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SJSU Plagiarism Tutorial. Welcome to the SJSU Plagiarism tutorial, an educational Web site designed to help you understand plagiarism.

SJSU Plagiarism Tutorial

IMPORTANT: If you have trouble accessing any portion of this tutorial, it may be due to whether or not your computer allows cookies to be set. This generally occurs when you enter portions of the tutorial that require you to enter a user name and password to access a restricted database. Visit: to find instructions on how to reset your browser. Copyright © 2003-2004. San Jose State University Library. The St. Martin’s Tutorial on Avoiding Plagiarism. Plagiarism Tutorial at Duke University.

University - College Of Arts and Sciences - Plagiarism. "Academic Integrity is expected of every Cornell Student in all academic undertakings.

University - College Of Arts and Sciences - Plagiarism

Integrity entails a firm adherence to a set of values, and the values most essential to an academic community are grounded on the concept of honesty with respect to the intellectual efforts of oneself and others. " - Cornell Code of Academic Integrity, p. 1 Plagiarism is the unacknowledged use of the words or ideas of others. It is the most common form of academic integrity violation at Cornell, comprising over 60% of all reported cases within the last three years. This web presentation will introduce you to Cornell's policy on plagiarism and review ways of avoiding common errors.

Tutorial Home Page: How to Recognize Plagiarism, School of Education, Indiana University at Bloomington. Choose between New and Old Tutorials We have recently improved instruction in the Plagiarism Tutorial and Tests.

Tutorial Home Page: How to Recognize Plagiarism, School of Education, Indiana University at Bloomington

Make Your Choice Click or touch a link below. Note: You can return to the old tutorial at any time, by clicking on the link in the footer on any page in the new tutorial. You will return to the new tutorial whenever you register or login to take a Certification Test. Tutorial Home: Welcome! The academic community highly values the acknowledgment of contributions to knowledge. When you properly acknowledge the contributions to knowledge made by other people, you are showing respect for their work. Thus, avoiding plagiarism is important -- both in writing and speaking. This tutorial is divided into sections: It often takes 1-2 hours to complete this tutorial and pass the test.

Plagiarism Tutorial: Test Your Knowledge. Plagiarism is a serious academic offense!

Plagiarism Tutorial: Test Your Knowledge

The University of Southern Mississippi's undergraduate and graduate bulletins both include statements about plagiarism: "When cheating is discovered, the faculty member may give the student an F on the work involved or in the course. Academic Integrity & Student Conduct. Academic Integrity & Student Conduct. Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. What happens if I am accused of an academic integrity violation?

Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

You will be contacted by an Academic Integrity Monitor (AIM) to discuss the alleged violation. If the AIM determines sufficient evidence exists that a violation occurred, then your case will be forwarded to the All-University Academic Integrity Board (AUAIB). If you contest the allegations or sanction, you will have the opportunity to meet with a representative from Academic Initiatives and Integrity to discuss the process and your rights prior to the Board hearing. Will I be allowed to plead my case before the AUAIB? If you are at risk of suspension, expulsion, or loss of scholarship due to an academic integrity violation, you will be allowed to participate in the AUAIB hearing. I don’t agree with the AUAIB’s decision. Yes. It was an honest mistake! Intent does not matter. What should I do if I know that someone is cheating? Will a violation appear on my transcript? Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.


Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs

Violation Levels: The following violation levels are assigned to specific types of violations of the University’s Academic Integrity Policy; if a violation of academic integrity principles occurs which is not specifically provided for below, then any sanctions will be based on the most similar type of violation that exists in the rubric.

A violation will be considered as a single violation up until the point that a student receives notice of that violation; additional infractions occurring after that point will be considered separately for purposes of this rubric. If assignment of a sanction requires the Board to interpret the sanction rubric, the Board shall provide a rationale for its determination and application of the particular sanction(s). General guidance on substantial issues of interpretation of the sanction rubric shall be provided by the Provost/Vice Chancellor. Copying from or viewing another student’s work during an examination. II. III. IV. V.