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Visual Dictionary Online. Get materials. Art21 EducatorsNow accepting applications for 2013–2014. The materials in this section can be used in school and community-based settings to introduce individual artists, themes, or ideas; to contextualize the work of contemporary artists; and to encourage further research and investigation. Educators' Guides, Screening Guides, extended lesson and unit ideas, a glossary, and transcripts from artist conversations and educational events suggest a wide range of ways to teach with Art21 resources.

In this section, you will find: Educators' Guides Background information about featured artists and themes from the broadcast programs. Designed for use in a wide range of cultural and educational institutions: schools, museums, galleries, teacher-training programs, and community-based programs. Screening Guides To encourage dynamic public-screening events, engage new audiences, and deepen appreciation and understanding of contemporary art and ideas. Get materials. Mr. Picassohead.

Art Teacher Blogs. Teachers & Schools | MOCA, The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles. - the encyclopedia of painting. Watch and Learn: 20 Free Educational Video Sites! « Curriki's Blog. Are you a visual learner? Bring content to life with educational videos! Here are twenty easy-to-use sites compiling and producing educational videos for student and teacher use: TeacherTube – an online community for sharing instructional teacher videos Khan Academy – 1400+ videos on YouTube covering everything from basic arithmetic and algebra to differential equations, physics, chemistry, biology and finance which have been recorded by Salman Khan. You Tube Edu – videos and channels from college and university partners of YouTube Watch Know – a large directory of educational videos for children.

TED – free lectures from extraordinary people on a diverse range of subjects – Free education video resources, lesson plans, inspiration and ideas to use in classroom Snag Films – compiles hundreds of free documentary films to watch online SchoolTube – a website dedicated to student video and media sharing for entertainment and classroom use. @Curriki. TCHSART - Home. Art History Timelines: Index. Creativity Resource for Teachers. ARTS. 10 anatomy tips for 3D artists. Learning anatomy is essential for a modeller, but unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to mastering it. However, there are many common mistakes that people make, which can be easily fixed. The tips compiled here address the problems that I see frequently in people’s work.

These solutions merely represent a starting point, but the more you learn, the better your figures will be. Constructing a realistic body is like piecing together a jigsaw puzzle. The more you understand the individual pieces, and the more accurately you are able to position them, the easier it is to put the rest of the body together. This is a subject that you never really stop learning. An old teacher of mine once said: “If you can’t draw it, you can’t sculpt it.” With these thoughts in mind, let’s move onto the tips... 01. When building a model, you need to locate and maintain the bony landmarks of the skeleton. Identify these landmarks either by painting on your mesh, identifying an edge loop, or sculpting a marker. Art cyclopedia: The Fine Art Search Engine. Creative Inspiration. Metalsmithing. Marvin Bartel Homepage. Mrs. Brown's Art Class - Hemenway Elementary.

Princeton Online.