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BP Sulu Sea not gulf. New BP Data Show 20% of Gulf Spill Responders Exposed to Chemical That Sickened Valdez Workers. BP's new summary of chemical testing, posted to its website this week after a nearly monthlong absence of new data, also makes notable revisions to the company's public characterization of the health risks facing Gulf workers. The oil giant now describes the government as a partner in developing the program for monitoring cleanup crews.

In a June 9 report on worker test results, BP confidently asserted that the health hazards of exposure to both dispersant chemicals and the components of leaking crude "are very low. " In its latest summary, BP replaced those three words with an assurance that health risks "have been carefully considered in the selection of the various methods employed in addressing its spill. " The new BP summary, including results up to June 29, show a broad majority of workers testing below exposure limits set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). More questions than answers. Richard C Hoagland Interview - Warns of Massive Tsunami & an Armageddon Scenario, page 5. Whew .... too much space moving past by on this page ... my ego will be cowering. This is my new idea in an attempt to end the media black out!

Possiblity of underwater landslide and tsunami in the Gulf If the President needs some help in getting around the brass knuckles presented as fear for harm of the general public (which is totally bogus, or their temp workers would have better personal protection and medical services) ..... then maybe the general public needs to present him with a case as to why he needs to be a bit more forthcoming in getting some serious cooperation from BP ... if that is not a non sequitur.

OK .. we think we are the big stand up country for the world, right? There is not a chance for one tsunami ... but for THREE tsunami to happen: I have not squinted at good bathymetric data yet .. I have to do this, but the general lay of the land which I have seen indicates this is on a slope of the shelf, sloping south and the ridge is east / west.

Two: .. Three: .. Oil Spill Situation Page - "You're on the Situation Page " powered by VueTOO® Cloud of Death followed by Tsunami traveling at 400-600 MPH 2/2. Cloud of Death followed by Tsunami traveling at 400-600 MPH 1/2. The 'Abiotic Oil' Controversy. Lindsey Williams with Jeff Rense 28 January 2010. Lindsey Williams on The Oil Spill catastrophe - Jeffe Rense 11/05/2010. Oil spill raises concerns about air quality along coastal Louisiana | New Orleans News, Local News, Breaking News, Weather | | Gulf Oil Spill. NEW ORLEANS -- There are effects from the oil spill that you can see, like oil washing ashore, and those that you can't, like when oil compounds breakdown and go airborne.

"We don't want to be alarmist, but we want to be realistic," said Marylee Orr, with the Louisiana Environmental Action Network, an advocacy group. For several weeks now, the federal Environmental Protection Agency has been tracking what's in the air, by using a mobile truck and seven monitoring stations, located mainly in St. Bernard and Plaquemines Parishes. They are looking for evidence of several compounds, including Hydrogen Sulfide, particulate matter and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's), like Benzene, a known carcinogen.

"These pollutants could pose a health risk to local communities and this monitoring is essential to ensure that communities are protected as BP takes direct response actions," EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson said during a Senate Committee Hearing on Tuesday. So what have they found? Portal:Current events/2010 April 20. April 20 Deaths in History. April 20. Deepwater Companies Pull Up Stakes, and Some May Never Return. Coast Guard to BP: Speed it up, stop the spill. Toxic Corexit dispersant chemicals remained secret as feds colluded with Big Business. (NaturalNews) After weeks of silence on the issue, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finally decided to go public with the list of ingredients used to manufacture Corexit, the chemical dispersant used by BP in the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster. There are two things about this announcement that deserve our attention: First, the ingredients that have been disclosed are extremely toxic, and second, why did the EPA protect the oil industry's "trade secrets" for so long by refusing to disclose these ingredients until now?

As reported in the New York Times, Brian Turnbaugh, a policy analyst at OMB Watch said, "EPA had the authority to act all along; its decision to now disclose the ingredients demonstrates this. Yet it took a public outcry and weeks of complaints for the agency to act and place the public's interest ahead of corporate interests. " Armed with the accomplices in the FDA, EPA, FTC and the U.S.

Ingredients of Controversial Dispersants Used on Gulf Spill Are Secrets No More. Oil. Washington's Blog. Janine Wedel has written extensively on how the “shadow elite” rule the world and about the “flexians” – the movers and shakers of the shadow elite who glide across borders, and structure overlapping (and not fully revealed) roles in government, business, media, and think tanks to serve their own agendas. Wedel says that flexians wear many hats both within and outside of government, and use their networks of contacts to influence policy – are warping our democracy and the rule of law.

Peter Sutherland is the quintessential flexian. According to his September 2009 bio: Peter Sutherland is chairman of BP plc (1997 – current). He is also chairman of Goldman Sachs International (1995 – current). He was appointed chairman of the London School of Economics in 2008…. Before these appointments, he was the founding director-general of the World Trade Organisation. Sutherland resigned as BP’s chairman in 2009, but apparently still serves in various key capacities. Mr.