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Solidatech - Ressources numériques pour les associations. Maison de la Vie - SIEL Bleu. Anatec - L'épargne pour tous. Association Française du syndrome d'Angelman - AFSA. Syrians & Friends Paris. LinkedIn Search powered by Algolia. 30 Beautiful Examples of Screenshots in Web Design. Screenshots are commonly used in the design of portfolio sites, template/theme shops, and web app sites.

30 Beautiful Examples of Screenshots in Web Design

In many cases the screenshots are a major part of the design that helps to attract the attention of visitors. It may be a single screenshot or a group of several screenshots with a 3D effect. In this post we’ll showcase 30 websites that are using screenshots effectively in their design. Take notice of how the designers are using these images in the design and maybe it will provide some inspiration or ideas that could be useful in you own work.

Le nouveau réflexe cinéma. The Original Women's Mountain Bike.

Sites de référence

Jolicloud. Reedian - Introducing Foldr, the most advanced iOS client for Dropbox and Google Drive. MacBook Air - It thinks and acts like a full-size Mac. 50 Impressive UI Design From Dribbble.