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Newsletter. Msa33. Beginners Guide to MailChimp - Southern Mess Moms. Email Marketing Best Practices - Magento Experts. When you create an email blast to go out to your email list, you want it to look wonderful!

Email Marketing Best Practices - Magento Experts

Therefore, you hire a graphic artist. The graphic artist creates a gorgeous design of your newsletter. Should you send it as an attached image, as an attached PDF, as a single image embedded in the email, as a link to a newsletter on a web page, or as an HTML email? Let us sift through the options and find out the best way, based on email marketing best practices. Email Marketing Best Practice: Do Not Email Attachments Email recipients are paranoid about attachments. Many computer users are naive about what type of attachment could contain a virus. It makes no sense to attach your beautiful newsletter as an image or PDF. Email Marketing Best Practice: Balance Text and Image Content Spammers have abused bulk email so much that spam filters have become very picky.

The spam filters work on key words within the email. MailChimp vs Constant Contact Review. Which one is better? - Magento & WordPress Experts. Update Oct 6 – 2014 This blogpost, MailChimp vs Constant Contact, was posted for the fist time on August 21, 2012(see old article here).

MailChimp vs Constant Contact Review. Which one is better? - Magento & WordPress Experts

Since then it has been ranking number one on Google search results on reviews of either system or a comparison between the two. As the web changes and improves for the better, so have this two email marketing systems in the past two years. Personally we use MailChimp for our email marketing and have used Constant Contact on multiple occasions. How to Scale Yourself and Get More Done Than You Thought Possible. The following is a detailed write-up of a popular productivity talk delivered by Scott Hanselman.

How to Scale Yourself and Get More Done Than You Thought Possible

Visit his blog,, for more productivity tips. "Don't worry, just drop the ball. " This counterintuitive advice is one of a dozen-plus productivity practices preached by Scott Hanselman, a program manager at Microsoft, author and avid blogger and speaker. "Dropping the ball is sometimes the right answer," Hanselman says. "Let a ball drop. Hanselman's not the person you'd to expect to hear encourage dropping the ball and discourage burning the midnight oil. How does he do it? "A lot of people say, 'Well, Scott, you're doing all this stuff. "It turns out," he continues, "the less that you do, the more of it that you can do. Scale Yourself In a 40-minute talk Hanselman originally delivered in 2012, and has since presented several times—most recently at South by Southwest Interactive earlier this month—he shares his productivity practices. Look for Danger Signs Define "Work" Drop the Ball.

Past the Pop-Up: 10 Email Marketing Tactics You've Never Tried. Search Google for "email marketing tactics" and you get pages and pages of posts showing how to use pop-ups, sidebar sign-up forms and giveaways to grow your email list.

Past the Pop-Up: 10 Email Marketing Tactics You've Never Tried

This is not one of those posts. Instead, we've dug far and wide to find the email marketing strategies that are just plain brilliant, ones we wished we'd thought of ourselves. 1. Get Email List Sign-Ups Right on Product Hunt founder Ryan Hoover keeps an active Twitter search to spot tweets sharing his writing across the web (he does so by searching for the URL of each post).

From 0 to 100,000 Users in 4 Months: The Story Behind Productivity Chrome Extension Momentum. It began with an Instagram photo.

From 0 to 100,000 Users in 4 Months: The Story Behind Productivity Chrome Extension Momentum

Got a boost from reddit. And after some blog love, it started to pick up steam in the Chrome Web Store. Since its launch last October, free Chrome extension Momentum has attracted 100,000 users. Collectively, those users have entered over 3 million items in the app’s todo list. On its surface, it’s a simple productivity app that lets you keep a to-do list atop a stunning nature photo. That is, after all, it’s intention. “Every time you open a new tab, see an inspiring reminder of what you want to accomplish,” reads Momentum’s description.

At Zapier, more than half of our team uses it. So when I reached out to the creator of the app, Levi Bucsis, and he agreed to an interview, I made the most of the opportunity. The Story Behind Momentum. Google Chrome for Marketers: 10 Setup Tips, 20+ Extensions You Need to Know. Since starting at Zapier eight months ago, I've been on the hunt for the best Chrome setup for my content marketing role.

Google Chrome for Marketers: 10 Setup Tips, 20+ Extensions You Need to Know

No longer do I care about the optimal configurations for my desktop, I want to know how I can make the most of the app where I spend 98 percent of my workday: my web browser. The following tutorial shares the Chrome settings, features and extensions that I've come to rely on as a marketer at one time or another. It will teach you not only how to begin to make the most of Chrome itself, but introduce you to more than two-dozen add-ons that will add efficiency to your everyday marketing efforts. Some suggestions might already be familiar to you, but hopefully you'll come away with a few new ideas and share the ones we missed in the comments. How To Design an Email Newsletter Template in 7 Simple Steps. 6 Unbiased Email Marketing Software Reviews.