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Programme, horaires et séances des cinémas proches de vous - CinémurFilms, bandes-annonces et séances - Cinémur

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The Simple Things You Should Be Doing Every Morning (But Aren't) The alarm sounds and you're off: Onto checking emails, finding car keys and, if you're lucky, brushing your hair. The madness, the rush of it all -- it's got to stop. Adding intention into your morning routine is in your best interest: It sets the tone for the rest of your day, and may ultimately reflect how productive, happy and calm you'll be for your following waking hours. You have the power to wake up on the right side of the bed every single morning for the rest of your life. "If the first thing you do in the morning isn’t 100 percent for you, selfishly, then the rest of your day will be spent not doing anything for you," writes Micah Baldwin, founder and CEO of Graphicly. "Find something that is yours, and yours alone," Baldwin advises.

hors-circuits Présentation du projet Periplus sur le site de l'IRI Le domaine des contenus accessibles depuis les réseaux publics (e.g. Internet) ou privés est dans une phase de transformation profonde, du fait de la numérisation de la plupart des documents existants, de la diversification des médias et des terminaux. La multiplication des informations et des connaissances numériques accessibles à travers les moteurs de recherche, la vidéo à la demande, les plateformes d’échanges et d’annotations ou encore les réseaux sociaux est aujourd’hui porteur de défis majeurs tant d’un point de vue économique que social. Parmi ces grands challenges, focalisons-nous sur les modalités d’interface avec la masse des documents numériques.

Insonoriser une pièce Isoler le plafond Dans une pièce haute de plafond, la solution la plus efficace est le doublement par un faux-plafond. Il est constitué de plaques de plâtre fixées sur des profilés métalliques et garnies d'isolant tels la laine de verre, de roche ou de bois, les panneaux de polystyrène ou les isolants phoniques fins. Pour les plafonds bas, coller des dalles acoustiques en polystyrène, liège ou fibre de verre, directement sur la surface mais cette solution est généralement moins esthétique. Isoler les murs Une solution radicale et laborieuse - mais qui préserve la surface de la pièce - consiste en la suppression du plâtre entre les colombages du mur, puis son remplacement par un isolant type laine de verre.

Nao module tutorial This article is outdated! Setting up a C++ project for the NAO Robot on a Linux machine. 1. Download and extract the SDK from the Aldebaran webpage to some directory (Version has to match the version installed on the robot).2. Change to the modules/src directory inside your SDK directory. 3. Readability - An Arc90 Lab Experiment Update: On February 1, 2011, Readability was re-launched into a full-fledged reading platform that includes mobile support, queuing articles for reading later and a greatly improved reading view. In addition, the platform provides a unique model for supporting publishers and writers through your reading activity. Visit to learn more. Reading anything on the Internet has become a full-on nightmare. As media outlets attempt to eke out as much advertising revenue as possible, we’re left trying to put blinders on to mask away all the insanity that surrounds the content we’re trying to read. It’s almost like listening to talk radio, except the commercials play during the program in the background.

7 Image Search Tools That Will Change Your Life by Maria Popova What martinis have to do with reverse art lookup and obscure German calendars from the 1990’s. Although Google has been playing with some fun image search toys in its lab and the official Google Image Search has recently significantly upped its game, some of its most hyped features — color search, instant scrolling, hover preview — are but mere shadows of sleeker, better versions that geekier, more sophisticated image search tools offer. Here are seven of our favorites. Freelance Contracts: Do’s And Don’ts - Smashing Magazine Advertisement In the world of freelancing, the entrepreneur has to take on a number of tasks for themselves that would normally be handled by a separate department at a bigger company. Most of these tasks are not part of the creative processes that freelance workers are used to, but rather are more tedious, left-brain paperwork. Right-brain creatives often shudder at the thought of these forays into linear domains.

Retrieve GMail's "noname" attachments There is a bug in Google Mail that sometimes gives you "noname" attachments, bizarrely encoded (it's called "appledouble"), when sent from a Mac. Google have been made aware of the problem in March 2007 and are... hum... "working on it". Here you can upload those files and retrieve them decoded. If for some reason it doesn't work, send me your noname file *zipped* and I'll see what I can do to make the script better.

Velocity - VTL Reference About this Guide This guide is the reference for the Velocity Template Language (VTL). For more information, please also refer to the Velocity User Guide. References Variables

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