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70+ Mind-Blowing Digital Painting Tutorials. MrJonHodgson's Channel. Free Art Lessons-Art The Art of Daarken. Secrets of A Modern Painter. Making of Yuka. Introduction After receiving some positive feedback to my last work “yuka” I decided to write a detailed tutorial about creating process.

Making of Yuka

My main goal was to create a painting which was really detailed. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do it without a real photograph so I started to look for something that would interest me and make me want to spent a lot of hours painting it in photoshop. Mozilla Firefox. Introduction It's very crucial for a creator to foresee the image in his own mind and be able to know if it will make a good artwork, or not.

Mozilla Firefox

I wanted to create a scene filled with tension and drama, just like a still from the film itself. Designing the Movement Planning the work, I wanted to bring out the tension and conflict as a priority, which led me to an explosive duel scene that would draw audiences into the work. What troubled me was deciding whether the duel should take place during the day or night. Fig. 01 Fig. 02 Architecture I re-designed the poses and polished up the buildings.

Fig. 03 Dramatic Element In the film, Megatron is pictured as the destroyer, and Optimus Prime as the protector. Composition. Digital Painting Video Podcast Bobby Chiu  3D Total - The cg artists home page. Tutorials. Step 1: Line art I've always been fascinated by realism, and because of this it is really important to me that the base line-art sketch has got proper proportions.


I usually use the old trick by putting a grid on top of a reference photo I've shot, and then I copy the same grid onto a blank canvas and start drawing grid by grid from what I see on the reference photo. I make sure to keep the grid on a separate layer so that I easily can remove the grid at a later stage, and also keep the drawing on a separate layer underneath the grid. Step 2: Blocking in, and grey scale shading. Head Study Painting. Tutorials. Assigment #3: High Key. We'll be focusing on value for the next couple of assignments.

Assigment #3: High Key

Below is a reference chart for value. Notice that the values have been numbered with 0 being the darkest value and 10 being the lightest value. Sometimes artists choose to work within a certain range of the value scale. By doing this you can change the mood of the piece. APB Whistler Step by Step by ~arnistotle. Gustave Dore - Paradise Lost. Tutorials for visual effects artists, concept designers, sculptors and comic book illustrators and traditional artists using Maya, ZBrush, 3ds Max, Photoshop and Painter as well as traditional drawing and painting. Leonardo Da Vinci Misc.

The Vortex: Made of Paper, Glue and Magic: Project Index. Pages This Blog Linked From Here Project Index Welcome to The Vortex, the Endless Spiral of Suck.

The Vortex: Made of Paper, Glue and Magic: Project Index

The following is a list of most of the various projects I've accomplished using Magic: the Gathering cards. Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Previous posts About Me If you're wondering, this isn't my real name, I'm not born on Jan 27, 1977, and I'm not divorced 5 times with 11 children, making $11,000 a year. View my complete profile Search This Blog. Anatomy Lessons For The Artist. Tutorials for visual effects artists, concept designers, sculptors and comic book illustrators and traditional artists using Maya, ZBrush, 3ds Max, Photoshop and Painter as well as traditional drawing and painting. - CG artists homepage with fresh CG industry news // Bona Drag Jewelry. Figure & Gesture Drawing Tool. Today in art » 8 Drawing Exercises That Every Artist Should Practice. Wire Drawing Exercise Example from – this example has been placed on a painted acrylic background With this exercise you are not going to be drawing at all.

today in art » 8 Drawing Exercises That Every Artist Should Practice

All you need is some wire and a pair of pliers with cutters. My favorite wire for this exercise is tie wire and you can get it almost any hardware store. Pamela Love. Teacher's Toolbox: Learning How To Draw. Learn How to Draw and How to Paint... Like an Artist! Drawing Forum and Art Community. Tutorial: Easy wrinkles and folds - Notebook In Hand. Livebrush & the Livebrush Project. Sketch Artist, Concept Artist, Illustrator, 2D Animator. Creature Spot - The Spot for Creature Art, Artists and Fans. Early this year, I was approached by Wizards of the Coast to paint a Magic Card.

Creature Spot - The Spot for Creature Art, Artists and Fans

This was my first card for the game and I was really quite excited to have the opportunity to create work for it! You can click for larger views of the images below: While designing Gahiji, I looked to quite a few different animals for inspiration: babirusa, big cats, bongos and parrots. He needed to feel god-like, majestic and powerful, yet plausible; like something that could live and breathe in the jungle.

This card was released in early November as part of the Commander Series. Special thanks to Jeremy, my AD for the project. Concept cars and trucks. Odosketch. FZDSCHOOL's Channel. Concept Art & Design Saturday: Jaime Jones. Concept robots.