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Captioner: Add comic book style captions to your photos! Stories. Time For Kids. First News Children's Newspaper - Official Site > Home. Storyline Online. CE. Story Builders. CO. Inanimate Alice - About the Project. Born-digital Created as a reading-from-the-screen experience for the digital generation, Inanimate Alice stands alongside the best novels for pre-teen and emerging teen readers. Interactive Requires the reader to drive the action forward at their own pace and encourages readers to co-create their own versions of the story, either filling in the gaps or developing new strands.

Multimedia Uses text, images, music, sound effects, puzzles and games to illustrate and enhance the narrative. A Novel A reading-from-the-screen experience for the “always on” generation. Episodic Designed originally as entertainment, Inanimate Alice has been adopted by teachers eager to develop their students’ digital literacy skills. Click here to begin with Episode #1 Designed originally as entertainment, ‘Inanimate Alice’ has been adopted by teachers eager to connect with students through media they inherently understand.

Available in French, German, Italian and Spanish.