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Science, Math, and Awesomeness

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Dimensions Home. A film for a wide audience! Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed! Background information on every chapter: see "Details". Click on the image on the left to watch the trailer ! (turn your speakers on please). Free download and you can watch the films online! The film can also be ordered as a DVD.

This film is being distributed under a Creative Commons license. Now with even more languages for the commentary and subtitles: Commentary in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. Film produced by: Jos Leys (Graphics and animations) Étienne Ghys (Scenario and mathematics) Aurélien Alvarez (Realisation and post-production) Information Is Beautiful | Ideas, issues, knowledge, data - visualized! SolarBeat. Jake's Wimshurst Machine and How to Build It! (Part 1) Last year I wrote an article for Make Magazine volume #17 that described the construction of an electrostatic generator of electricity, a Wimshurst Influence machine, using parts and materials commonly available at your local home center and hardware store.

I was a little surprised and quite pleased when I realized that the contract from O'Reilly Media (the publishers of Make:) had me retaining copyright for the material I submitted. What I sold to O'Reilly was basically a right to use and to publish first. So here it is for your enjoyment! This is the first of a five part series detailing the construction of a Wimshurst Influence machine! (UPDATE: added large dimensioned drawing.) Part 1 - Overview, Materials, and Tools When assembling a laboratory, the gentleman or lady experimenter should be sure to include a Wimshurst electrostatic generating machine.

Introduction: Electrostatic machines have always seemed a little like magic to me. Functional Overview: History: Materials: Tools: Physical Sciences. Basic research. Basic research (also called pure research or fundamental research) is a systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena without specific applications or products in mind. It includes all branches of science and engineering.[1] Basic research has been described as arising out of curiosity.[2] Basic research is contrasted with applied research, which is research focused on a particular problem or application. Basic research lays the foundation for advancements in knowledge that lead to applied gains later on, occasionally as a result of unexpected discoveries.[2] The International Council for Science, in a December 2004 position statement, urged support for and adequate public investment in basic research, stating that basic science, innovation, and development are intertwined.[3] In the United States, pure research is mainly carried out by universities and institutes financed by the government. [4] Overview[edit] See also[edit]

Planets Alignments: Fact or Fiction? Dr. Donald Luttermoser East Tennessee State University (Note that portions of this Web page were copied from Phil Plait's Web page at , an excellent Web site about this and other erroneous notions about astronomy.) Introduction It seems that every decade or so, humanity is warned by gloom-and-doom soothsayers that a planetary alignment will take place in the near future and cause havoc on the Earth . Of course, it is not astronomers that give these warnings, but instead, zealots ( astrologers and psychics ) who have very limited knowledge of the night sky or the solar system in general.

However, alignment can be used in two different ways for planets. The second type of alignment is one in which the planets follow a straight line traced out on the sky . The Geometry of Planetary Alignments The last series of planetary configurations or perhaps more accurately called multiple planetary conjunctions occurred in the year 2000. May 5, 2000. SCIENCE HOBBYIST: Top Page. Biog. Matrixalgebra.