimentations. Je viens présenter dans ce présent article mes usages de Twitter dans un cadre professionnel, à savoir la pédagogie des langues étrangères dans l'enseignement supérieur et la formation continue. (pour la présentation du contexte, du dispositif et des acteurs de formation - voir la fin de l'article.) Width="131" height="131" alt="image" style="border: 0px; "> Qu'est-ce que Twitter, je ne répondrai pas à cette question.

D'autres internautes l'ont très bien fait. article. Comment j’utilise ce nouvel outii en classe ? (classe équipée d'ordinateurs connectée à Internet, écran de l'enseignant video-projeté ou laboratoire de langues) Avant de donner quelques exemples... je replace les comptes pour des visites éventuelles: Mon compte personnel: Le compte de la classe: 1. [/caption] En quoi est-ce différent du "chat" alors présent avec des outils comme MSN? 2. 3. The Ultimate Guide To Using Twitter In Education. Twitter seems to be here to stay. As one of the most popular ways for teachers, students, and the general public to communicate, it’s becoming a must-have tool in almost every teacher’s toolbox. However, numerous recent studies have shown that education in general has been slow to adopt social media. In an effort to speed up this adoption process, below you’ll find a boatload of resources on the past, present, and future of Twitter in education as well as some helpful guides to using the tool in the classroom.

This guide is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be added to on a regular basis. To do that, Edudemic needs your help . Just share your favorite resource(s) on the Edudemic Facebook page and it’ll get added to this Ultimate Guide. The History of Communication The following is a guest post excerpt from Ernesto Priego of The Guardian (UK). With that in mind, the future of communication in the form of social media is examined as a way to forever alter the world of education. Dr. Spanish. Spanish on Twitter | Spanish Only. Twitter. Learn English on Twitter. What's Twitter you ask? Twitter is a tool that you can use to send messages of up to 140 characters to a group of followers while you also follow others. To understand, here is a video called Twitter in Plain English which provides a good introduction: This is a great tool that works with any device that you use to connect to the Internet. The messages are short, and easy to read.

It's the perfect platform to practice English structure, idioms and phrases! The idea works like this: Sign up for a free Twitter account Once you've signed up, log in to your account. The main idea is to learn new vocabulary and practice your writing through participation. The main thing is you'll be getting English practice done everyday! I won't be correcting all the mistakes on this service. This is experimental, but that's the fun! How can I learn English with Twitter? - Online English Lessons. Slideshare. Is Twitter Being Used As A Training Tool? | New Learning Playbook. Twitter, a social networking platform used for microblogging, is a free service that lets you send the briefest of messages (with a maximum of 140 characters) to everyone in your network.

It marries the mass appeal of blogging with the speed and ease of text messaging. There has been a growing interest in how to use these new forms of social media for learning & development. Driving this interest is the fact that Millennials, or those born after 1981, make up 22 percent of the workforce now and will grow to comprise 46 percent of the workforce by the year 2020. This is the generation that is most likely to be using Twitter. According to comScore, Twitter had almost three million monthly users as of June of 2008, which is triple what it had last November. So given this level of activity, are companies using Twitter to it’s fullest potential for learning & development?

How Can Twitter be used as a Learning Tool? If you still haven’t got your head around Twitter, don’t worry! You’ll get there. And it really is a lot more simple than you might think. It’s basically a free social networking tool that connects you with other people and information. People write “tweets” (or posts) of up to 140 characters about what they’re up to, what they’re reading, anything really or they throw a question out there to be answered. Depending on how many people you are ‘following’, and how many are ‘following’ you, there really is a wealth of information at your fingertips that may otherwise be difficult to find. So, that’s the basics! One thing I really like is the ability to search conversations for keywords. And one of the coolest things is that you can access a lot of untouchable people on Twitter (@richardbranson) and big brands are now using it to market themselves in a more personal way.

But does this mean it can be used as a learning tool? Twitter has a lot of learning tool potential. Related Posts: Twitter – a teaching and learning tool | Can we use Twitter for educational activities? Three Practical Ideas for Using Twitter in E-Learning. Twitter’s all the rage. Some people love it.

Some people hate it. But many people really don’t know much about it or don’t do much with it. I’ll have to admit, I have mixed feelings about Twitter (and much of the other social media). On one hand, I really love to play around with all of the new social media tools and am excited about what’s going on and the potential for learning. On the other hand, much of their value is exaggerated.

For me it’s all about context. While I do follow people, I tend to focus on topics and keywords. With all that said, Twitter is a useful tool. Click here to watch Dr. In addition to Dr. Follow the Subject Matter Expert Suppose you’re doing a course on organizational leadership. Here’s another idea for those in the education world. Another angle is to have each student represent a historical character and then they have to tweet and follow the other student characters of the time.

Follow the Subject You can assign and follow tweets via a hashtag. Twitter As a Learning Tool. Really. - 2009. Savvy trainers are using micro-blogging to foster informal learning and meet likeminded peers. Here's a scenario to give trainers pause. You're presenting at a conference. Minutes into your session, a number of people are tapping furiously at their phones or reading incoming messages. Most of these people get up and leave the room, while another bunch trickles in.

At least a third of the audience continues tapping out short bursts of text throughout your presentation. It is as if you are not there. Though it may not be apparent to someone unfamiliar with Web 2.0 behavior, these people aren't simply multi-tasking while you teach. Twitter is a free micro-blogging service. Working the back channel While some instructors may not relish real-time reviews of their classes that cause people to leave, others know how to benefit from a roomful of people on Twitter.

Many educators already use micro-blogs to create community around a class or an activity. The corporate tweet The future. AvatarLanguages. Twitter Tweets for Higher Education. I love I usually post a couple of items a day, on average, and tend to follow and interact others who also post in a moderate fashion. Some people post dozens of twits a day and use Twitter as a kind of instant messaging client. I see, and use it, more as a mini-blog. When I click on my name, I see all my posts, which is a sort of summary of things that I do and think about that I want to share with others.

For the uninitiated, Twitter limits you to 140 characters and spaces per post (or per "tweet"). I actually had not considered it as a tool for education until I saw a link posted by Twittown to a blog post on that subject. 1- Using Twitter with your students on Doug Belshaw's blog - emphasizes secondary education. I think Twitter could be ideal for reminding students about homework, trips and such things, especially as they can enter their mobile phone number to be alerted when one of their ‘friends’ updates their account.

Teaching With Twitter. Professors experiment with Twitter as teaching tool. Facebook may be the social medium of choice for college students, but the microblogging Web tool Twitter has found adherents among professors, many of whom are starting to experiment with it as a teaching device. People use Twitter to broadcast bite-sized messages or Web links and to read messages or links posted by others. It can be used as a source of news, to listen to what people in certain groups are talking about, or to communicate with experts or leaders in certain fields.

Marquette University associate professor Gee Ekachai uses Twitter to discuss what she's teaching in class with students and connect them with experts in the field of advertising and public relations. Instructor Linda Menck, who also teaches at Marquette, encourages students to include social media as a strategy in marketing campaigns for clients. Twitter is helping these professors build community in their classes in a way that appeals to some members of a Facebook-addicted generation. Live tweeting More informal. Teaching with Twitter. David Cordina, le formateur multitâches au pays des avatars de Vishnu. David Cordina est bien connu des formateurs en langues : la plate-forme Ning qu'il a créée à Lille 1, Foreigners in Lille en 2008 est désormais une référence et la preuve la plus évidente que des réseaux sociaux plus ou moins informels et ouverts ont beaucoup à apporter à l'apprentissage.

Le voila en territoire inconnu, en Inde, avec de nouveaux défis dont nous avons voulu parler avec lui. David, vous êtes directeur pédagogique depuis plusieurs mois déjà à l'Alliance française de Bombay (Mumbai) en Inde. Cette Alliance n'a pas vraiment d'espace centralisé dans la ville puisqu'elle loue beaucoup de salles de cours à des collèges et des universités. Pas de visibilité dans la vie réelle et une forte présence en ligne à travers une page Facebook et un réseau social ouvert en septembre 2010, cela incite fortement à de la formation à distance. Quelle est la part des cours en face à face à l'Alliance française de Bombay ? Quelle est votre principale utilisation de Twitter ? Crédits photos : Twitter en classe: casser les codes habituels de la classe.

"Twitter en classe" permet, avec cette deuxième année d’usages, une diversification du réseau et un élargissement spatio-temporel qui cassent les codes habituels de la classe. - Les équipes pédagogiques des deux nouvelles classes tweeteuses sont quasi-complètes présentes sur Twitter. Il y a une vraie volonté des enseignants de ces classes à s’inscrire et participer au réseau. Et c’est à la demande des élèves. Si j’avais présenté Twitter l’année dernière aux élèves comme une expérimentation, cette année ce n’est plus le cas. L’outil est pour moi acquis et, de fait, l’a été pour les élèves. Le réseau prend en comparaison à l’année dernière une force et une valeur encore plus fortes dès lors qu’il ne concerne plus un ou deux enseignants mais bien toute l’équipe pédagogique.

Les échanges via Twitter entre élèves de différentes classes sont encore balbutiants mais envisageables. - Le réseau s’étend au delà de la classe et du lycée par des échanges avec d’autres étudiants. Like this: