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Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek - Multimedia Feature. Forget Mobile-First: Marketers Need To Be Consumer-First & Take Multi-Screen Marketing Approach. How many screens are you using to reach your consumers?

Forget Mobile-First: Marketers Need To Be Consumer-First & Take Multi-Screen Marketing Approach

Are you giving your audience the content they want on the device they want? Do you have a comprehensive strategy to connect your marketing efforts across multiple screens? In an effort to better understand consumer behavior in relation to multi-screen marketing, two Microsoft executives have published a book offering insight on how consumers are interacting with brands across multiple screens. Natasha Hritzuk, Microsoft’s senior director of global consumer insights, and Kelly Jones, Microsoft’s head of thought leadership, are the co-authors of Multi-screen Marketing: The Seven Things You Need to Know to Reach Your Customers across TVs, Computers, Tablets and Mobile Phones. Which Stats Matter: A Definitive Guide to Social Media Metrics.

3.5K Flares 3.5K Flares × Among the many superpowers I wish I had, one that would be quite useful is the ability to understand social media metrics.

Which Stats Matter: A Definitive Guide to Social Media Metrics

I know enough to get by, and I love learning the new techniques to get more from these numbers—and to make sure I’m seeking the right numbers in the first place. In an effort to understand the little bits I can, I’ve done some research into all the many different social media stats you might track and which ones are worthwhile. Learn more about Toutes les commandes spéciales de Google, Bing expliquées en français. Voici la description complète de 33 commandes spéciales de Google, Bing et Yahoo...

Toutes les commandes spéciales de Google, Bing expliquées en français

Les commandes spéciales sont des mots ou signes particuliers pris en compte par les moteurs de recherche pour effectuer des requêtes qui sortent de l'ordinaire. Les internautes ne les utilisent quasiment jamais, mais les référenceurs ou webmarketers s'en servent dans leur travail d'optimisation du référencement. Cette base de données, la plus complète du web sur le sujet, a été créée par Olivier Duffez, éditeur du site WebRankInfo.

Pour commencer, vous pouvez consulter l'aide qui explique comment faire des requêtes sur Google spécifiquement. 6 Steps to a Comprehensive Content Strategy Audit. In the business world, audits are conducted for a number of reasons, including the evaluation of performance versus benchmarks.

6 Steps to a Comprehensive Content Strategy Audit

In the digital world, we have a tendency to set our benchmarks and look at the results, but far too often we fail to understand the reasons why our initiatives exceeded expectations or failed to perform. The Evernote Blogging Platform. 6 Ways to Earn Higher Rankings Without Investing in Content Creation and Marketing - Whiteboard Friday. Content Strategy Gets Tactical: Establishing The Content Workflow.

Content strategy — creating repeatable processes to govern content marketing and make it accountable to measurable goals — has many components.

Content Strategy Gets Tactical: Establishing The Content Workflow

Your first steps in putting together a content strategy include determining the goals, developing personas, analyzing content needs, and designating someone to serve in an editorial leadership capacity. From there, you’ll want to establish a content workflow. This is the point at which content marketing gets tactical. It’s a nuts-and-bolts process in which you will lay out content calendars, creation, approvals, style guides, templates and tools. Get this part right, and you’ll be ready to run a newsroom! The Editorial Calendar: The Hub Of Your Content Workflow At the very core of the content workflow is the editorial calendar. How to Speed Up Your Content Curation Process. The Internet map. The map of the Internet Like any other map, The Internet map is a scheme displaying objects’ relative position; but unlike real maps (e.g. the map of the Earth) or virtual maps (e.g. the map of Mordor), the objects shown on it are not aligned on a surface.

The Internet map

Mathematically speaking, The Internet map is a bi-dimensional presentation of links between websites on the Internet. Every site is a circle on the map, and its size is determined by website traffic, the larger the amount of traffic, the bigger the circle. Users’ switching between websites forms links, and the stronger the link, the closer the websites tend to arrange themselves to each other. The Site Owner's Guide to SEO for Content Writing. Newly Revised for 2014!

The Site Owner's Guide to SEO for Content Writing

SEO, usability, reader’s tastes…With so much to think about, creating content isn’t an easy job, but Alan has taken this complex process and broken it down into a solid, quick, easy-to-follow guide. The result is an unshakable foundation of value. Benchmark éditorial & analyse concurrentielle. Le benchmark éditorial est une analyse comparative des contenus éditoriaux de plusieurs sites d’un même univers concurrentiel.

Benchmark éditorial & analyse concurrentielle

Il est indispensable à votre stratégie de communication. Content Marketers Could Become Their Own Worst Enemy. Date / / Category / Marketing Content is powerful.

Content Marketers Could Become Their Own Worst Enemy

It helps websites and companies earn traffic, earn amplification through social media, build trust with an audience, all at a cost far lower than traditional or online paid marketing channels. Trends Dashboard. 6 conseils pour ne jamais manquer d’idées de contenu pour votre blogue. L’une des questions que j’entends le plus souvent dans mes activités de directeur SEO est sans contredit la suivante : « Alors David, quel est le meilleur outil possible que je peux mettre en place pour améliorer mon référencement ?

6 conseils pour ne jamais manquer d’idées de contenu pour votre blogue

Curation de contenu. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Aborder la notion de document par le mind mapping (2) : dimension intellectuelle. Après avoir posé le cadre épistémologique, je poursuis cette série d’articles, envisagée pour deux, mais qui devrait finalement en comporter quatre… ou cinq, afin d’examiner avec méthode des pistes de séquences. » La « curation », un nouveau métier du Web? Très bientôt, le contenu accessible sur Internet doublera toutes les 72 heures. Trouver une information pertinente deviendra une tâche encore plus ardue! En réponse à cette préoccupation, une pratique est en vogue depuis plusieurs mois sur le Web: la curation.

On mise désormais sur l’édition et la diffusion plutôt que sur la création de contenu. Dossiers Marketing Attitude. L'inbound marketing expliqué à ta mère. Simplify Your Inbound Marketing Process: Focus on Content Assets. The author's posts are entirely his or her own (excluding the unlikely event of hypnosis) and may not always reflect the views of Moz. Content Marketing : une discipline à part entière, mais des stratégies encore à affiner. Big data, social media, brand content : le nouveau marketing.

Joe Pulizzi. Content Marketing - The Real Story. What does the Average User Think about Online Content [STUDY] We conducted a survey of 500 US individuals to gain a deeper insight into how consumers view the content we all produce and to determine what impact things like authorship markup in SERPs and perceived credibility have on their behavior as well as what factors contribute to an individual sharing a piece of content and ultimately from a consumer perspective how content fits into sales funnels.

This post will be looking at some of the top-line results from the survey and we’ll be delivering further insights gained from this survey over the next few weeks – diving deeper into some of the demographics to compare how the behavior of certain segments differs. For this study we used the Google Consumer Surveys platform, 500 participants made up of the US general population were invited to take part and a mix of ages, incomes and locations were involved.

All responses were collected within 3 days of the survey launch date of 2nd January 2014. Key findings. Rédaction d'une description d'hôtel pour un site touristique ~ Blog de l'agence Atout Rédaction. How to Prove the Value of Content Marketing with Multi-Channel Funnels. The following is a guest post contributed by Josh Braaten, Senior Online Marketing Manager at Rasmussen College, Google Analytics enthusiast, and avid content scientist. Conversion is rarely straightforward, especially for products or services with lengthy or complicated buying cycles. Working for a college has made it clear to me that every consumer is different, and so are their research needs as they navigate their unique buying process. It takes a holistic content strategy to address the extensive information needs of potential students, and rarely do blogs and other types of content marketing get the credit they deserve for the role they play in influencing conversion.