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Unplanned Births: Another Outcome of Economic Inequality? Affluent women are likely to have access to more-reliable forms of birth control, and they're more than three times as likely to have an abortion in the case of an accidental pregnancy.

Unplanned Births: Another Outcome of Economic Inequality?

There are lots of examples of the growing distance between the nation’s haves and have-nots, and the gap between unintended births for the most-affluent women and the least-affluent women is yet another area with a widening economic divide. About half of all pregnancies are unplanned, which can make the possibility of an unintended pregnancy seem like not that big of a deal.

But the financial impact of unintended pregnancies, and subsequent births, can be significant—particularly for low-income women. Unplanned pregnancies were five times as likely for those at or below the federal poverty level in 2008, according to data from the Guttmacher Institute, a nonprofit that provides research and policy analysis of sexual and reproductive topics. Robert Reich: America is headed full speed back to the 19th century. Robert Reich: America is headed full speed back to the 19th century. College President Gives $90,000 Of His Salary To Lowest-Paid Employees On Campus. Raymond Burse, interim president of Kentucky State University, elected to have his salary decreased from $349,869 to $259,745 in order to boost the paychecks of the university's lowest-paid workers, according to the Lexington Herald-Leader.

College President Gives $90,000 Of His Salary To Lowest-Paid Employees On Campus

Burse's pay cut will increase the salaries of 24 KSU employees, some of whom were making as littles as $7.25 an hour, to $10.25 an hour, WLKY reported. Burse said that his giving up $90,124.96 is a response to "tough times" and wanting to ensure that university workers know the school's board and president "care about them and want to do the very best by them," according to the Herald-Leader.

Burse has experience dealing with KSU employees -- he served as KSU president from 1982 to 1989, according to KY Forward. After his presidency, Burse held an executive position at General Electric Co. He retired in 2012 after 17 years with good benefits, the Herald-Leader reported. America's 'Job Creators' Would Rather Do Anything But Create Jobs: Survey. Ungleichheit: Superreiche besitzen mehr als die anderen 99 Prozent. Asilo: el gran reto de Europa ante la creciente llegada de inmigrantes - BBC Mundo. Goodbye Stalin. Si en España el partido político Podemos propone reestructurar la deuda, la derecha española pone el grito en el cielo porque esto supuestamente coloca al país en la senda del comunismo.

Goodbye Stalin

Si en Estados Unidos se reforma al sistema de salud con un sistema de incentivos y castigos para que todos los ciudadanos compren seguros médicos a empresas privadas, el Partido Republicano clama que los Demócratas están destruyendo la economía capitalista y las libertades individuales. Es un recurso bastante antiguo. Por allá en 1944, en una de las predicciones más erróneas que cualquier economista haya formulado, el famoso economista austríaco Friedrich Hayek publicó su ensayo El Camino a la Servidumbre en el que pronosticaba que con la creación del Sistema Nacional de Salud Gran Bretaña se había colocado en el deslizadero que conduce al totalitarismo. No se puede negar la eficacia de este recurso. Vivimos en un mundo distinto del de 1917 (o del de 1987). That’s rich! Why so many wealthy Americans think they’re middle class. By Treasury Secretary Jack Lew’s reckoning, being a millionaire does not constitute living high above the ranks of ordinary people.

That’s rich! Why so many wealthy Americans think they’re middle class

Racism and the founding of the GOP: Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War and the real history of the Republican Party. The political party that grew from these concerns over slavery was the Republican Party.

Racism and the founding of the GOP: Abraham Lincoln, the Civil War and the real history of the Republican Party

In turn, it nourished and carried forward the public’s anti-slavery feelings. But the party was an amalgam of strangely different elements. It contained men from different political backgrounds, and it combined antislavery convictions and antiblack prejudices. “He was more nearly the founder of the Republican Party than any other one man.” So declared Alexander K. OECD moniert wachsende Ungleichheit zwischen Arm und Reich. Thomas Frank: Ann Coulter and David Brooks play a sneaky, unserious class card. A few days ago, New York Times columnist David Brooks took the occasion of the outrage in Ferguson, Missouri, to call for a national effort to combat “classism,” an unfortunate form of prejudice that, he says, results from widening inequality.

Thomas Frank: Ann Coulter and David Brooks play a sneaky, unserious class card

Nowadays, Brooks asserted, “classism intertwines with racism” to produce a truly monstrous complex of attitudes toward the people at society’s bottom. “There’s been class warfare going on for the last 20 years, and my class has won” The Middle Class and Working Poor's Lifelong Losing Game. They say a picture's worth a thousand words.

The Middle Class and Working Poor's Lifelong Losing Game

If that's true, the following 10 images could provide the lyrics for a thousand blues songs. The graphs are taken from series of recent reports which, when considered together, create a paint-by-numbers picture of the lifelong losing game faced by working Americans. The chorus to our blues song goes like this: The middle the class and working poor are increasingly trapped in a cycle of economic decline, a downward slope which stretches from their golden youth to their sunset years. And there's no way out, unless we find one for ourselves. Born Indebted It begins with the ever-growing mountain of debt which students must acquire in this society in order to receive a college education. Total student debt in this country now exceeds the total credit card debt held by all Americans.

The average amount now owed per student is now more than $27,000. Source for above: U.S. Falling Behind The Treadmill Source: Federal Reserve, via Bloomberg View. Noam Chomsky exclusive: Pope Francis, Oscar Romero and the horror of Reagan foreign policy. Last month an apparently unremarkable series of reports about Pope Francis drifted through the international news carousel, attracting little attention from the national media — though it should have.

Noam Chomsky exclusive: Pope Francis, Oscar Romero and the horror of Reagan foreign policy

Punched in the Face: A New Leadership Contract Emerges. "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face.

Punched in the Face: A New Leadership Contract Emerges

" The Mike Tyson quote elicited a ripple of laughter at the Davos breakfast last week - but the somber truth is that traditional leadership approaches have been punched in the face. The world has changed. Profound economic, social and technological forces are rapidly transforming businesses. And the corporation has changed from being viable on its legal and financial construct, to being viable on its social contract. El atípico banquero que triunfa con un banco sin bonos - BBC Mundo - Noticias. The 7 strangest libertarian ideas. ¿Quién era Óscar Romero, el arzobispo cuya canonización fue prohibida por el Vaticano? - BBC Mundo - Noticias. Workers struggle in Hamptons, playground for rich. SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y.

Workers struggle in Hamptons, playground for rich

(AP) — This is a town where people are so rich that a $2 million home can be a handyman's special. A town where the thrift shop is stocked with donations of designer dresses and handbags. But Southampton, with its privet hedges, pristine beaches and some estates costing tens of millions, also is where 40 percent of children get free or reduced school lunches, where a food pantry serves up to 400 clients a month and where some doctors and nurses share homes owned by the local hospital because they can't afford to buy or rent. The deep roots of economic inequality.

The New Capital

El nuevo mapa de la pobreza en Europa - BBC Mundo - Noticias. A más de cinco años del comienzo de la gran recesión del siglo XXI, Europa exhibe un nuevo mapa de la pobreza. En la eurozona, Grecia vive “al borde de una catástrofe humanitaria”, España tiene tres millones de personas que sobreviven con ingresos mensuales de menos de 307 euros (US$417), las cifras oficiales de Portugal colocan a un 18% de la población por debajo de la línea de la pobreza, y en países fundadores del proyecto paneuropeo como Italia, el número de pobres se duplicó entre 2007 y 2012. La situación va más allá de la llamada periferia. En Alemania casi ocho millones de personas sobreviven con unos 450 euros (US$611) mensuales de salario y, por fuera del euro, en Reino Unido, los bancos de alimentos, administrados por organizaciones caritativas, se han multiplicado por 20.

Merkels Populismus im Europawahlkampf. Es ist Wahlkampf und die Frau, die von der ganzen Welt „Mutti“ genannt wird, fischt wieder Stimmen am rechten Rand.