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Creative Writing/Storytelling

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Home. Story Dice creative story ideas by Dave Birss - speaker, author, film-maker. As you can see above, you get five story dice (or nine dice, if you prefer), each with a random image on it.

Story Dice creative story ideas by Dave Birss - speaker, author, film-maker

Your job is quite simply to turn these prompts into a story. I recommend you try to work with the order they appear on the screen but if you’re finding it tough, you can do some swapsies. The first iPhone text message screenshot generator. WindowSwap. The Game Gal - Giving you lists of awesome, fun family games!

Writing Sparks. Roll & Explain on Discussion. Story Dice Roller by Matt Dugan. Random Word Generator. The Spy Who Never Was. Wicked Uncle's - The Spy Who Never Was.

The Spy Who Never Was

Story and picture by Bertie. Read by Richard. Jemima & Mum by Jana. Graphic Organizer Maker. Writing Exercises and Prompts. 3 Emoji Designs. 3 Emoji Designs Flex your creativity by making a design based off three randomly generated emoji.

3 Emoji Designs

Enter your name for diagnosis HOT diagnoses - The most popular diagnoses. Generate a list of random things. Random Word Generator — Get a list of random words. □ Emoji People and Smileys Meanings. Are you ready to play Five Card flickr? Adventure Story Starters: Writing Prompts for Kids.