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The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University. Branching out: A mathematical law of dendritic connectivity. (Medical Xpress) -- That the brain is evolution at its finest is perhaps best demonstrated by the beauty, complexity and diversity of dendrites – tree-like structures that form neural circuits by connecting a neuron to its synaptic inputs.

Branching out: A mathematical law of dendritic connectivity

Recently, neuroscientists studying the tree-like branching of these diverse structures at Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, and the Department of Neuroscience, Physiology, and Pharmacology, at University College London, have derived a surprisingly simple and general equation that directly relates dendrite length with the number of branch points, dendrite spanning volume, and number of synapses. More specifically, they’ve shown that optimal dendritic wiring successfully predicts a 2/3 power law between these three factors. How is mitochondrial DNA used in forensics? Email DNA is found in human cells both in the nucleus and in the mitochondria.

How is mitochondrial DNA used in forensics?

Astronaut Activity Report, June, 2012:JAXA Astronaut Activity Report - JAXA's Astronaut. Last Updated: September 11, 2012 This is JAXA's Japanese astronaut primary activity report for June, 2012.

Astronaut Activity Report, June, 2012:JAXA Astronaut Activity Report - JAXA's Astronaut

Astronaut Hoshide's final training before the launch from Russia In early June, as Astronaut Hoshide completed his final operational training and experiments on the Columbus module of the European Space Agency (ESA), he moved to the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center (GCTC) in Russia, along with cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and astronaut Sunita Williams, Hoshide's crewmates for Expedition 32/33 missions, where they received their final training on the Russian segment of the International Space Station (ISS) and Soyuz spacecraft. Hoshide and his crewmates receive a final examination (Credit: JAXA/GCTC) The final training mostly simulates real operations, including responses to various contingencies during launch and the return to Earth and simulation of the daily operations performed in the Russian segment.

All About Decimals with Prof. Haas. Scientists Invent Method to Create Memories in Brains. Discovering how the brain ages. Researchers at Newcastle University have revealed the mechanism by which neurons, the nerve cells in the brain and other parts of the body, age.

Discovering how the brain ages

The research, published today in Aging Cell, opens up new avenues of understanding for conditions where the aging of neurons are known to be responsible, such as dementia and Parkinson's disease. The ageing process has its roots deep within the cells and molecules that make up our bodies. Experts have previously identified the molecular pathway that react to cell damage and stems the cell's ability to divide, known as cell senescence. However, in cells that do not have this ability to divide, such as neurons in the brain and elsewhere, little was understood of the ageing process. Now a team of scientists at Newcastle University, led by Professor Thomas von Zglinicki have shown that these cells follow the same pathway. Changes ahoy … maybe. Changes ahoy … maybe The cabinet reshuffle has led to changes at the DfE.

Changes ahoy … maybe

The Story of the Only American Not on Earth on September 11th - Rebecca J. Rosen. Astronaut Frank Culbertson watched from the Space Station as the attacks unfolded on the ground.

The Story of the Only American Not on Earth on September 11th - Rebecca J. Rosen

When astronauts describe the feeling of sailing around space, looking at our planet from hundreds of miles above, they often invoke the phrase "orbital perspective," a shorthand for the emotional, psychological, and intellectual effects of seeing "the Earth hanging in the blackness of space. " This experience is characterized by not merely awe, but, as astronaut Ron Garan puts it, "a sobering contradiction. On the one hand, I saw this incredibly beautiful, fragile oasis -- the Earth. On the other, I was faced with the unfortunate realities of life on our planet for many of its inhabitants. " This tension was particularly poignant on 9/11, when the effects of violence on Earth were actually visible from space, as captured in the photograph above. This is Your Brain on the Internet (Maybe) Headlines like “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”

This is Your Brain on the Internet (Maybe)

Body Double: Understanding the Astrophysics of a Newly-Discovered Multi-Planet Binary Star System. Last month astronomers announced the first discovery of multiple planets orbiting a pair of stars.

Body Double: Understanding the Astrophysics of a Newly-Discovered Multi-Planet Binary Star System

Binary star systems, which comprise two stars orbiting around a common point, are very common—about half of sun-size stars are thought to be members of binary star systems. But it was only in 2011 that astronomers reported the first confirmed instance of a binary system with even a single planet. The newly discovered system, named Kepler 47, consists of a star about the size of the sun and a smaller companion, orbited by two planets. The reason it has taken so long to find exoplanets around binary stars isn't because they are rare, but because it is hard for us to see them from an earthly vantage point. Do You Have a Question for Noam Chomsky and Martha Nussbaum? In September, WISE will interview two of the most prominent intellectuals of our time: Professor Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor & Professor of Linguistics,Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Professor Martha Nussbaum, Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago, on the role and purpose of education and what more needs to be done to foster innovation in education.

Do You Have a Question for Noam Chomsky and Martha Nussbaum?

This year, one question during the interviews will be from the WISE Community. Do you have a question for Professor Noam Chomsky or Professor Martha Nussbaum? Lemon source. ONTORULE Project - ONTOlogies meet business RULEs. A Crisis of Faith – Atheism, Emerging Technologies and the Future of Humanity. A declarative model for lexicon-ontology interface. NEWS: 9.5.2012. Cameras to Focus on Dark Energy. By Eric Hand of Nature magazine.

Cameras to Focus on Dark Energy

Biodiversity - A World Wide Views project. When organs become cyborgs. Pictured is a three-dimensional tissue scaffold looks like, magnified. Scientists constructed human tissue using nanowiresThe technology could enable better monitoring of replaced tissues and organsThis "cyborg" method could be combined with automated drug delivery mechanism (CNN) -- The day may come when transistors in our bodies help us live. Scientists are working on a futuristic tissue engineering venture to grow better solutions for damaged or missing organs.

They published their findings in the journal Nature Materials this week. The idea is that you could create tissue or an entire organ, implant it in the body, and keep tabs on inflammation, rejection and other health indicators, said Robert Langer, study co-author and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Portraits of 100 People Ages 1 Through 100 Shown in 150 Seconds. How do you capture 5050 years of life in a single 150 second video? By capturing portraits of 100 people representing ages 1 through 100. In October 2011, Dutch filmmaker Jeroen Wolf began roaming the streets of Amsterdam with a Panasonic GH2, asking strangers if he could film them stating their ages. Wolf’s goal was to collect 100 people with every single age between 1 and 100. He writes, At first my collection grew fast but slowed down when it got down to the very young and very old.

Four months after he began his project, Wolf captured his final portrait and created the beautiful video seen above. Thermal Imaging Phone Camera. Report: U.S. Surveillance Society Running Rampant. If you think you’re being watched, you’re probably right. The American Civil Liberties Union posted a website Monday showing that government-financed surveillance cameras are running rampant across the United States. All the while, studies suggest they do nothing to cut down on violent crime. San Francisco, for example, has spent $700,000 for dozens of public cameras, but a University of California study (.pdf, 187 pages) just concluded there was "no evidence" they curtailed violent crime. "Violent incidents do not decline in areas near the cameras relative to areas further away," added the study, which noted the cameras helped police bring charges against six people accused of felony property crimes.

The Science Future Daily. 2013 Call for Applications : UNESCO-Aschberg Bursaries for Artists is open! Homepage. Richard Feynman On The One Sentence To Be Passed On To The Next Generation. We must shift science out of the geek ghetto. “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” (Richard Feynman, Pasadena, 29 December 1959) Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles 3/7: Formation of Microemulsion 1. MinecraftEdu. Europe's Newsroom.


Bench&mark. SOCRATES. Energy by Algorithm. Aydin sarikaya's blog: Can tag-ging be metaphysic of network analytics? Can tag-ging be metaphysic of network analytics? Tagging represents the transformation of the name-space strategy of network architecture in terms of the enduser action. Network itself is based on the physical rule of real nature in terms of its electromagnetic diagrams within the devices. Humanidades Digitales. Digital Sociología (con imagen) · · DALupton Storify. So What About Digital Sociology? It is not as though 'digital sociology' does not exist.

E-Books & E-Readers for E-Learning. Never teach alone. Teaching is a solitary profession. 'This Is Responsive': Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Responsive Design. Sure, you’ve heard of responsive design. You probably even know the basics — fluid layouts, flexible images and media queries — but actually building responsive sites can be challenging. Living and Working. It's Time For Breakthrough Capitalism.

Google adds another cool tool to search: Kevin Bacon. 5 face-shaping genes identified - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience. From ancient times to today, Greece's great scientific heritage. Mars rover tracks, arm shown in new photos. Educators Have No Political Party. Knowledge sharing and video. Tools for Teaching: The Amazing Sticky Note.

OER for young English Learners. Thinkuknow - home. Victorian Government. ‘The Character of Physical Law’: Richard Feynman’s Legendary Lecture Series at Cornell, 1964. Tools - Library. Digital Humanities Now. The Sound of Many Hands Clapping: Teaching the Digital Humanities through Virtual Research Environment (VREs) Teaching Digital Humanties: Digital methods elective: PhD Coursework Subject. Pro Tools. Language Arts Journal of Michigan. Critical thinking is bogus.