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Langue Chinoise

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Chinois: fiches analogiques. Chinois | Français | Clés Fiches analogiques Voyez également la page des fiches hebdo et la table des caractères de base. Chinois Le ciel: 日 rì: soleil . 月 yuè: lune . 风 fēng: vent . Français Affreux . Clés 刀 couteau . Les fiches ci-dessus sont créées automatiquement par notre programme maison. Blog Zhongwen. Planète Chinois » Accueil  Bienvenue sur le site de l'AFPC !

Accueil - Apprendre le chinois à l'INALCO. Association Recherche et Enseignement du Chinois. Learn Chinese Characters. Word dictionary - MDBG Chinese-English dictionary. Examples and Help Example queries: hello, nihao, ni3hao3, 你好, rest*, zei*, *zei*, *茶, 英*公司, chinese *文, "to rest", bill -gates Pinyin words should be entered without spaces, either with or without tone numbers: ni3hao3 or nihao.

The character ü can be entered as v instead. The asterisk character * can be used as a wildcard to match zero or more characters: rest* will match any word starting with rest, such as restaurant or restrain*文 will match any word ending with 文, such as 中文 or 英文b*g will match any word starting with b and ending with g, such as big or boring*中国* will match any word containing 中国, such as 传统中国医药 or 中国人民 Double quotes " " can be used to group search terms together: "to rest" will only match entries where to and rest directly follow eachother The minus symbol - can be used to find entries without a certain search term: bill -gates will only match entries matching bill but without gates p:you will only match entries with Mandarin pinyin you.

AFEC. Textes chinois annotés. Ina_gabarit_rubrique.