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Cracking the Code of Life. Cracking the Code of Life PBS Airdate: April 17, 2001 ROBERT KRULWICH: When I look at this—and these are the three billion chemical letters, instructions for a human being—my eyes glaze over.

Cracking the Code of Life

But when scientist Eric Lander looks at this he sees stories. ERIC LANDER (Whitehead Institute/MIT): The genome is a storybook that's been edited for a couple billion years. And you could take it to bed like A Thousand and One Arabian Nights, and read a different story in the genome every night. ROBERT KRULWICH: This is the story of one of the greatest scientific adventures ever, and at the heart of it is a small, very powerful molecule, DNA. For the past ten years, scientists all over the world have been painstakingly trying to read the tiny instructions buried inside our DNA.

J. ROBERT KRULWICH: And what it's telling us is so surprising and so strange and so unexpected. Ghost in Your Genes. Supreme Court Nixes Patenting Human Genes. The Justices have decided that isolated sequences of human DNA are not eligible for patent protection, but rules that artificial sequences can be patented.

Supreme Court Nixes Patenting Human Genes

The United States Supreme Court has today (June 13) unanimously ruled that isolated human genes cannot be patented, but the Justices also ruled that synthetic DNA sequences—known as complimentary DNA (cDNA)—are eligible for protection. “A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated,” wrote Justice Clarence Thomas, “but cDNA is patent eligible because it is not naturally occurring.” The decision throws out patents held by Utah-based Myriad Genetics on 2 genes—BRCA1 and BRCA2—that when mutated cause breast and other types of cancer. Researchers, physicians, and patients who sued Myriad are claiming victory because the ruling means that the company no longer has a monopoly on diagnostic tests based on these two genes. Court: Human genes cannot be patented. Unanimous ruling a compromise; court says synthetic material, cDNA, can be patentedActress Angelina Jolie drove attention to the issue involving breast cancerIssue was whether "products of nature" could be treated similarly to human inventionsCompany at center of case says decision upheld a key claim on synthetic DNA Washington (CNN) -- The Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Thursday that human genes cannot be patented.

Court: Human genes cannot be patented

But in something of a compromise, all nine justices said while the naturally occurring isolated biological material itself is not patentable, a synthetic version of the gene material may be patented. Legal and medical experts believe the decision will have a lasting impact on genetic testing, likely making varieties more widely available and more affordable. The overriding legal question addressed was whether "products of nature" can be treated the same as "human-made" inventions, allowing them to be held as the exclusive intellectual property of individuals and companies. Study Proves Link to Arsenic In Rice and DNA Damage. By Natasha Longo – Rice is a staple in diets around the world, but tests have recently detected alarming and worrisome levels of arsenic in hundreds of rice products ranging from infant cereals to rice cakes, rice pastas, rice drinks and rice itself.

Study Proves Link to Arsenic In Rice and DNA Damage

The Rice Industry says arsenic occurs naturally and concerns are unwarranted. However, researchers have now proven a causal link between high levels of arsenic and chromosomal damage. The USA rice federation – the main organization representing the US rice industry – may think its product is perfect. But last year, South Korea refused to bid on U.S. rice imports after Consumer Reports magazine reported elevated levels of arsenic in the grain. The report looked into more than two hundred rice products found across the U.S. Rice comes from all over the world and is grown very differently from region to region, which may greatly vary the levels of arsenic within the same kind of product.The most contaminated rice comes from Taiwan and China. Nanotechnology and DNA Sequencing for Cancer Treatment. Cancer is still Canada’s number one killer.

Nanotechnology and DNA Sequencing for Cancer Treatment

“Cancer affects everybody,” says Laura Syron, VP of Community Programs at the Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation. “Here at the Princess Margaret we’re doing everything we can to conquer cancer. We need everyone’s support to make that dream a reality.” Princess Margaret Cancer Centre (Princess Margaret), a hospital and research facility located in downtown Toronto, is one of the top five cancer research centres in the world. Over 1,000 scientists at Princess Margaret are involved in cutting-edge drug development and cancer treatment research. Scientists Finally Present Evidence on Expanding DNA Strands. By Marco Torres, The human genome is packed with millions of gene switches that reside in bits of DNA that once were dismissed as “junk” but it turns out that so-called junk DNA plays critical roles in controlling how cells, organs and other tissues behave.

Scientists Finally Present Evidence on Expanding DNA Strands

Cambridge researchers have published a paper proving that four-stranded ‘quadruple helix’ DNA structures — known as G-quadruplexes — also exist within the human genome. The question is, how many DNA strands are human beings capable of possessing? Some geneticists are claiming humans will one day have 12 strands. Just a few years ago, modern medicine officially acknowledged the first case of a child with 3 DNA strands. A two-year-old boy, Alfie Clamp became the only person in the world to be diagnosed with an extra strand in his DNA.

Dr. The study showed that if an inhibitor is used to block DNA replication, quadruplex levels go down — proving the idea that DNA is dynamic, with structures constantly being formed and unformed. Repair DNA and Cells using Nanotech. Home > Press > Nanobotmodels Company offer vision of future DNA and cell-repair techniques Abstract: Five decades of research and practical application of computers in biomedicine has given rise to the discipline of medical informatics, which has made many advances in genomic and translational medicine possible.

Repair DNA and Cells using Nanotech

Ukraine | Posted on March 15th, 2010 Developments in nanotechnology and nanorobotics are opening up the prospects for nanomedicine and regenerative medicine where informatics and DNA computing can become the catalysts enabling health care applications at sub-molecular or atomic scales. While nanomedicine promises a new exciting frontier for clinical practice and biomedical research, issues involving cost-effectiveness studies, clinical trials and toxicity assays, drug delivery methods, and the implementation of new personalized therapies still remain challenging. DNA repair nanorobotics will utilize the same tasks that living systems already prove possible. Visual Science - The Chaos Inside a Cancer Cell.

Milestone study probes cancer origin. 14 August 2013Last updated at 13:01 ET By James Gallagher Health and science reporter, BBC News New images show cancer close-up, as David Shukman reports Scientists are reporting a significant milestone for cancer research after charting 21 major mutations behind the vast majority of tumours.

Milestone study probes cancer origin

The disruptive changes to the genetic code, reported in Nature, accounted for 97% of the 30 most common cancers. Finding out what causes the mutations could lead to new treatments. Some causes, such as smoking are known, but more than half are still a mystery. Genetic errors identified in 12 major cancer types. Examining 12 major types of cancer, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St.

Genetic errors identified in 12 major cancer types

Louis have identified 127 repeatedly mutated genes that appear to drive the development and progression of a range of tumors in the body. The discovery sets the stage for devising new diagnostic tools and more personalized cancer treatments. The research, published Oct. 17 in Nature, shows that some of the same genes commonly mutated in certain cancers also occur in seemingly unrelated tumors.

For example, a gene mutated in 25 percent of leukemia cases in the study also was found in tumors of the breast, rectum, head and neck, kidney, lung, ovary and uterus. Based on the findings, the researchers envision that a single test that surveys errors in a swath of cancer genes eventually could become part of the standard diagnostic workup for most cancers. “This is just the beginning,” said senior author Li Ding, PhD, of The Genome Institute at Washington University.

Genetic Mutation That Triggers Pancreatic Cancer Identified. Scientists Create an Organism with a New Genetic Code. For the first time, scientists have fundamentally changed the genetic code of an organism, raising the possibility that researchers might be able to retool nature and create potent new forms of proteins to combat disease.

Scientists Create an Organism with a New Genetic Code

Scientists from Yale and Harvard have recoded the entire genome of an organism and improved a bacterium’s ability to resist viruses, a dramatic demonstration of the potential of rewriting an organism’s genetic code. “This is the first time the genetic code has been fundamentally changed,” said Farren Isaacs, assistant professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at Yale and co-senior author of the research published October 18 in the journal Science. Scientists create animals that are part-human - Health - Cloning and stem cells. RENO, Nev. — On a farm about six miles outside this gambling town, Jason Chamberlain looks over a flock of about 50 smelly sheep, many of them possessing partially human livers, hearts, brains and other organs. The University of Nevada-Reno researcher talks matter-of-factly about his plans to euthanize one of the pregnant sheep in a nearby lab.

He can’t wait to examine the effects of the human cells he had injected into the fetus’ brain about two months ago. “It’s mice on a large scale,” Chamberlain says with a shrug. As strange as his work may sound, it falls firmly within the new ethics guidelines the influential National Academies issued this past week for stem cell research. How scientists are bringing dinosaurs back to life with the help of the humble chicken. By Zoe Brennan Updated: 20:51 GMT, 13 June 2008 Deep inside the dusty university store room, three scientists struggle to lift a huge fossilised bone. It is from the leg of a dinosaur. For many years, this chunky specimen has languished cryptically on a shelf. S.Korean, Russian scientists bid to clone mammoth. Russian and South Korean scientists have signed a deal on joint research intended to recreate a woolly mammoth, an animal which last walked the earth some 10,000 years ago. The deal was signed by Vasily Vasiliev, vice rector of North-Eastern Federal University of the Sakha Republic, and controversial cloning pioneer Hwang Woo-Suk of South Korea's Sooam Biotech Research Foundation, on Tuesday.

Hwang was a national hero until some of his research into creating human stem cells was found in 2006 to have been faked. But his work in creating Snuppy, the world's first cloned dog, in 2005, has been verified by experts. Stem cell scientists are now setting their sights on the extinct woolly mammoth, after global warming thawed Siberia's permafrost and uncovered remains of the animal. Sooam said it would launch research this year if the Russian university can ship the remains. Ancient Dinosaur Depictions. To the right is a picture of a dinosaur fighting a mammoth from the book Buried Alive by Dr.

Jack Cuozzo (click to enlarge). It was taken by the author in Bernifal Cave, one of the caverns in France that is renowned for Neanderthal artifacts. The cave was subsequently closed to the public. Science News was given the opportunity to publish the remarkable photo, but declined. H5N1 Flu Virus Could be 'Engineered' to Put Hundreds of Millions at Risk, Scientist Tells Homeland Security Committee. Chickens were slaughtered at a Hong Kong poultry market in 2008 after some were discovered to have bird flu. (AP Photo/Kin Cheung) ( - If H5N1 bird flu, which has a 60-percent fatality rate, were engineered to spread like seasonal flu, hundreds of millions of lives would be at risk, a scientist told the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Thursday.

“What happens if a mammalian transmissible H5N1 flu starts to spread? " Thomas Inglesby, CEO and director of the Center for Biosecurity at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, asked rhetorically in his testimony. MIT discovers memory gene, breeds fearless mammals. Neuroscientists at MIT have discovered what appears to be the master gene that controls the forming of new memories in your brain.

Genetic II

GMO's. Introduction to Genetics. Learn.Genetics™ Secret Coder Tool. 18 Things You Should Know About Genetics. What is DNA and how does it work? DNA from the Beginning - An animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics. Amazing! Scientists: Our DNA is Mutating As We Speak! We Are Developing 12 Strands! Plague Immunity Gene Stops HIV Aids - THE STEEL DEAL. A Gene Found to Protect Against the Plague Stops Aids. Research Proves That DNA Is Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. The human DNA is a biological internet and superior in many aspects to the artificial one. Spiritual Science - DNA is influenced by Words and Frequencies. Will these Genetically Modified Babies Alter Human Species? By Dr. DNA CAN BE MODIFIED AND FAKED. Scientists create animals that are part-human - Health - Cloning and stem cells.

Scientist Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. By Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf. Reprogramming DNA and Cells. A human or other multicellular organism stem cell is an undifferentiated, or "blank" cell. DNA analysis alone could potentially generate a picture of your face. It might be time to get Gattaca-level paranoid about leaving your DNA all over the place, as geneticists are getting closer to being able to determine what your face looks like simply by analyzing your genetic code.

Whether you believe in nature or nurture, the physical structure of your body is defined almost entirely by your genes. There will be some variation, of course, depending on your age, your weight, how well you take care of yourself, and how many times you've gotten punched in the face, but things like the space between your eyes, the height of your cheekbones, and the size of your nose are all preset and encoded in your DNA. » Department of Homeland Security Prepares to Grab DNA From Kids Alex Jones. Amy MacPherson: Why Are the Freemasons Collecting Our Children's DNA? Genetics: Digging into our Past & Carving our Future.

Data Storage in DNA. Puter breakthrough: Code of life becomes data bank. GenomePoster2009.pdf. Human Genome Project. The Artificial Womb Is Born And The World of the Matrix begins. Harvard cracks DNA storage, crams 700 terabytes of data into a single gram. GMO babies now being engineered in labs under guise of preventing incurable disease. Genetic Engineering – What’s germinating now? « www.biologicnr. DNA Hackers Look to Disrupt the Biotech Industry. DNA Biohacker. DNA replication. DNA. Genetic Diseases. New Antibiotics Genetically Modify YOU! Genetics Unit. Genetic Genealogy. Genetics. Genetics. GenetiX. Genetics 1. Genetics. Genetics. Genetics. Genetics. Genetics. Genetik. Genetics. Epigenetics. Epigenetics. The Illustrated Guide to Epigenetics. Epigenetics: Neurons remember because they move genes in space. Epigenetics / 4DN.

Stem Cells

Dna. Legality Of DNA Collection. Shock Video Shows Police Forcibly Drawing Blood. Massive DNA volunteer hunt begins. Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies. Apparent Immunity Gene ‘Cures’ Bay Area Man Of AIDS. Addition_and_deletion_mutations.swf. DNA<->RNA->protein. Eugenics. Myriad Genetics Wins Australia Bid to Patent Human Genes. New Genetic Twist: 4-Stranded DNA Lurks in Human Cells.

Linked genetic components of the human genome. African-American's Y chromosome sparks shift in evolutionary timetable. About Genetic Genealogy - DNA Ancestry Project. 2011 Starchild Skull Preliminary DNA Report. DNA testing underway on 'alien hybrid human baby' found in Peru. Groundbreaking Russian DNA Discoveries. First Ion Proton™ Systems installed at Baylor College of Medicine.

A Peer-Reviewed Open-Access Journal. Recopie synthétique. Evidence of Influence of Genomic DNA Sequence on Human X Chromosome Inactivation.