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Twitteristä kirjoitettua. Nettimaine ja 25 tapaa saada lisää kontakteja sosiaalisessa mediassa. Asiantuntija: Twitter mullisti sosiaalisen median - Twitter - Kotimaa. Tukholma.

Asiantuntija: Twitter mullisti sosiaalisen median - Twitter - Kotimaa

Ruotsalaisella datastrategikolla Hampus Brynolfilla on ollut kiireinen päivä Twitterissä. Kun Suomi-Twitter putos puusta. Ruotsalainen Hampus Brynolf, joka työkseen analysoi dataa ja digitaalisia sisältöjä, on jo viime vuonna julkaissut tarkkaa tietoa siitä, miten Twitteriä käytetään Ruotsissa ja Norjassa.

Kun Suomi-Twitter putos puusta

Nyt hän on laajentanut repertuaariaan ja julkaisee sivustollaan tietoja myös tanskalaisista ja suomalaisista Twitterin käyttäjistä. Suomalainen Twitter on pilkottu palasiksi - tarkkoja lukuja julki ensimmäistä kertaa. Suomi-Twitter - The real-time counter. Teaching Teachers to Tweet - EdTech Researcher. UserID: iCustID:

Teaching Teachers to Tweet - EdTech Researcher

Opinnäytetyö: Twitter ja sosiaalinen media - Case: Urheilulehti. Laita Twitter töihin puolestasi. Twitter users forming tribes with own language, tweet analysis shows. Twitter users are forming 'tribes', each with their own language, according to a scientific analysis of millions of tweets.

Twitter users forming tribes with own language, tweet analysis shows

The research on Twitter word usage throws up a pattern of behaviour that seems to contradict the commonly held belief that users simply want to share everything with everyone. In fact, the findings point to a more precise use of social media where users frequently include keywords in their tweets so that they engage more effectively with other members of their community or tribe. Just like our ancestors we try to join communities based on our political interests, ethnicity, work and hobbies. The largest group found in the analysis was made up of African Americans using the words 'Nigga', 'poppin' and 'chillin'.

That community was one of the more close-knit, sending around 90% of messages within the group. Interestingly, just as people have varying regional accents, we also found that communities would misspell words in different ways. 50 Innovative Ways To Use Twitter More Effectively. Tools. 10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools. Recently Twitter rolled out their native analytics platform for all users and now you can get some quality data about your tweets directly from Twitter.

10 Awesome Twitter Analytics and Visualization Tools

After researching over a thousand Twitter Tools for the Twitter Tools Book I came across many Twitter analytics and visualization tools. These Twitter tools were designed to add value by presenting a different way to visualize or analyze your tweets, the people in your network, and the tweets from the people in your network. Many tools tried to add value and failed. At least they tried. The following tools, however, stand out in my mind as exceptional or entertaining and I recommend you check them out if you want to analyze and visualize your activity on Twitter. 1.

TweepsMap is an excellent Twitter tool for both analyzing and visualizing your Twitter network. As it’s name suggests it does this by showing you how your followers are distributed on a map, in terms of percentages. You can see the distribution of my followers below. Unique. 2. Sharing Professional Content on LinkedIn and Twitter. Twitter tools - drop zone. The Top 100 Twitter Tools of 2012 (Categorized)

This post is #9 in DailyTekk’s famous Top 100 series which explores the best startups, gadgets, apps, websites and services in a given category.

The Top 100 Twitter Tools of 2012 (Categorized)

Total items listed: 115. Time to compile: 8+ hours. Backchannel. TweetBeam - Visualize Live Tweets. Visible Tweets – Twitter Visualisations. Now with added prettiness! Tweetwally - Create a Tweetwall to Organize and Present Tweets. Twazzup: Realtime News. Case. 25 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You Smarter. Twitter can sometimes seem more like a newspaper or encyclopedia than a social network.

25 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You Smarter

Its intelligent user base contributes a wealth of knowledge to the microblogging platform. Experts of various fields tweet constantly, and their followers can learn a lot simply by reading their 140-character updates. We found 25 Twitter accounts that will increase your general knowledge of a wide range of topics: science, technology, human rights, the environment and more. Tutustu heihin – 100 kiinnostavaa suomalaista Twitterissä. Haluaisitko käyttää Twitteriä, mutta et tiedä, ketä seurata?

Tutustu heihin – 100 kiinnostavaa suomalaista Twitterissä

Twitter-uutisia. 60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category. Social media offers some great opportunities for learning in the classroom, bringing together the ability to collaborate, access worldwide resources, and find new and interesting ways to communicate in one easily accessible place.

60 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom By Category

Teachers around the world have found innovative ways to use Twitter as a teaching tool (including TeachThought’s favorite), and we’ve shared many of these great ideas here with you. Read on, and we’ll explore 60 inspiring ways that teachers and students can put Twitter to work in the classroom. Finnish hashtag library - Google-dokumentit. Top Ten Twitter Hashtags for Educators. Twitter Rubric. Twitter in Classroom (part 3) Twitter in Classroom 2. Twitter in classroom. Part 1. Twitter has been dramatic change for me as an educator.

Twitter in classroom. Part 1.

I was already active user of Facebook in my leisure and also in work, but it was Twitter, which really make a change. Suddenly educators around the world were part of my PLN. I had many questions about Finnish education and got many good tips, links and information in my use. Im interestid in social media in education, so Twitter is at moment best chanel update your information. Like I said on my first post, I develop my personal learning network following from TweetDeck simultaneoysly my friends, my lists, favorites, mentions, messages, new followers, different hashtags like #edchat #edtech #mlearning. Twitter, PLEs and PLNs.

Thought I would share some bits of my thesis on Twitter, PLN’s and PLE’s as others might find it useful. What is a PLN? For all of the conversation occurring among educators about PLNs, there has been surprisingly little academic research on PLNs (Couros, 2010, p. 123). With many educators using this term to describe their own informal learning habits, it is important for educational researchers to investigate exactly what this concept means to those who are using it as a term to describe a learning activity A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a network of people you connect with for the specific purpose of learning (Tobin, 1998). These people may assist you in your learning by acting as a guide, direct you to learning opportunities, and assist you with finding answers to questions (Tobin, 1998). Please share your Twitter details if you’re willing to help other educators. I’ve attended a few workshops recently for educators new to using social media with students.

And it’s made me reflect on what it was like when I started out and what helped. Online and face-to-face mentors really played a crucial role; they introduced me to new ideas while supporting and encouraging. How Does #Edchat Connect Educators? August 7, 2012 by tomwhitby For educators who have been connected since the early days of social media, it is difficult to understand the reason people would ask, “What is #Edchat?” We must remember that many educators using social media for professional reasons have joined only recently. The idea of using social media for professional reasons is a relatively new concept. One would hope that it is having a positive effect because the Department of Education declared August Connected Educators Month. In our technology-driven culture, sometimes we need to stop where we are and take time to consider how we got here.

The Twitter Experiment - Twitter in the Classroom. AVO kevät 2013 Twitter-tilin perustaminen xe2. Twitter-koulutus - Google-dokumentit. Loin Twitter-tunnuksen, mitä teen sillä? AVO yleistietoa Twitteristä xe2. Twitter - Näin opit visertämään (with images, tweet) · KirsiMM. Toimittaja, näin käytät Twitteriä - lue 5 käytännön vinkkiä (with images, tweets) · anttihirvonen. Näin aloitat Twitterin käytön UPDATE 23.10.2012. Twitter tutkijoille: Opi twitter 20 minuutissa! A Visual Guide To Twitter For Beginners. You may have a Twitter account that you don’t use very often. You may tweet once in blue moon. You may just use it to ‘lurk’ during hashtag chats you enjoy. ( Check out our list of Twitter hashtags for to get started with that!)

But you may not be a full-fledged Twitter user … yet. This dense and highly visual approach to understanding Twitter is just great. From the fine folks at Twiends , it lays out all the vocabulary you need, actions you can perform, and even gives a rough idea of what you should expect from Twitter.