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Bienvenue. LiberTIC - Carte. CR Atelier Open Data 08-07-13.pdf. Rennes. Portails Open Data en France. Administration Québec. Données ouvertes - Québec. Bienvenue - Open Data Burkina Faso. San Francisco. The brilliant Code for America project — which connects cash-strapped city governments with cutting-edge web developers to achieve more impact with less money — has updated its blog with a story about how San Francisco used city data to save more than $1 million dollars on street cleaning.

San Francisco

Ed Reiskin, Director of San Francisco’s Public Works department, noticed that some street cleaning trucks were returning with little or no trash on certain days or routes. This compelled Ed to ask for tonnage logs — how much trucks weigh going out vs. how much trucks weigh coming in — to determine how to optimize city cleaning. After about a month of study, Ed’s team concluded that they could find significant savings by re-routing certain routes and reducing others. These changes would help the city to save its money (less gas, parts, and labor) and protect its environment (less pollution and water usage).