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Emerging global networks for free access to law: WorldLII’s strategies. Graham Greenleaf, Philip Chung and Andrew Mowbray Co-Directors, AustLII & WorldLII* 1. The emerging ‘free access to law’ network 1.1. The challenges of global legal research Legal research increasingly has global dimensions. Commercial legal publishers have responded to these developments in a number of ways. Both the internationalisation of legal research and the decline of local control over legal information call for a response from those who value free access to legal information3, and who consider that free access to essential legal information should be part of a person’s civil rights everywhere. By 'essential legal information' (also called ‘public legal information’) we mean primary legal materials (legislation, case-law, treaties etc) and some secondary (interpretative) materials (law reform reports, travaux préparatoires, investigative commission reports etc). 1.2.

What solutions are possible at both national and international levels? 1.3. 1.4. A legal information institute: News and Events Year by Year: 1900-2013. Affordable Legal Services, Free Legal Documents, Advice & Ask a Lawyer | Rocket Lawyer. U.S. Legal Forms - 36,000 Legal Documents, Forms, Real Estate, Landlord Tenant, Name Change and more. School of Law Legal Research and Writing Guide - Parentheticals are essentially “mini-rule proofs,” where you provide important information about a case in parentheses after you cite to the case.

Parentheticals must at minimum provide the facts and holding of a case. Depending on the nature of your written analysis and the precedent case, your parenthetical may also need to briefly address the court’s reasoning. Your parentheticals should contain this information so your reader can understand why the case is relevant to the issue you are addressing. Parentheticals are useful in at least the following four situations. You can use a parenthetical to establish additional authority for a point you have already illustrated with a complete rule proof. In your first year, as well as in the bulk of your practice, you should primarily rely on parentheticals for the first two situations addressed above.

You should offer parentheticals within your rule or test paragraph(s) or within your arguments. Law Student Guide to Free Legal Research. Wex - LII - Dictionary & Legal Encyclopedia. Wisconsin - Electronic Resources. Bankruptcy / Debtor-Creditor Proceedings Coverage to present Guide to resources at the University of Wisconsin Law Library and online. BillFinder Coverage Current calendar year to present (updated daily) Index of state bills for the current calendar year. Includes bill tracking history and some full text bills. Bills and Resolutions , US (ProQuest Congressional) Coverage 1789 to 2013 A full text collection of all versions of all US Bills (public and private) and Resolutions since 1789. Bills, Resolutions (Thomas) Coverage 1989 to present (updated daily) Full-text of U.S.

Canada Legal Research Guide Century of Lawmaking For a New Nation: U.S. Coverage 1774 to 1875 Historical U.S. Chile Legal Research Guide Citation Guide: Interpreting, Managing & Creating Bluebook Legal Cites Coverage to present Guide contains tips on using the Bluebook for legal citation. Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) Code of Federal Regulations (FDsys) Code of Federal Regulations (Hein Online) Congressional Bills (FDsys) Basics of Legal Research - Cornell Law. A basic understanding of the United States legal system is essential to knowing what to look for and where to find it. The legal system is actually three parallel systems -- federal law, state law, and administrative law -- operating under the authority of the US and state Constitutions. The primary law of each system flows from three primary sources: Statutes (Constitution and laws enacted by the legislature) Cases (judicial opinions issued by courts) Adjudications (administrative agency materials) In order to research effectively, you must determine if the issue involves federal or state law and what type of primary law applies.

To determine what law applies, you can turn to . Many researchers recommend beginning with secondary sources because these helpful materials are a rich source of citationsto the primary law. Back to Top . . . On this issue: the legislature, the courts or the executive branch. Here are four ways to come up with search terms: Ask the person who gave you the assignment.

Law Library Justice Foundation: About Us. Emory Law: Electronic Resources. The following is a list of subscription-based law related electronic resources and databases with a brief description of each. For a list arranged by subject, go here: Electronic Resources -- By Subject The symbols following most references to online resources indicate the access policies that apply to those databases: = Accessible on Emory campus = Accessible in Law School = Off-campus access via proxy server = Off-campus access requires password = Individual password required = Click to register for BNA e-mail update Licensing Agreements: BNA, CCH, Cambridge Books Online, ElgarOnline, Foreign Law Guide, Hein Online, LexisNexis, LLMC Digital, Oxford University Press, Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law, RIA Checkpoint, and Westlaw. American Law Yearbook 2005 . American Law Yearbook 2006 . Asian Journal of Law and Economics (BE Press) .

Bloomberg BNA . Bloomberg Law . . Cambridge Books Online . Casemaker X . CCH IntelliConnect . Chronicle of Higher Education . . . . . . . . Law/legal. How To Do Legal Research. Sometimes you need to look up a law to get an answer to your legal question. To find a law, statute, code section, or case, see the FAQs below. Definitions -- The Jargon Used in Legislation As with every other area of life, legislation comes with some jargon that, once mastered, won’t hamper your understanding of the law. Here are some terms you may encounter when researching federal or state statutes: Annotated Codes: Publications that combine state or federal statutes with summaries of cases that have interpreted the statutes.

Bill: What a statute is called when it is introduced in Congress or a state legislature. Bill Number: Bills are referred to by number. Chapter: A term that identifies a group of related state or federal statutes that have been gathered together within a particular Title or Code. Chaptered: A bill becomes chaptered if it is approved by the legislature and signed by the governor. Citation: Formal references to statutes that describe where they are published. More U.S. Legal Definitions. Locating the Law, 5th edition, revised (2011) The Law Engine! Guide to Law Online. The Guide to Law Online, prepared by the Law Library of Congress Public Services Division, is an annotated guide to sources of information on government and law available online.

It includes selected links to useful and reliable sites for legal information. The Guide to Law Online is an annotated compendium of Internet links; a portal of Internet sources of interest to legal researchers. Although the Guide is selective, inclusion of a site by no means constitutes endorsement by the Law Library of Congress. In compiling this list, emphasis wherever possible has been on sites offering the full texts of laws, regulations, and court decisions, along with commentary from lawyers writing primarily for other lawyers.

Materials related to law and government that were written by or for lay persons also have been included, as have government sites that provide even quite general information about themselves or their agencies. FindLaw. Unpublished Opinions in Federal Courts: An Interview with David Cleveland. « Cornell Law Library's InSITE Website Reviews | Main | Google Reaches Tentative Settlement of Book Search Copyright Class Action » October 29, 2008 Unpublished Opinions in Federal Courts: An Interview with David Cleveland David Cleveland is an Assistant Professor of Law at Nova Southeastern University, Shepard Broad Law Center. Professor Cleveland has recently written two articles on the history, value, and future of unpublished opinions in the federal courts: Overturning the Last Stone: The Final Step in Returning Precedential Status to All Opinions , 10 J.App.Prac.

& Process ___ (2009)[SSRN] and Draining the Morass: Ending the Jurisprudentially Unsound Unpublication System , 92 Marq. Q: You have two forthcoming articles now on the issue of unpublished opinions in the federal circuit courts, is the issuance of unpublished opinions a common occurrence? A: Extremely common. Q: What specifically are we talking about when we say “unpublished opinions”?

A: No, they aren’t. A: Absolutely. LII. National Consumer Law Center Online Store. Cultivating lawmaker friendships can lead to more compromise across the aisle. Former California Assemblyman Bill Bagley (R-AD07 Marin/Sonoma, 1960-1974) - known as a moderate - has watched with the rest of Californians as interactions between state lawmakers have become more hyper-partisan and gridlocked.

The top-two primary and redistricting should help ease the gridlock and hyper-partisanship. But, Bagley also hopes to see a more congenial atmosphere developed through simple social interaction and remembers the days when lawmakers from all political stripes could call each other friend. The Legislature has lost its ability to lead and thus work together and compromise. In fact, members of the Assembly have stated that they just don’t know each other. They gather only at partisan fundraisers and events. Then in 1990 – the nail in the collegial coffin – term limits. There are changes finally taking place: less rigid reapportionment and less ideologue-driven primaries, now open to all voters. Categories: Governance Reform More Stories +Share this Post. USD - California Guides. The Legal Aid Society–Employment Law Center | Free legal assistance to low-income workers throughout California.

Apology of Socrates. A. These notes summarize the interpretation of parts of the Apology that I worked through with you in class. You should know that this interpretation is controversial. Many readers of the Apology would agree with it in whole or part. But many others would disagree. 1. The central issue in this dispute involves the nature and place of Socratic irony. a) What is irony? (1) When we speak or write ironically what we mean to convey to audience is different from what we literally say. B) The central dispute about this text is whether Socrates speaks ironically to the judges. . (1) Did Socrates truly think himself innocent or guilty of the charges? (2) Did Socrates truly believe in the gods? C) To establish that Socrates speaks ironically only makes sense if we address not just what tells us, but why he speaks ironically. D) I shall try to address both what he says and why he says it in an ironic manner in these notes.

B. C. A. B. C. A. 1. B. 1. B) Yet 2. 3. A. B. C. D. A. 1. B. 1. 2. Law Librarian Blogs - Justia Blawg Search - Law Blogs, Legal Blogs Directory & Search Engine | Justia Blawg Search. Legal Document Assistants. Dear Members: On Wednesday, March 6, I attended the regular meeting of the State Bar Board of Trustees along with Carol Ludlow and Terri O’Connor from CALDA, and Kerry Spence from CELA (Cost Effective Legal Access). CAPA (California Alliance of Paralegal Associations) was also represented at the meeting. The Bar voted to authorize one of its committees to study the creation of the “Limited License Legal Technician”, which would be authorized to dispense limited forms of legal advice.

I attended in order to represent CALDA and to provide public comment on this proposal. As we already knew would be the case, nothing was actually implemented on Wednesday’s meeting, as the action taken at this meeting was only to authorize the study of this concept. As I’ve reported before, you can be assured that CALDA will follow these developments closely and will participate vigorously in the coming proceedings. Kind regards, Ian Duncan CALDA President LETTER SENT TO PATRICK KELLY – February 2013 Dear Sir: Supreme Court of the United States. 3 Geeks and a Law Blog. Judge on privacy: Computer code trumps the law | CNET Australian High Court Judge Justice Kirby says computer code is more potent than the law--and that legislators are powerless to do anything about it. Technology has outpaced the legal system's ability to regulate its use in matters of privacy and fair use rights, said Kirby, speaking Thursday night at an Internet Industry Association (IIA) event.

Kirby said the judicial system has faced difficulties in coping with changes the Internet and computing have brought. While the soon-to-be-reviewed Privacy Act has incorporated key privacy principles such as "usage limitation"--which states that data collected about an individual cannot be used for other purposes, except by the approval of the law or the person's consent--Google and Yahoo have rendered that principle defunct, Kirby said. "It was a good moral and ethical principle to keep people's control over the usage that was made of the information...And then along came Google and Yahoo," said Kirby.

Sac Law Library. 2011 – The year that law firm websites become “publishing platforms” In my last post, I predicted that we’re heading towards a major shift in the way that law firms think about their websites. Here’s what it boils down to: Old thinking: Law firm websites = online brochureNew thinking: Law firm websites = publishing platform for attorney-generated content Why a publishing platform? Why now? As I mentioned in my last post, there are several trends in the legal marketplace that are converging to make “content marketing” more effective than ever. And, as a result, attorneys are generating more articles, newsletters, blog posts and other thought leadership content than ever before. The Challenge The growth of “content marketing” beckons some interesting questions, such as: Where do we put all of this content? Right now, it’s not uncommon for a firm’s attorney-generated content to be scattered far and wide.

Even the content on the firm’s website is often scattered throughout sections like “Multimedia,” “Experience” and “Publications.” Why is this important? E-mail. Managing Your Small Business’s Online Reputation. Internet Archive: Legislative Assembly of Ontario Collection. The Revised ICC Arbitration Rules. Free Online Legal Research | Lexis® Web. International Comparative Legal Guides (ICLG) - practical insights into cross-border law. Social media policies - Google Fusion Tables.

Law.Gov: America's Operating System, Open Source. Famous Trials - UMKC School of Law - Prof. Douglas Linder. National Venture Capital Association. Online Public Access. Welcome to HeinOnline. Federal Energy Management Program: Sample Documents for Power Purchase Agreements. Things People Said: Courtroom Quotations. The following quotations are taken from official court records across the nation, showing how funny and embarrassing it is that recorders operate at all times in courts of law, so that even the slightest inadvertence is preserved for posterity.

Lawyer: "Was that the same nose you broke as a child? "Witness: "I only have one, you know. " Lawyer: "Now, Mrs. Johnson, how was your first marriage terminated? "Witness: "By death. "Lawyer: "And by whose death was it terminated? " Accused, Defending His Own Case: "Did you get a good look at my face when I took your purse? " The defendant was found guilty and sentenced to ten years in jail. Lawyer: "What is your date of birth? " Lawyer: "Can you tell us what was stolen from your house? " Lawyer: "What gear were you in at the moment of the impact? " Lawyer: "Can you describe what the person who attacked you looked like? " Lawyer: "This myasthenia gravis -- does it affect your memory at all? " Lawyer: "How old is your son, the one living with you? " Lawyer: "Mr. LAW BLOGS. Fitzroy Legal Service - home. THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Manipulation. United States Code: Title 10,899. Art. 99. Misbehavior before the enemy. Grayson law librarian's work published. The Bluebook. RPTE eReport | August 2009. People of Resource – Pocket NDA. FARSite ZoomSearch. You be the Judge - A guide to sentencing. American Bar Association. BOOKS TO PREPARE FOR LAW SCHOOL. Students often ask me what books would be helpful to read in order too prepare for law school. This is difficult because law school involves complex issues that have not been systematically or well addressed by evangelical scholars and works specifically on human law. As a result, I cannot recommend a single book that will give you a complete perspective on the law. Instead, it is necessary to read a whole variety of books and synthesize the materials in order to come to a proper understanding of human law from a biblical perspective.

So for that synthesis, and to prepare yourself for studying human law and understanding legal systems, I would recommend the following: 1. The Bible 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. While I may modify this list in future posts, it provides a very good start for students who want to know what sorts of things they could look at to get ready for law school.

Law Books & Periodicals - James Publishing. How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters. See Something? Cite Something. Scholar Library Links. Zimmerman's Research Guide - American Law Reports (ALR) Summary judgment in a “Solicitors from Hell” case. Law - Cover Letters. Legal Research, Forms and other Legal Information- Loislaw. Model Legal Documents. FAR Matrix. Docracy - Free Legal Documents. Private Placement - Private+Placement, Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) Services, Find 100's of Business Template documents for sale and download. Templates and Sample Docs used for raising growth capital from Investors. | Raise Capital. Welcome to - legal wiki. All FAR. and ADR Rules ENGLISH.pdf. Regulations.