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La BBC sous la coupe d'une nouvelle charte. La vénérable BBC verra sa direction modifiée, mais conservera son financement actuel sur le mode de la redevance. Un avant-projet de loi présenté la semaine dernière par le gouvernement britannique pour revoir la «Charte royale de l'audiovisuel public» a été bien accueilli par l'ensemble des parties et les employés de l'institution. Selon ce projet, l'actuel Conseil de douze gouverneurs, l'organisme de contrôle et de gestion de la BBC, sera aboli et remplacé par deux organismes distincts. Le premier, le BBC Trust, contrôlera les budgets, veillera à l'indépendance de la BBC et représentera les intérêts du public et des contribuables. Le deuxième organisme, le Conseil exécutif, gérera la BBC au jour le jour et élaborera les programmes.

Mais le gouvernement britannique poursuit une réflexion sur la redevance, puisque le système télévisuel doit totalement passer au numérique en 2012. La BBC est également invitée à se moderniser et à améliorer ses programmes. BBC : l’institution radio-télé britannique demeure royale ! Six entreprises de télécommunication – Marconi, GEC, British Thomson Houston, Metropolitan Vickers, Western Electric et la Radio Communication Company – se regroupent autour du projet d’organiser la radiodiffusion sur le territoire du Royaume-Uni. Radio et télévision, la BBC a su s’immiscer dans la vie de chaque foyer anglais. La chaîne demeure la plus puissante du pays par son chiffre d’affaires et le nombre de ses téléspectateurs. « The Beeb » ou « Auntie » (« Tatie » en français) : des surnoms populaires Ils l’aiment, les Britanniques, au point de lui donner un petit nom sympa, familial. la BBC s’est intégrée dans les foyers à la hauteur des nombreuses missions qu’elle s’est fixées.

D’abord, la BBC change de statut cinq ans après sa création. La « Company » devient « Corporation », autrement dit une société de droit public. La concurrence se dessine Réputée pour ses choix d’excellence culturelle, la BBC a longtemps disposé du monopole de la diffusion. Une chaîne d’avant-garde En bref. BBC Trust - Charter and Agreement. The Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) - Singapore Portal. Prospective delegates to AMIC’s prestigious 2014 conference in Bangkok (9th-12th July) can now register on-line through the AMIC web-site. The conference, to be held in partnership with the Faculty of Communication Arts at Chulalongkorn University, has the theme Communicating in an e-Asia: values, technologies and challenges. Conference registration can be accomplished through the web-site at Preparations for AMIC’s 2014 conference in Bangkok (9th-12th July) have taken a significant step forward with the naming of the Chaophya Park Hotel as the venue for the prestigious annual event.

The Chaophya Park Hotel is located in Ratchadapisek, close to major shopping complexes and entertainment centres. It boasts a range of restaurants, conference rooms and a major ballroom. Read more » 2. L’APPROCHE GENRE. 2.1. Le concept “genre” 2.2. Conférences internationales et ‘genre’ 2.3. Illustration des disparités liées au genre 2.4. Politiques de développement et limites relatives au genre 2.5. Plan d’action de la FAO pour traiter les questions de genre 2.1.

“L’approche genre” suppose de considérer les différentes opportunités offertes aux hommes et aux femmes, les rôles qui leur sont assignés socialement et les relations qui existent entre eux. Le sexe marque les caractéristiques biologiques (permanentes et immuables) des hommes et des femmes, communes à toutes les sociétés et à toutes les cultures.

Les relations de genre sont alors définies comme les mécanismes, particuliers à chaque culture, qui déterminent les fonctions et les responsabilités assignées aux uns et aux autres. 2.2. La Conférence des Nations Unies sur l’environnement et le développement (CNUED), à Rio, en 1992, a explicitement abordé les aspects de genre dans la plate-forme du Sommet de la terre: “Action 21”. 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.3.1. Public Service Broadcasting Trust. Can public service broadcasting endure in South Africa? The head of the SABC , Lulama Mokhobo, was in London last week to take part in the University of Westminster’s seminar on new thinking on Public Service Broadcasting (PSB) for the next generation in Africa. Previously SABC’s group executive for PBS, she was speaking as somebody in a position to shape the future of young South Africans.

Public service broadcasting is a broadcaster that serves the public as a whole and is accountable to the public. It is still very important in Africa although its continued relevance is in question. Increasing evidence, however, shows that we could be witnessing the disappearance of BBC-type of public service broadcasts. “Public broadcasting rests on certain basic principles,” Mokhobo pointed out.

The broadcasting landscape in South Africa is a three tier system made up of public, commercial and community broadcasters. “Commercial broadcasters are both free to air and subscription (terrestrial and satellite). Is it all heat and no light? The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) is responsible for public-service broadcasting in South Africa. While wholly owned by the state, the corporation is financially independent of taxpayers' money, deriving its income from advertising and licence fees in a ratio of four to one.

The corporation's public broadcasting arm includes cultural services in all 11 official languages, as well as stations for South Africa's Indian (Lotus FM) and San (XK FM) communities. By far the largest radio station in South Africa is Ukhozi FM, the SABC's isiZulu cultural service, with 6.38-million listeners a week. Below is a guide to all of the SABC’s public-service broadcasting stations. Ukhozi FM By far South Africa's largest radio station, broadcasting in isiZulu, the country's largest language group, Ukhozi - meaning "eagle" - is a semi-national adult contemporary radio station with a public broadcasting mandate. SAfm Radio Sonder Grense Lotus FM Umhlobo Wenene Lesedi FM Thobela FM Motsweding. Independent Television Service (ITVS) About CPB. CPB promotes the growth and development of public media in communities throughout America. When Congress created CPB, it declared that developing public media is an important objective not only for private and local initiatives, but also “of appropriate and important concern” to the federal government.

Congress also decided that establishing CPB as a private, not-for-profit corporation would facilitate the development of public media. CPB funds ITVS (the Independent Television Service) and five minority program consortia, which represent African American, Latino, Asian American, Native American, and Pacific Islander television producers. Since 1968, CPB has been the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting and the largest single source of funding for public radio, television, and related online and mobile services. Local public television and radio stations collectively reach more than 98 percent of the U.S. population with free programming and services. Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) (American organization) -- Encyclopedia Britannica. PUBLIC SERVICE BROADCASTING. PBS Off Book. PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. Constructing Arab Female Leadership Lessons from the Moroccan Media. Abstract How the Arab media construct Middle Eastern women as political actors, frame their leadership roles, and narrate their activities to the public are important questions largely ignored in the growing scholarship on women’s political participation in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

Drawing on Nancy Fraser’s reflections on the politics of recognition and distribution (2007), I examine the construction of women’s leadership in Morocco during the four-month period leading to the local elections of June 2009. Analysis of 1,738 news items from five print media sources reveals that the “symbolic annihilation” of political women, a thesis traditionally applied to Western contexts, is disturbingly robust in Morocco. Article Notes Loubna H. Skalli is assistant professor at the School of International Service, American University, Washington DC. Her teaching and research focus on the politics of development, gender, youth, and communication. . © 2011 The Author(s) Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. WIFT - Women in Film & TV. Gender equality, a huge issue in the Australian screen industry. As the world celebrates the International Women’s Day and Australian screen professionals such as Jan Chapman, Liz Watts and Mandy Walker continue to succeed globally, it would seem that gender imbalance is a thing of the past.

However, Georgina Pearson sat down with Women in Film and Television’s (WIFT) program director Ana Tiwary, who explained that gender equality is not only a huge issue today, but in fact the number of women in the industry is actually decreasing. How many members do you have? Women in Film and Television NSW has several hundred members and thousands of industry practitioners in our network. WIFT NSW is very inclusive and we have quite a few male members and continue to encourage more men to join and support us. I frequently meet men who are baffled by the lack of women in certain specialised fields and want to help bring about change but just don’t know where to start.

In your opinion , what are the main issues for women in the screen industry? Overcoming Gender Stereotypes | Gender Equality. Written by Eden B. King Friday, July 22 2011 Most people would like to believe that coworkers and bosses have moved beyond the idea of men and women as Mars and Venus. The unfortunate truth, however, is that everybody holds strong beliefs about what men and women can and should be and do. These beliefs may be completely unconscious or seem perfectly benign, but at the end of the day they are generalizations about men (“Men won’t ask for help”) and women (“Women are needy”) that may not apply to any one particular man or woman.

Such generalizations are particularly problematic in the workplace, where stereotypes about women can translate into fewer promotions, lower pay, and harassment. Decades of social science research have documented the problems that arise from gender stereotypes. Social science research has also shown that these beliefs get in the way of women’s success in the workplace, where competence is valued more than warmth.

In another study led by M.E. Network Strategically. How to Avoid Gender Stereotypes. About DR - forside - DR/About DR. Books Available for Review - Media International Australia. MIA receives review copies of recent publications from a number of publishers, and these can be made available to reviewers who will undertake to produce the review within the stated time. The policy is to publish many short reviews of two types: Booknotes—must concisely assess and summarise the book, maximum length 200 words; Reviews—must critically analyse the style and the major issues dealt with in the book, maximum length 500 words.

Reviewers are typically members of the academic community, including postgraduates. We also encourage our colleagues in industry to contribute to this part of the journal. A styleguide for reviewers is available here . I f you are interested in reviewing any of these books , please contact the Book Review Editor, Susan Bye, at . NEW Allan, Stuart, Citizen Witnessing NEW Alsultany, Evelyn, Arabs and Muslims in the Media: Race and Representation After 9/11 NEW Danesi, Marcel, Popular Culture: Introductory Perspectives (2nd ed) Nordicom. 2010 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - Croatia. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor April 8, 2011 The Republic of Croatia is a constitutional parliamentary democracy with a population of 4.4 million.

Legislative authority is vested in the unicameral Sabor (parliament). The president serves as head of state and commander of the armed forces, cooperating in the formulation and execution of foreign policy; he also nominates the prime minister, who leads the government. Domestic and international observers stated that presidential elections held in December 2009-January 2010 were in accordance with international standards. Security forces reported to civilian authorities. Section 1 Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom From: a. There were no reports the government or its agents committed arbitrary or unlawful killings. B. There were no reports of politically motivated disappearances. c.

The constitution and law prohibit such practices, and the government generally respected these provisions in practice. d. E. August-September 2010. Experiential Marketing not as a tool, but an approach Integration of experiential methodology into the marketing mix is key to engagement SINGAPORE, September 13, 2010 - With the burgeoning number of choices and competition, the rapidly evolving "super-fluid, new media landscape", as well as rising consumer expectations, marketers are seeing the need to find new ways to capture their audiences' attention, engage, and win the hearts and minds of their consumers. Increasingly, and rightfully, marketers are turning toward experiential marketing as a solution to this uphill battle. However, it would be erroneous to see experiential marketing as the next big marketing trend, and similarly myopic if marketers were to (pardon the pun) blindly incorporate experiential marketing into every marketing initiative.

Experiential marketing needs to be understood as a concept, a philosophy which aims to provide holistic experiences to consumers at the right place and time. Conference Details: From cultural defence to political culture: media, politics and collective identity in the European Union. A Step Forward in Audiovisual Commitment to Minors: the Alternative to Co-Regulation for Countries | Mora-Figueroa Monfort | Derecho Comparado de la Información. The European Commission's Three-Step Approach to Media Pluralism - a Conduit for the Protection of Freedom of Expression in the European Union? | Komorek | Amsterdam Law Forum. Ewa Komorek* Introduction Media pluralism has for decades been subject to scrutiny by the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights. It has always come to their agenda as a prerequisite for the established human right of freedom of expression, which is guarded by Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights ( ECHR ). 1 Obviously, without media pluralism, freedom of expression would be non-existent. 2 In the European Union the attitude towards media pluralism has been far more precarious.

However, numerous voices are being raised that the ‘three-step plan’ will not bring a major change to the current, commercial stance of the European Commission towards the media sector. I. The Liverpool Audiovisual Conference held in July 2005 as part of the debate on the reform of the Television Without Frontiers Directive, 5 allowed for some degree of optimism. I.1 Step 1 – Staff Working Paper (2007) Conclusion LL.B (Warsaw), LL.M (Amsterdam), PhD. About Us - French. ACDI/VOCA est une organisation a but non lucratif, qui soutient les entreprises.

Nous favorisons une croissance économique durable à grande échelle, une élévation des niveaux de vie et nous cultivons des communautés vibrantes. En tant qu’organisation à but non-lucratif nous apportons des solutions durables aux problèmes de développement les plus urgents et les plus difficiles à résoudre. Nos activités couvrent tout l’éventail d’actions possibles en matière de développement, qu'il s'agisse de satisfaire les besoins élémentaires, à assurer la stabilisation des communautés, la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition, à la réduction de la pauvreté, l’accès aux services financier et l’intégration au marché. Plutôt que de traiter des problèmes particuliers de manière isolée, nous procédons par approches intégrées dans nos cinq domaines d’activité : Agro-industrie Développement Communautaire Développement de l’entreprise Services financiers Sécurité alimentaire Qu’est-ce qui distingue ACDI/VOCA? Section Info. Open Space World » Media Fighting Stereotypes.

Media Research Hub — Programs. Summary. Working Documents (PACE Web site) Analyse n°02/2006: Les stéréotypes sexistes, outils de dicriminations des femmes. Stereotypes . Articles . Children and Media . PBS Parents. Cultural Diversity and the EC Audiovisual Media Services Directive: Beyond the Handsome Rhetoric by Mira Burri. AfriMAP. Éducation aux médias->Études et Rapports « Conseil National des Programmes. Conseil National des Programmes. Réformes successives de l'audiovisuel public. Emissions religieuses et service public audiovisuel. 108 | April 2013. Le secteur public de l'audiovisuel,.  La politique de l'audiovisuel. Politiques publiques - repères - vie. La réforme de l'audiovisuel public de 2009,.  La politique de l'audiovisuel. Politiques publiques - repères - vie. Portraying Politics - WHAT. Media Report to Women. Miss Representation » Resources. NEMBC - National Ethnic and Multicultural Broadcasters' Council.

Home page. Google Traduction. Le blog de Benjamin Stora | Mediapart. OpenMedia at McGill | Promoting students' interest in media, technology and information policy. Observatoire des inégalités. Programme de formation. Créez des mecanismes de suivi. Jeu du Je. Orbicom. Justice Lois Recherche. Commission canadienne des droits de la personne. Policy 1.1.3: Guidelines on Sex-Role Portrayal • CBC/Radio-Canada.

Community Blog | Feminist Blogging for Everyone. University of Illinois Financial Aid: International Students. Europäisches Zentrum für Medienkompetenz - ecmc GmbH - English. Base de données IRIS Merlin. Home - EMR-SB. MAVISE : Database on television channels and TV companies in the European Union. Accueil - Cour de justice de l’Union européenne. Ec-Commission européenne -Éducation et culture. Politiques audiovisuelle et des médias  | Europa.

Home - Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology. Home. Parlement européen. Start / ALM english version / Profile. Die medienanstalten: Start. Du monopole d'Etat à la régulation,.  La politique de l'audiovisuel. Politiques publiques.


Télévision - Audiovisuel - Secrétariat Général - Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles. Observateurs_chercheurs. ICASA - The Regulator for the South African Communications,Broadcasting,Postal Sectors. Bases de données. Gender observatory. Etudes et publications. Observatories médias. Euromed Audiovisual III - Technical Assistance - Home. Accueil. REFRAM | Réseau francophone des régulateurs des médias. EPRA - European Platform of Regulatory Authorities. Home. Normalisation. Le site web officiel de l'Union européenne.

Mediadesk - media\marketing\communication. Conseil de l'Europe Division Médias et Société de l'information - Accueil. Commission europ?enne.