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Cancer II

Cancer III. Cancer pearls. Cancer is Fungus 1 of 2. What Makes Cancer Grow. Every person has cancer cells in their body.

What Makes Cancer Grow

These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached detectable size. When the person’s immune system is strong, the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing the diet to plant based will strengthen the immune system. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastro-intestinal tract, etc., and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidney, heart and lungs, and so on.

Merck Dr. ADMITS Cancer & Other Viruses Found In Vaccines. MAKE-UP: Breast Cancer & The Estrogen Connection. Timeline Photos. Snacking on sweets, fast food and fizzy drinks is linked to bowel cancer for the first time. A diet high in sugar and fat has been linked to colorectal cancerResearch show high-energy snack foods are a risk factor of disease By Fiona Macrae Published: 17:18 GMT, 14 July 2013 | Updated: 00:54 GMT, 15 July 2013 Indulging in chocolate and other sweet treats such as biscuits and cakes could increase your risk of bowel cancer, researchers say.

Snacking on sweets, fast food and fizzy drinks is linked to bowel cancer for the first time

It is the first study to link fatty and sugary snacks to bowel tumours, which claim more lives than any other form of the disease apart from lung cancer. However, not all treats are off the menu. You are what you eat: A person who eats fast food, high in fat and sugar, runs a higher risk of contracting bowel cancer Previous research has blamed processed meat, for example bacon and sausages, for raising the odds of bowel cancer. Edinburgh and Aberdeen University researchers asked more than 2,000 men and women with bowel cancer to fill in a lengthy questionnaire about what their diets were like before diagnosis.

Coffee, however, seemed to help. Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again! (NaturalNews) The statement "everything causes cancer" has become a popular hyperbole, and one that some people use as rhetorical fodder to excuse their own dietary and lifestyle failures, particularly as they pertain to cancer risk.

Top 10 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods - never eat these again!

But the truth of the matter is that many common food items have, indeed, been scientifically shown to increase cancer risk, and some of them substantially. A cancer-causing additive has been found in certain snacks. Can TSA's scans give you cancer? Is government covering up disease 'clusters'? By Daily Mail Reporter Updated: 21:20 GMT, 28 June 2011 Cancer fears?

Can TSA's scans give you cancer? Is government covering up disease 'clusters'?

A traveller undergoes a full body scan performed by TSA agents in Denver in 2010 (file photo) Claims that the government is covering up 'clusters' of cancer among Transport Security Administration workers have sparked fears the agency's airport scanning machines could pose a risk to travellers. The Electronic Privacy Information Center has gone on the attack against the TSA and the Department of Homeland Security after securing a selection of government emails in a Freedom of Information request. Executive director Marc Rotenberg told media that documents show that the government 'has not been forthcoming with the public about the true extent of radiation risk with the airport body scanners.' He claimed union representatives at Boston's Logan airport have already discovered a 'cluster' of cancer cases among TSA workers there.

He said the Department appears to have just 'dismissed' the concerns. New 3D Mammography Increases Radiation Exposure. The WORST Place to Store Your Cell Phone. By Dr.

The WORST Place to Store Your Cell Phone

Mercola If you think the jury's still out on whether cell phones can be dangerous to your health, then you might want to take the time to listen to this video from the Environmental Health Trust ( Dr. Devra Davis, author of "Disconnect--The Truth About Cellphone Radiation," has been researching the safety hazards of radiation emanating from your cell phone.Like many people, Dr. Davis just didn't believe the possibility of cell phones being dangerous―until she studied it.

Brain Cancer Warning Over Mobiles. MOBILE PHONE USERS could be increasing their chances of developing brain cancer, experts have warned. Scientists for the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said that radiofrequency electromagnetic fields associated with mobile handsets potentially increase the risk of glioma, a malignant type of the disease. Following a week-long IARC working group meeting in Lyon, France, 31 scientists from 14 countries classified the fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” (Group 2B). The agency, which is part of the World Health Organisation, said there are around five billion mobile phone subscriptions around the world, and the number is growing, particularly among young adults and children.

Its classification of the radiofrequency electromagnetic fields to Group 2B puts them below the higher risk levels of Group 1 (“carcinogenic to humans”) and Group 2A (“probably carcinogenic to humans”). New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures. (NaturalNews) Could exposure to radiation from cell phone towers really responsible for over 7,000 cancer deaths?

New study links over 7,000 cancer deaths to cell phone tower radiation exposures

According to research findings from Brazil, the facts speak for themselves. The study established a direct link between cancer deaths in Belo Horizonte, Brazil's third largest city, with the cell phone network.Over 80 percent of those who succumbed to certain types of cancer resided approximately a third of a mile away from one of the hundreds of cell phone antennae that populate the city. These cancers, primarily found in the prostate, breasts, lungs, kidneys, liver, are the ones associated with exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). This is a real concern for cell phone users and even non- cell phone users. Those who shun mobile phone technology still suffer the consequences of cell phone tower radiation. The Brazilian study covers just one city in Brazil. A growing number of organizations and many more studies support the conclusions of the Brazilian study.

Top 12 Cancer Causing Products in the Average Home. Among many other cancer causing products commonly found in the home, this dirty dozen list has made it to the Hall of Shame.

Top 12 Cancer Causing Products in the Average Home

The Cancer Prevention Coalition (CPC) and Ralph Nader have released a “Dirty Dozen” list of consumer products used in most American homes, and manufactured by giant U.S. corporations. The “Dirty Dozen” products contain a wide-range of carcinogenic and other toxic ingredients and contaminants to which most of us are exposed daily. Talcum Powder- (Johnson & Johnson. Inc.) Labeled Toxic Ingredient: TALC, Carcinogenic and a risk factor for ovarian cancer; lung irritant. 2. EU releases all data on GM corn linked to cancer. The EU's food safety agency challenged its doubters on Monday, making available all the scientific information used to clear a genetically modified corn which a French researcher had linked to cancer.

EU releases all data on GM corn linked to cancer

The European Food Safety Authority said that "given the level of public interest ... (it would) make all data on genetically modified (GM) maize NK603 publicly available on its website. " While EFSA had previously provided such information on request, "any member of the public or scientific community will now be able to examine and utilise the full data sets used in this risk assessment," it said in a statement. EFSA, which reviews the use and authorisation of such crops and foodstuffs, in November rejected outright a report by Gilles-Eric Seralini of the University of Caen which had linked NK603 to cancer found in laboratory rats. The EU also demanded that Seralini release more details of his work but he responded in kind, calling on EFSA to open up its data first.

Is red meat giving you cancer? (NaturalNews) Red meats have long been associated with an increased risk of cancer- specifically colorectal, breast and prostate cancer.

Is red meat giving you cancer?

There has been little conclusive evidence definitively indicating red meats play a role in endometrial cancer (a.k.a. cancer of the uterus). There is no known cause of this disease. It affects women as early as 40 years old, but most often occurs for women between the ages of 60 and 70. It is likely that levels of hormones (estrogen) play a large role, but the influence of nutrition is somewhat convoluted. A study followed the consumption of meats, endometrial cancer development and overall health in 60,000 Swedish women from 1987 to 2008.Animal protein is composed of both heme and non heme iron. Many of the red meats become harmful in the way they are prepared. How Tumors Use Meat to Grow. Certain cancers—like breast cancer—can be thought of in part as an autoimmune disease.

How Tumors Use Meat to Grow

When people get heart or kidney transplants, they must be given immunosuppressive drugs to prevent rejection of the new organ. How cancer feeds on sugar (and other big reasons to avoid refined sweets) (NaturalNews) Not only is sugar the primary source of excess calories in the United States, but the latest research also shows that cancer cells lap up high-fructose corn syrup, adding yet another reason to avoid it. A couple of years ago, researchers from the University of California-Los Angeles found that pancreatic tumor cells use fructose to divide and reproduce, debunking earlier assumptions that all sugars were the same. Tumor cells that were fed glucose and fructose used those sugars in two different ways, the research team said. 'Major significance for cancer patients' Their findings, which were published in the journal Cancer Research, could help explain earlier studies that have linked ingestion of fructose with pancreatic cancer, one of the deadliest forms of the disease.

Coca-Cola Modifies Caramel Color To Avoid Cancer Warning Label. When the state of California added the compound 4-methylimidazole, also known as 4-MI or 4-MEI, to its list of known carcinogens in 2011, it created a problem for the soda industry. The caramel color they used to give colas that distinctive, brown hue contained levels of 4-MI that would have warranted a cancer warning label on every can sold in the state. Get the news Boston is talking about sent to your inbox every weekday morning. Sign up now. U.S. Foods Full of Banned Ingredients. Transdermal Magnesium Chloride Therapy. I recommend high intake of magnesium for many reasons, and it has appeared as the lead or most important component of my Natural Allopathic protocol until the appearance of molecular … Dr. Lynda Frassetto of University of California, San Francisco says, “Insufficient amount of bicarbonates in our blood reduces our capabilities to manage (neutralize and dump) … Application of magnesium oil (chloride) to the outer skin and through the skin of the colon, are two different forms of transdermal medicine.

The outer skin of the body is permeable. & … Magnesium is important for doctors to be familiar with for reasons almost too numerous to mention in anything short of a book. Magnesium deficiencies are present in healthy populations[1] thus it behooves every healthcare practitioner and doctor to become fully familiar with how to use magnesium oil, which is … Sodium Bicarbonate and Magnesium Emergency Room Medicines for Chronic and Acute Diseases.

Reversing the Irreversible - discover how 37 people cured diabetes, cancer, eczema, IBS, high blood pressure and more. (NaturalNews) Valya Boutenko's newest film release reveals the true story of how 37 people reversed so-called "incurable" disease by unleashing their innate healing powers. Flying in the face of conventional medical wisdom -- which really isn't wise at all -- this film celebrates the simple yet powerful truths about reversing chronic disease that the established medical system won't dare talk about. Watch the preview at: In this film, 37 participants share their remarkable stories about suffering from "incurable" chronic diseases like fibromyalgia, psoriasis, diabetes, colitis, edema and many more.

Evidence suggests that up to 90 percent of landmark cancer research may be false. World Without Cancer (book) By G. Edward Griffin. Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease—like scurvy or pellagra—aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17. The Revolution Against Medical Tryanny with Dr. Joel Wallach. Apricot Power : Apricot Seeds, B17 & Heath Supplements.

Cancer convo with Mr. JD O. pt.1. Cancer Convo with Mr. JD O. pt.2. Laetrile / Vitamin B17 Treatment For Cancer. Cancer se guérit depuis plusieurs décennies - Vitamine B17. Le gaulois déchainé Cancer : Laetrile (Amygdaline, Vitamine B17) découverte et fonctionalité. Avis: Cet article représente une synthese d’information, élaborée par traduction de l’anglais par l’auteur et doit servir uniquement de base d’information. Ceci n’est en aucun cas un avis médical, l’auteur n’étant pas médecin, les vues exprimées ici doivent être prises comme information sur le sujet et non comme une expertise médicale.

Dans les années 1940, le Dr Ernst Krebs (Ph.D en biochimie) et son fils firent des recherches sur la théorie trophoblastique du cancer. Ils publierent un article dans le Medical Record de New York: “The Unitarian or Thophoblastic Thesis of Cancer”.Au début des anneés 1950, ils émirent l’hypothese que le cancer serait causé par un manque dans l’alimentation de l’Homme moderne, qu’ils identifierent comme faisant partie de la famille des nitrilosides que l’on trouve dans plus de 1200 plantes comestibles. (7) Facebook. B17 cure. Vitamin b17. Cancer convo with Mr. JD O. pt.3. G. Edward Griffin - A World Without Cancer - The Story Of Vitamin B17.

Tomorrows Cancer Cures Today. One U.S. Air Force doctor made the discovery of a lifetime when he realized what could be... The real key to curing cancer is to Wipe out the STEALTH DISEASE lurking behind it! Dear Friend, Could a Form of Ecstasy Fight Cancer? Ecstasy Kills Cancer. Cancer is DEAD: Cancer Killers from A to Z. This encyclopedic reference currently contains over 90 compounds and substances with cancer fighting properties that most people don’t know about, and the scholarly studies behind them.

Vitamins Minerals & Herbs. Vitamins, Mineral, & Herbs Here is is vitamin, mineral, and herb protocol I used while taking baking soda: This is a scaled back version of what Larry recommended for Cesium Therapy. Research shows ginger selectively kills breast cancer cells. (NaturalNews) Ginger extract may turn out to be more effective at fighting breast cancer than any drug currently on the market - so suggest the findings of a new study conducted by researchers from the Biological Sciences Department, Faculty of Sciences, King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia, and published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology.

Ginger Destroys Cancer More Effectively than Death-Linked Cancer Drugs. (1) Facebook. Research: Curcumin Is A Triple Negative Breast Cancer Killer. Dallas Oxygen BarDallas Oxygen Bar. Burzynski: Cancer Is Serious Business. Anti-Cancer Superfoods. Woman Stuns Researchers by Overcoming Cancer with Turmeric Spice. Man Heals Cancer with Diet, Gets off 25 Medications. New wonder drug matches and kills all kinds of cancer — human testing starts 2014. VRM: Alternative Cancer Cures That Work & Your Government Still Can’t Ban them From Use! « Vaccine Resistance Movement. Chinese Plant Compound Wipes out Cancer in 40 Days, Says New Research. "10000 Times Stronger Killer Of Cancer Than Chemo" - Do Share It: Amazing Video.

Cannabis - THC. Cancer is cured safely, in spite of widespread suppression by the "cancer industry" Philadelphia Doctors Cure Girl of Cancer with HIV. CANCER CURES. Virus kills breast cancer cells in laboratory. Cancer breakthrough: Grape seed extract kills colorectal cancer cells. Cancer vaccine shrinks tumors, healthy cells escape unscathed. Bicarbonate Maple Cancer Treatment. Kanzius RF Therapy. How will nanobots help cure cancer?" Gold nanostars deliver drugs directly to cancer cell nucleus. Nanotechnology Cancer Treatments" John Kanzius. The healer. Cancer. Alternative Cancer Treatments. Cancer Cures. Cures for Cancer. MMS: Miracle Mineral Solution / Supplement. Cancer Treatments and Cures.

Cures for cancer. Direct Observation of Nanoparticle–Cancer Cell Nucleus Interactions - ACS Nano. Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest. Cancer: the Forbidden Cures - Full Documentary. CancerTruth. Brain Cancer Healed with an Alkaline Diet. (2) Max Heller. Alkalize For Health - Cancer Self-Treatment - Cancer Alternatives. Alkaline / Kangen Water. Alkaline Foods. (1) Facebook. Caesium chloride. Health Sciences Institute. BAKING SODA Kills CANCER,2of2 Matches NC Dr 30years ago.Cured his CANCER 5 days YT=VitoVerns CH.

DCA - Dichloroacetic acid

Doctors Inject HIV Into Dying Girl, Cure Her Leukemia. Alternative Cancer Treatments (Mother Nature Knows Best) One-Minute Cure for Cancer and Virtually All Diseases.