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Auggie Wren. Scotland. Mary. Written in the early 1960s by Canadian Buffy Sainte-Marie, Universal Soldier is commonly interpreted as being written in response to the war in Vietnam, it was actually penned before the first US combat troops arrived there.


It gained popularity after being released by Scottish folk artist Donovan in 1965. It did well in Britain, where it was first released, reaching number five on the singles charts, though it fared less well in the United States.The version here appears with a photo montage, with credit to Youtube user tolka. The Universal Soldier is an unusual war-protest song because it blames war not on governments, leaders or corporations, but on the individuals who accept the notion that killing solves problems and one war can end future wars. As implied by the title, Sainte-Marie makes no distinction between the soldiers of different nations, religions or ideologies: they fight for different causes but the same reasons.

The Music in History channel is operated by Alpha History. Teachers’ home page. Drama Activities for Kids and Teens — Drama Notebook. 10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams. So what do you do to practise listening for exams?

10 Best Free Listening Websites with Quizzes to Practise for Listening Exams

Growing up, I never had the opportunity to do any extra practice to improve my listening skills. We didn’t have the Internet and the thousand possibilities it offers to learners of any language nowadays. The teachers had an old tape player that sometimes stopped and started on its own and old tapes that ended up sounding distorted and most of the times unlistenable so if you wanted to get better at listening, you just listened to the radio and struggled to understand the lyrics and sing along. Not that I ever complained. That was the perfect excuse to listen to music while claiming to be working hard. So, exams are just around the corner and I know you’re beginning to freak out. These are, in my opinion, the best sites with quizzes to practise listening comprehension. Activité : Faire l'interview d'un auteur célèbre.

English Fairy Tales.

WW 1 poetry

Listening Comprehension, Listening that sparks learning. Articles for kids, middle school, teens from Smithsonian. Experience-Jacob Lawrence Migration Series. Emotional intelligence: why it matters and how to teach it. In our work with schools, it’s now commonplace for us to hear those in education talking about helping students (and staff) develop their emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence: why it matters and how to teach it

But what do we mean exactly? Why and how should teachers support its development in their students? Emotional intelligence can be said to cover five main areas: self-awareness, emotional control, self-motivation, empathy and relationship skills. It is, of course, important for good communication with others – and is therefore a gateway to better learning, friendships, academic success and employment. Skills such as these developed in our formative years at school often provide the foundation for future habits later on in life.

The term emotional intelligence was popularised in the mid 90s by journalist Daniel Goleman’s book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. Créer des infographies pour apprendre. Depuis plusieurs années, les infographies sont devenues abondantes sur le Web pour décrire un phénomène, expliciter une thématique, donner à voir des chiffres et données.

Créer des infographies pour apprendre

Les infographies ont pour caractéristique de présenter en une même image des données quantitatives et des graphiques (sous forme de diagrammes).

Food Glorious Food

BBC iWonder - Did the suffragettes win women the vote? CCF BRIEF: On August 26, 2017, Women’s Equality Day Turns 44. LELE. Ride this Train. 50 000+ Free ESL, EFL worksheets made by teachers for teachers. Lycée Notions. The Halas and Batchelor Collection. Welcome to the Halas & Batchelor Collection the archive of what was for over 50 years, the largest and most influential animation studio in Western Europe.

The Halas and Batchelor Collection

From small beginnings in 1940, they made over 2000 films and earned an international reputation for fine animation extending the medium to explain complex ideas with clarity and humour. This site aims to be an introduction to their work, commemorating the artists and technicians who worked in the studio, and recording their achievement.

Thanksgiving - collège

Ressources - académies; EN... Didactique et méthodologie. Treasure Island and other Piratey links. By Kieran Donaghy. Exhibition history. Michael Moore’s “Morning After To-Do List” Facebook Post For Democrats Is Going Viral. This Day in Quotes. Five Ws and One H: The Secret to Complete News Stories. If you ever sat through Journalism 101, you know all about the Five Ws and one H.

Five Ws and One H: The Secret to Complete News Stories

For the rest of you, you may find this concept helpful when preparing interview questions or writing factual news stories. This concept may help you write better news releases too, considering they should contain news. What are the Five Ws and One H? They are Who, What, Why, When, Where and How. "A Word A Day” Projet inspiré d’un article faisant référence au blog ci-dessous Jouer avec les mots, les images et créer pour mieux s’approprier la langue écrite.

"A Word A Day”

Manipuler la langue, la faire sortir de la classe, échanger et enrichir son vocabulaire. MENE1622035C. Capitalisant sur la dynamique de « l'Année du sport de l'école à l'université », l'année scolaire 2016-2017 est tournée vers l'Olympisme et ses valeurs dans le cadre de la candidature Paris 2024 à l'organisation des futurs Jeux olympiques et paralympiques.


Le ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche (MENESR) souhaite promouvoir la pratique sportive chez les jeunes et mobiliser la communauté éducative autour des valeurs citoyennes et sportives dans le cadre d'une « Année de l'Olympisme, de l'école à l'université » et mener des actions éducatives en ce sens tout au long de l'année. Cette opération sera conduite en partenariat étroit avec le Comité national Olympique et sportif français (Cnosf), le Comité paralympique et sportif français (CPSF), le groupement d'intérêt public (Gip) Paris 2024, le ministère chargé des sports et l'ensemble des fédérations sportives scolaires et universitaires. 1.

Objectifs de l'opération 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


English Tongue Twisters: Index. The science of revision: nine ways pupils can revise for exams more effectively. The weeks and months leading up to exams can be challenging for students (and parents and teachers alike).

The science of revision: nine ways pupils can revise for exams more effectively

Now more than ever, young people seem to be feeling the pressure. Ressources - Déconstruire la désinformation et les théories conspirationnistes. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine.


Getting to equality isn’t just the right thing to do – it’s the smart thing to do. Projet interdisciplinaire et collaboratif. Olympic Games. A History of the World in 100 Objects.