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Forex Traders' Guide to Major Economies. Today we’re going to take a trip around the world, but it ain’t gonna take 80 days.

Forex Traders' Guide to Major Economies

If you’re fast enough to keep up, we can probably get around in just 80 seconds! …Not! In any case, we’ll make sure you learn about the nitty-gritty of each major economy and what makes its engine go. For each country that we will be touring, we’ll start off with a quick peek at the important facts and figures, followed by an overview of its economy. Once that’s out of the way, we’ll visit the country’s central bank to find out some of their secrets. Hopefully, we’ll stumble into the room where they keep their printing plates and we can sneak out the back door and sell it on the black market.

We’re kidding – we’re here to teach you how to trade forex the legal way. After that, we’ll discuss the important characteristics that differentiate that country’s local currency from all the rest, as well as hard-hitting economic indicators for that country. Are you ready? Platformy Forex. How You Make Money in Forex. In the forex market, you buy or sell currencies.

How You Make Money in Forex

Placing a trade in the foreign exchange market is simple: the mechanics of a trade are very similar to those found in other markets (like the stock market), so if you have any experience in trading, you should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. The object of forex trading is to exchange one currency for another in the expectation that the price will change, so that the currency you bought will increase in value compared to the one you sold. Example: *EUR 10,000 x 1.18 = US $11,800 ** EUR 10,000 x 1.25 = US $12,500 An exchange rate is simply the ratio of one currency valued against another currency.

How to Read a Forex Quote Currencies are always quoted in pairs, such as GBP/USD or USD/JPY. Candlesticks Charts Explained. Introduction Candlestick charts were derived over 200 years ago by the Japanese, who used them for the purpose of doing analysis of the rice markets.

Candlesticks Charts Explained

The technique evolved over time into what is now the candlestick technique used in Japan and indeed by millions of technical traders around the world. They are visually more attractive than standard bar and line charts and they make for a clearer market reading, once understood. The major component of a candlestick is the body, i.e. the part that forms the rectangular shape between the open and close points. While traditional Japanese candlesticks use black and white bodies, we use green and red in our representations as we believe the colours better define the market direction and we find them to be visually more striking. The extension lines at the top and lower end of the candlestick bodies are called the shadows. Note: A trading period can be a week, a day, an hour or even less. 1) Long Periods 2) Short Periods 3) Marubozu 4) Spinning Tops.

Forex Basics. The following is an introduction to some basic terms, definitions and concepts used in forex trading.

Forex Basics

It is designed to be read in chronological order, starting with the most simplest terms and moving through to some more advanced terms used in the forex market, or you can click on any individual term if you want an explanation of a specific term. Introduction Foreign Exchange The simultaneous transaction of one currency for another. Foreign Exchange Market The Foreign exchange market is a large, growing and liquid financial market that operates 24 hours a day. Spot Market The market for buying and selling currencies at the current market rate. Rollover A spot transaction is generally due for settlement within two business days (the value date).

Exchange Rate The value of one currency expressed in terms of another. Lewarowanie – broń obosieczna. Podstawą handlu na forex jest lewarowanie (dźwignia).

Lewarowanie – broń obosieczna

Dźwignię możemy zdefiniować jako użycie stosunkowo małej części kapitału do kontrolowania odpowiednio większej częsci. Przeciętna dźwignia na rynku forex to 1:100, zdażają sie jednak większe, nawet 1:400. Stąd biorą się kolejne rzesze graczy skuszonych łatwym zyskiem za małe pieniądze. To świetne rozwiązanie dla brokera ale bardzo złe dla Ciebie. To kuszące, że mając np $1000 można kontrolować do $400.000, wielu niedoświadczonych traderów wpada w tą pułapkę. W ten sposób broker pozwala Ci na zawieranie dużych transakcji przekraczających stan Twojego konta nawet kilkaset razy, jednak jest druga strona medalu, jeżeli stracisz określoną ilość pieniędzy ze swojego rachunku, broker zamknie wszystkie Twoje pozycje i wezwie do uzupełnienia rachunku. Wbrew zdrowemu rozsądkowi początkujący traderzy mają tendencję do nadmiernego wykorzystywania dźwigni i otwierania często tak dużych pozycji na jak to możliwe.

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