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How Drug Company Money Is Undermining Science. When Robert Lindsay chose to become a medical researcher in the early 1970s, he did not do it for the money.

How Drug Company Money Is Undermining Science

His field—the effect of hormones on bone—was a backwater. It was also a perfect opportunity for a young researcher to make his mark and, he hoped, help millions of people who suffered from the bone disease osteoporosis. As the body ages, sometimes bones lose the ability to rebuild themselves fast enough to keep pace with the normal process of deterioration, and the skeleton weakens. Neither Lindsay nor anyone else understood much about why this happened, but there was reason to think that hormones might play a role. Some women develop osteoporosis shortly after menopause, when their hormone levels drop sharply, perhaps upsetting that balance between bone creation and destruction. His next project had big commercial implications and got the attention of the drug industry.

Select an option below: Customer Sign In. Thousands of citizens in India killed by reckless Big Pharma drug trials. (NaturalNews) The second largest country in the world, India, has become a hotbed of pharmaceutical fraud, as unscrupulous drug companies, mostly from the West, continue to use India's generally poorer populations as human guinea pigs in unethical and flat-out inhumane clinical trials.

Thousands of citizens in India killed by reckless Big Pharma drug trials

And India's Supreme Court is finally taking action against this massive organized crime ring by ordering India's health ministry to justify its approval of 162 global clinical trials to take place in the country. Caught on camera: top lobbyists boasting how they influence the PM - UK Politics - UK. * Claiming they have used their access to Downing Street to get David Cameron to speak to the Chinese premier on behalf of one of their business clients within 24 hours of asking him to do so; * Boasting about Bell Pottinger's access to the Foreign Secretary William Hague, to Mr Cameron's chief of staff Ed Llewellyn and to Mr Cameron's old friend and closest No 10 adviser Steve Hilton; * Suggesting that the company could manipulate Google results to "drown" out negative coverage of human rights violations and child labour; * Revealing that Bell Pottinger has a team which "sorts" negative Wikipedia coverage of clients;

Caught on camera: top lobbyists boasting how they influence the PM - UK Politics - UK

Theyrule. More than 100 lobbying professionals still hold parliamentary passes. More than 100 lobbying professionals or senior managers at interest groups and businesses still hold parliamentary passes given to them by members of the House of Lords, despite repeated pledges by coalition ministers to clean up the public perception of lobbying.

More than 100 lobbying professionals still hold parliamentary passes

Peers receive no allowance to pay for staff, but are allowed under parliamentary rules to issue passes – which allow unsupervised access to the whole parliamentary estate – to anyone providing them with research or administrative support. But among those issued with passes under these rules include directors of interest groups, professional lobbyists, and the heads of public affairs for major corporations. Le lobbying agressif de Washington pour les OGM.

» Lobbyist Demands Approval For “Lethal” Drones Within United States Alex Jones. Applewhite admits UAVs have been used for “indiscriminate killings” Paul Joseph Watson February 25, 2013 Testifying against a bill that would put limits on the use of unmanned drones in Washington state, industry lobbyist Paul Applewhite shocked a House Committee hearing when he said that drones had been used for “indiscriminate killings,” while arguing that the technology should be approved for “lethal force” within the United States.

» Lobbyist Demands Approval For “Lethal” Drones Within United States Alex Jones

Applewhite is president of Seattle-based Applewhite Aero, a company “founded to provide unmanned systems and training to government and industry.” When asked if restrictions should be placed on the use of drones until the direction of where the technology is going becomes clearer, Applewhite responded, “My opinion is that the way that we’re currently using drones in warfare, we’re moving away from indiscriminate killing to discriminate killing,” prompting gasps from the audience. H/T - Mikael Thalen. Tags: drones, police state Print this page. Deadly Medicine. You wouldn’t think the cities had much in common.

Deadly Medicine

Iaşi, with a population of 320,000, lies in the Moldavian region of Romania. Mégrine is a town of 24,000 in northern Tunisia, on the Mediterranean Sea. Tartu, Estonia, with a population of 100,000, is the oldest city in the Baltic States; it is sometimes called “the Athens on the Emajõgi.” Shenyang, in northeastern China, is a major industrial center and transportation hub with a population of 7.2 million. These places are not on anyone’s Top 10 list of travel destinations. Once upon a time, the drugs Americans took to treat chronic diseases, clear up infections, improve their state of mind, and enhance their sexual vitality were tested primarily either in the United States (the vast majority of cases) or in Europe.

Some medical researchers question whether the results of clinical trials conducted in certain other countries are relevant to Americans in the first place. Consent by Thumbprint “Rescue Countries” Public Affairs. A lobbyist is a person who on behalf of itself, an organization or client seeks the parliament or a departments to influence legislation through direct contact with members.

Public Affairs

Lobbyists can help a group or resourceful individuals to get their objectives on the political agenda. Lobbyists can help a group or resourceful individuals to get their objectives on the political agenda. On the other hand, they can weaken the power of the elected “ for power is not only the authority to choose between certain options on an agenda, but also the ability to set the agenda” ( Trying to connect a direct link between western democratic values and Lobbyism. Visualizing donations to political parties in Germany. LOBBYCRATIE. LOBBYING FINANCIER confrérie de Banquiers. Lobbying. Lobbyism. Méfaits sanitaires business & lobbying. DANGER MEDICAMENTS. CAC40, lobbys, entreprises transnationales...